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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Introduction » avec la valeur « Think of putting aside your damaged cloth to give them a second life. You can even do it from a thread of fabric too. Then you'll be able to use it for washing your dish or yourself depending of the material you use. A soft material like cotton is good for the body, t-shirt also works, only jeans and pants are not recomendable. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 58 résultats à partir du n°1.

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Liste de résultats

    • Tawashi  + (Think of putting aside your damaged cloth Think of putting aside your damaged cloth to give them a second life. You can even do it from a thread of fabric too. Then you'll be able to use it for washing your dish or yourself depending of the material you use. A soft material like cotton is good for the body, t-shirt also works, only jeans and pants are not recomendable.only jeans and pants are not recomendable.)
    • Tawashi  + (Think of putting aside your damaged cloth Think of putting aside your damaged cloth to give them a second life. You can even do it from a thread of fabric too. Then you'll be able to use it for washing your dish or yourself depending of the material you use. A soft material like cotton is good for the body, t-shirt also works, only jeans and pants are not recomendable.only jeans and pants are not recomendable.)
    • Biofilter  + ("Worm Composting" Worm composting works b"Worm Composting" Worm composting works by breaking down organic waste using earthworms (notably Eisenia Fetida) which mimics the process performed by living organisms in the surface layer of the soil. Food waste (vegetable peelings, scraps of food, even animal carcasses, faeces etc.) is a source of nourishment which is eaten and digested by micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi) and earthworms in the worm compost.This process of digestion promotes mineralisation of waste products, converting them into simple elements (azote, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron , trace elements etc.) which can then be absorbed by plants, giving them essential nutrients for their growth and development The end-products of this process are leachate (or ‘brown liquid’ from compost) and ‘worm tea’ from humus. Leachate (brown liquid) is rich in nutrients, beneficial micro-organisms and organic molecules yet to be broken down and is made up of liquid earthworm faeces, moisture from compost and fresh plant matter which has fallen from above. Humus (a dark, lumpy substance that feels moist to touch) contains essential minerals for plants, humic acid (the molecule which stimulates their metabolism and root growth) and decomposers in the form of beneficial micro-organisms. It effectively acts as a larder as it stores nutrients to which plants have a progressive and continuous supply. The Biofilter The way this works is that decomposers effectively finish off the process of “digesting” chemical compounds which are then readily and directly accessible to the plant. In healthy soil, this is a continuous process. The liquid which comes from out of the biofilter contains beneficial micro-organisms and elements which can be easily absorbed by plants. The benefits of this process taking place in a biofilter is that it prevents the plant roots from rotting and resulting in decay or deficiencies. An aerobic process takes place in the biofilter i.e. in the presence of oxygen. The biofilter uses an active flow of liquid (water + organic matter) which acts as an ‘oxygenating fountain’ by cascading onto beds which are made of microporous and aerated material such as volcanic rock, pumice stone or expanded clay balls and beds made of aerated materials high in cellulose such as straw, dried grass, dried reeds etc. suitable for the growth of fungi. Why combine worm compost with and a biofilter? The Leachate (or brown liquid) that is collected after composting is a substance that has not entirely been broken down. Adding a biofilter to the worm compost allows completion of the process which produces the different nutrients needed by the plant . You then end up with a “fertiliser” which can be used even on an inert substrate (as with soil-less cultivation or hydroponics) which in turn brings beneficial micro-organisms into the system. Humus can be harvested either by hand-sorting or waiting until the earthworms have migrated. It then can be used to enrich soil or potting substrates. This system works by the earthworms building their colony in the upper section (approximately in the first 15 centimetres) with the humus that has been produced remaining in the lower section and the leachate draining into the biofilter which then becomes enriched with nutrients as it passes through the humus. This type of worm composter is mostly used for collecting leachate. Uses: There are varying scales of worm composting: from large scale operations for spreading on crops to making it on much smaller, domestic scale e.g. for making fertiliser for personal use to grow plants either with or without soil. The real benefits can be seen both in isolated areas where there is farming activity or even in urban areas where crops are grown out of the soil (e.g. on rooftops) a virtuous feeding cycle can be established by combining the processes of recycling organic waste with producing fertiliser for plants. In this tutorial, you will learn ways in which can make your own worm compost (approximately 50L for each of the biofilter and worm composting systems). There are, of course, alternative ways it can be made using different ratios and other materials, but this one is thought to be the one which can be achieved successfully by most people and can be adapted to suit local conditions.d can be adapted to suit local conditions.)
    • Detergente con jabón de Marsella  + (<div class="icon-instructions caution-i
      Para todas las cuestiones relacionadas con la fabricación de cosméticos naturales o productos del hogar, recomendamos la utilización de material adecuado para ello, que habrá sido desinfectado con alcohol antes de cada utilización (con el objetivo de permitir una óptima conservación de sus productos).
      Trabajamos continuamente con Mobilab Songo en la investigación, experimentación y documentación para compartir un conjunto de conocimientos sobre la autonomía. Todo ello con un enfoque libre (código abierto), ecológico (lowtech, permacultural, etc.) y solidario (de libre participación). Si te gusta lo que publicamos/documentamos (webseries, artículos, tutoriales, formación, etc.), ¡puedes contribuir a mantener esta aventura en marcha!
      Para '''[ contribuir pincha aquí]''' ! Para saber más sobre nuestro proyecto visita '''[ nuestra página web].'''
      ribuir pincha aquí]''' !</big> Para saber más sobre nuestro proyecto visita '''<big>[ nuestra página web].</big>''')
    • Bokashi Kompost für die Küche  + (<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> Jed
      Jedes Jahr werden in Frankreich 320 kg Abfälle (das enspricht ca. 90 Müllsäcken) pro Kopf produziert, von denen 120 kg organische Abfälle sind, die potentiell für andere Anwendungen verwendet werden können. Diese können insbesondere als Dünger für den Anbau von Pflanzen verwendet werden. Auf dem Land ist es einfach, organische Abfälle zu kompostieren. In der Stadt hingegen schwieriger. Da allerdings mehr als 3/4 der französischen Bevölkerung im städtischen Umfeld wohnen, ist das Nutzungspotential eines sochen Komposts sehr hoch. Die Produktion von Kompost aus organischen Abfällen ermöglicht es, Pflanzen und Gemüse bei sich zu Hause selber anzubauen. Im städtischen Umfeld sind die Nutzungsmöglichkeiten vielfältig: * zum Aneignen von Wissen über den Anbau von Pflanzen * für mehr Nahrungsmittelsouveränität * zur Entgiftung der Umwelt * um qualitative Nahrungsmittel aus näherer Umgebung essen zu können
      *Se réapproprier les méthodes de culture *Tendre vers la souveraineté alimentaire *Dépolluer l’air environnant *Manger des produits de qualité et de proximité Der '''Bokashi''' (auf japanisch "organische, fermentierte Materie" ) ist eine sehr effiziente Kompostiermethode, die im städtischen Kontext angewendet werden kann. Er beruht auf der Anwendung der sogenannten effektiven Mikroorganismen (EM). ''' Was machen die effektiven Mikroorganismen (EM)?''' In der Natur konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Zersetzung organischen Materials in guten Humus durch eine Flora und Fauna geschieht, die aus Pilzen und Bakterien zusammengesetzt ist. Diese "effektiven" Mikroorganismen repräsentieren ungefähr 10% der natürlichen Mikroorganismen. Die EM sind eine Mischung aus 80 Bakterienstämmen, ausgewählt aus diesen effektiven Mikroorganismen. Sie für den Kompost zu benutzen, ermöglicht die Funktionsweise eines gesunden Humus zu imitieren und die Zersetzung von organischem Material zu optimieren. Der Kompost, der mit Hilfe dieser Mikroorganismen funktioniert, heißt "Bokashi". Bemerkung: Die EM können für den Anbau von Planzen in Erde benutzt werden, um einen nährstoffarmen Boden wieder zum Leben zu erwecken. Wenn man dies allerdings auf einem schon gut funktionierenden Boden anwendet, kann dies allerdings schädlich sein, da es die Erde aus dem Gleichgewicht bringen kann.
      Es ist möglich [] selber lokale Bakterienstämme zu gewinnen, um seine eigenen "effektiven Mikroorganismen" herzustellen. Dies benötigt allerdings gute Kenntnisse. Einfacher ist es, die Bakterienstämme aus dem Internet zu beziehen, in Deutschland zum Beispiel über [] oder []. Es gibt zwei Formen von effektiven Mikroorganismen: * Die EM 1: das sind konzentrierte Bakterienstämme, die noch eine Etappe vor der Benutzung benötigen: man muss sie mit Melasse "aktivieren". *Die EM A (steht für effektive Mikroorganismen aktiv oder fermentiert): die Mischung wurde schon im Vorhinein mit der Melasse aktivert, was dazu führt, dass die Haltbarkeit sehr kurz ist (ungefähr einen Monat lang). Dennoch ist es vorteilhaft, sich direkt mit diesen EM A auszustatten.
      *Les EM 1 : ce sont des souches concentrées qui nécessitent une étape avant utilisation : il faut les « activer » avec de la mélasse. *Les EM A (pour micro-organismes efficaces activés ou fermentés) : le mélange avec la mélasse a été réalisé en amont, cependant la durée de conservation est courte (de l’ordre d’un mois). Il est tout de même préférable de se fournir directement des EM A. '''Wie funktioniert der Bokashi?'''
      Der Bokashi ist das Produkt, welches man aus der Fermentation von organischen Abfällen erhält, die mit der EM A bestäubt wurden. Damit sich die Bakterien gut entwickeln, muss man den Behälter hermetisch verschließen und bei einer Temperatur von 20°C bis 25°C lagern. Das Resultat der Kompostierung ist: * ein sehr reichhaltiger Saft für Pflanzen (zu 1% mit Wasser zu verdünnen ) * Ein fester Kompost, der reich an Mineralien und Mikroorganismen ist
      *Un jus très nutritif pour les plantes (à diluer à 1% avec de l’eau) *Un compost solide riche en minéraux et micro-organismes Auf Grund der Benutzung eines wasserdichten und hermetisch abgeschlossenen Behälters, ist der Bokashi besonders gut an einen städtischen Kontext angepasst: er ist abgeschlossen, riecht nicht, die Kompostierung geht schnell, was einen Eimer von geringer Größe möglich macht, und der Saft ist direkt nutzbar, um Kulturen "hors sol" also z.B. in Blumentöpfen oder auf Substrat anzubauen. Dieses Tutorial wurde realisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit Léon-Hugo Bonte, Landschaftsarchitekt, Anhänger von der "culture d'intérieur hors sol", regelmäßiger Benutzer des Bokashi und der EM seit zahlreichen Jahren. '''Retrouvez [ ICI] la vidéo tuto.''' '''Retrouvez dans [ ce rapport] une analyse à l'usage de ce compost Bokashi, ainsi que des 11 autres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.'''
      utres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.''')
    • Machine à pédalier pour moulin à grain  + (Ce projet a été mené par des élèves de CenCe projet a été mené par des élèves de CentraleSupelec (ex Centrale Paris), dans le cadre d'un projet scolaire en partenariat avec la [ Fondation Yachana], et avec l'association [ Latitudes]. Il a été ensuite été réalisée au centre Yachana, au coeur de la forêt amazonienne. L'association [ Latitudes] se veut fer du lance du Tech for Good. Elle met en relation des entrepreneurs de l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) ayant un projet à accomplir, et des étudiants cherchant à mettre à profit un projet scolaire pour un projet à valeur sociale forte. La [ Fondation Yachana] a pour vocation de proposer une éducation théorique et pratique aux jeunes habitant dans des communautés reculées, afin de leur donner un accès à l'éducation et à une plus grande autonomie. Le produit réalisé au centre est entièrement en métal, et conçu pour recevoir un moulin à grain ''Corona Han Mill''. Ce moulin est conçu pour une utilisation quotidienne avec des quantités moyennes, principalement pour faire de la farine de maïs afin de nourrir les animaux du centre. Il a cependant été pensé pour pouvoir être utilisé avec une machine autre qu'un moulin. Enfin, il est possible de remplacer l'armature en métal par une armature en bois, auquel cas il faudra rajouter des équerres et des renforts obliques. Cependant, étant données les fortes contraintes qui s'exercent sur la structure, on préconise l'utilisation de métal. Outre la lourdeur de l'outillage nécessaire et les quelques étapes techniques, la grande difficulté de ce tutoriel réside dans la précision nécessaire dans les mesures, notamment pour assurer l'alignement de l'axe..mment pour assurer l'alignement de l'axe..)
    • Enhanced cooker  + (In the countryside around Sucre, Bolivia, In the countryside around Sucre, Bolivia, women cook using wood fire. The smoke from the wood consumption leads to cough and lungs diseases. The wood is consumed more rapidly outdoors and, as they do not own any car, the families have to go and get the wood (leña) by foot which could be up to 3 hours away down the mountain. The "enhanced cookers" or "cocinas mejoradas" are located inside, sheltered from rain and wind. They have a chimney which leads the smoke outside, improving health conditions of the women who cook and their family who do not breathe the smoke anymore. These cookers are more efficient and consume wood less rapidly. So, less ways to gather leña are necessary. The association Instituto Politecnico Tomas Katari - IPTK of Sucre works with 14 communities around Pitantora in Bolivia in order to improve Food Safety of families living in rural areas. The association builds enhanced cookers for families but also teaches them to build them. The IPTK's support is sustainable through time thanks to a real knowledge transfer: the families who know how to build cocina mejorada can then help other familles build their own. Advantages: * Cheap because is made using local materials * Health enhancement (smoke is led outside) * Reduction of wood consumption * Gain of time (more efficient cooking, less ways are required to get the wood) Caution : Cooking inside can lead to additional work: it was necessary to add windows to the houses made of Adobe -houses made of earth and straw- so that sun beams can light the room. (Before windows were not necessary as women cooked outside) Disadvantages: The cocina mejorada is only adapted to the pots it was built for. If you change your pots, it should be necessary to adjust the size of the holes which let the heat pass through. If your new pot is smaller, you can try to fix it in the hole using rocks (so that it does not fall) but the cooking will be less efficient as the heat will escape between the rocks. The cocina mejorada can be built within a day but it is previously necessary to let the donkey's dung ferment for 5 days.let the donkey's dung ferment for 5 days.)
    • Filtro de agua de cerámica  + (La empresa Merinsa ha desarrollado el filtLa empresa Merinsa ha desarrollado el filtro de cerámica Filtron, con la asociación Potters For Peace de los Estados Unidos, para ayudar las familias que viven a la periferia pobre de Lima y que no tienen acceso al agua potable. Una investigación ha mostrado cómo los filtros reducen las enfermedades causadas por el ingestión de agua sucia: 60 familias recibieron un filtro en los barrios pobres cerca de Lima. Se comparó su estado de salud con el de 60 familias que no tenían filtros. El Filtron ha demostrado ser muy eficaz para bajar las enfermedades estomacales. Al final de la investigación, las 60 familias que no tenían filtros han recibido uno. El Filtron puede filtrar 2L de agua cada hora y elimina partículas y bacterias. Según el tamaño del envase de plástico, es posible conservar 10L de agua. Por ello, el filtro es adecuado para una familia. Beneficios : * El filtro no necesita energía. * La fabricación del filtro utiliza materiales locales (tierra, virutas de madera). * Su mantenimiento es sencillo: hay que limpiarlo con una esponja todas las semanas. No hay que exponerlo al sol porque podrían crecer algas. * Es barato (la empresa Merinsa lo vende a 30 US$). * Larga duración: dura años. * Se puede cerrar el envase de plástico : la tapa evita que el agua se contamine otra vez. Inconvenientes: * Utiliza plata (material que no siempre está presente a nivel local). * Necesita de un horno que alcance los 1000 °C: hay que informarse de si un alfarero tiene un horno para cocer cerámica en su región y si pueden utilizarlo. * Es pesado e incómodo. * En este caso, el precio del filtro es bajo, pero sigue siendo demasiado caro para las personas que lo necesitan en los barrios pobres porque sus ingresos son demasiado bajos. Suelen ser asociaciones las que compran los filtros a la empresa Merinsa y los distribuyen a las familias. La empresa no se lucra con estos filtros, es una acción social. CONTEXTO: El agua es realmente una problema en Perú, en la selva, la sierra o la costa. En las ciudades, el agua tiene mucho cloro para desinfectarla. El agua corriente es, en teoría, potable, pero está frecuentemente conservada en tanques, que no están siempre cerrados, por lo que existe la posibilidad de que el agua se contamine otra vez. Por eso, las personas compran botellas de agua o filtros, como los que vende la empresa Merinsa. Todavía hay mucho que hacer en Perú para purificar el agua. En Lima, los barrios pobres se ubican alrededor de las montañas. El agua se conserva en tanques enormes y está accesible (pero contaminada) para las casas cerca del río. Las casas nuevas se construyen cada vez más arriba, porque los barrios crecen, y están ubicadas más arriba que los tanques, por lo que no tienen acceso al agua. De acuerdo con Ricardo Yupari Zarate, director general de Merinsa, otra causa diferente a la economía puede explicar por qué las familias que viven en barrios pobres no compran filtros: la educación. Las familias no saben que sus enfermedades estomacales están causadas por el agua contaminada que ingieren, por lo que no entienden por qué se necesitan filtros. Algunas familias de las que recibieron un Filtron quitaron el filtro de cerámica para usar solamente el envase de plástico, porque les parecía la forma más evidente de utilizarlo. Para las asociaciones caritativas que distribuyen los filtros, hace falta un trabajo de educación y de seguimiento para que la donación sea efectiva.imiento para que la donación sea efectiva.)
    • Insulated mattress  + (NEEDED : With the winter arriving on LeNEEDED : With the winter arriving on Lesvos island, it was decisive to propose a solution to the cold infiltration inside the tents. In addition to the wooden pallets, this insulated mattress enables to improve insulation from the ground. ACCESSIBILITY : Made from life jackets' foam which can be easily fund here, these mattresses permit to disminish the material pollution on the island. The survival blankets and plastic tarpaulin wraping the mattress, even if not coming from salvage, enable to improve the insulate and waterproof aspects of the mattress against humidity. Facing the emergency of the situation and the time imperative, we could not sew an insulating tarpaulin, which for example could have been made with the inflatable dinghy's fabrick stored on the island .le dinghy's fabrick stored on the island .)
    • Ash and animal fat soap  + (On the outskirts of Antananarivo, capital On the outskirts of Antananarivo, capital of Madagascar, the Andralanitra landfill covers some 20 hectares and receives between 350 and 550 tons of waste every day. More than 3000 ragpickers work there daily, sorting, recovering and recycling waste. Among them, two inhabitants of the neighbouring district, Chris and Aimé, launched a few years ago the production of a "Gasy" soap (made in Madagascar) based on organic waste recovered from the landfill and animal fat. They have created a small business around the sale of their soap, and after a few years of activity they produce and sell nearly 3000 a week. They have even exported their activity into the bush, where hygiene problems and access to this type of product are very difficult. Their business is quite successful and has advantages that can't be ignored: with 1kg of animal fat, bought for 1200 Ariary (0.33€), they produce around 30 soaps which they sell for 200 Ariary apiece. The plant matter used in the making of the soap as well as the fuel used for the preparation heating are salvaged from the waste, which does not yield any extra cost. This tutorial details the making of Gasy soap according to Chris and Aimé's method. It is obvious that this kind of remedy contrasts with European hygiene standards, but as stated above, certain disadvantaged areas of Madagascar do not have any access to cleanliness. What's more, Chris and Aimé remind us by this that it is very easy to make your own soap using these traditional methods, with results as good as commercial soap., with results as good as commercial soap.)
    • Rainwater harvesting  + (Rainwater is fresh water that we can almosRainwater is fresh water that we can almost drink (depending on regions and local pollution). It is interesting to harvest rainwater for various domestic uses : sanitation facilities (shower, toilets), watering gardens, ... When filtered, it can also be used for drinking. An ingenious system of rainwater harvest has been implemented in Desde Oriente, at Punte de Lobos in Chile. In this place, there is a house where a bunch of inventions are tested in order to become self-sufficient and reduce one's environmental impact. There, all roofs are fitted with a gutter that allows to collect rainwater and direct it to a tank where it will be stored. The issue lies in the fact that the first liters of rainwater wash the roofs from its accumulated dust, dead leaves and dirt. The simple and efficient tip is to separate these first dirty liters from the next thanks to a T-shaped pipe and a floating ball. This methods prevents the leaves, dirt and particles to clog the smaller piping and filters for clean water.maller piping and filters for clean water.)
    • Salt preservation method applied in Rwanda  + (Salt is used in different doses depending Salt is used in different doses depending on storage needs. At 2% (by mass), it slows the development of certain microorganisms and will bring a salty taste. On the other hand, in high doses, it will destroy almost all of the microorganisms. By reducing the product's water activity, this process slows or stops microbial development. There are two systems: salting (or salting) and brining. These techniques are used in cheese making, delicatessen and for certain species of fish (herring, salmon ...). Finally, according to traditional recipes, smoking can be associated with it.ecipes, smoking can be associated with it.)
    • Solar coffee roaster  + (Several steps need to be considered in ordSeveral steps need to be considered in order to turn the coffee grain growing on its tree into the steaming hot drink waking you up every morning. After being picked from the tree, the fruit must soak into the water and its husk must be peeled. The grain should then ferment and being roasted before being grinded. This roasting is giving the grain all its flavour. Coffee is one of the main exported product of Peru. At the Granja Ecologica in Huyro, Peru, students and professors from the PUCP University have developed different low tech tools. In this region where coffee is being grown, they created a coffee solar roaster using a cement mixer. Designed for the use of a family or a community more than for an industrial use, this roaster can roast 4kg of coffee within 20 minutes. It allows the communities living in coffee plantations to consume their own production, while controling the process of making coffee. Thus, these communities do not have to buy coffee sold on the market, which is usually roasted and packaged on the other side of the world. Roasting coffee using a pan takes a long time, as it is always necessary to stir in the grains. The cement mixer allows a homogeneous grain roasting and we can let the process run while doing something else. The solar coffee roaster saves energy, time and increase the independancy of the communities living in coffee plantations. Here is how to built such a machine. Our goal is to inspired and encourage the construction of machines using salvage materials.  You can adapt this device to your needs, the material and tools you have at your disposal!
      We are two French students exploring low technologies in South America. Do not hesitate to follow our adventure here : </div>)
    • Solar air heater  + (The design of this solar heating was stronThe design of this solar heating was strongly inspired by Guy Isabel, on the plans he describes in his book Les capteurs solaires à air, Eyrolles edition. The sun transmits energy to the earth by radiation. At the equator, the radiation reaches the power of 1000 W / m², it is by comparison, the power of a small electric heater. Solar energy is a free and intermittent energy, which is relatively simple to transform efficiently as heat, (yield easily above 60%). [ This website] allows to know according to the season and the geographical position, many parameters such as the maximum power per m², the angle of the sun compared to the place. This other website makes it possible to calculate these values almost everywhere on earth by taking into account the horizon line, the orientation of the panels and other parameters. The values displayed by default correspond to the photovoltaic energy generated, but it is possible to display the radiation in kwh/m². Solar air heater Concretely, it is a question of transforming the solar radiation into heat thanks to what is called a black body (for example the very hot tar in the summer or the dashboard of a car parked in full sun). For housing, the most common systems on this principle are solar water heaters, often installed on the slopes of roofs to make domestic hot water supplements of conventional systems. Less known, the air sensor allows to heat the air of a room. This tutorial presents the manufacture of an air sensor of 2 m² designed for the heating of the air of a room of 10 to 15 m² of 5 to 7 ° C winter on average, for France. It is a complement to the conventional heating system, which allows appreciable financial and ecological savings. At a cost of around € 200, it is quickly amortized. Principle In winter, the sensor sucks in the air from below, heats it thanks to the shaving sun, then restores it to the habitat through the high outlet, at a temperature of up to 70 ° C locally instantly diluted in the ambient atmosphere.
      In summer, an external hatch allows to reject the hot air of the sensor outside while aspiring at the same time the air of the habitat, thus creating a natural ventilation.
      A valve connected to a thermostatic jack, allows to manage automatically and without electricity, the opening of the air circulation, only when it has reached more than 25 ° C in the sensor. '''Retrouvez dans [ ce rapport] une analyse à l'usage de ce chauffage solaire, ainsi que des 11 autres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.'''
      ntées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.''')
    • Simple powerbank  + (This tutorial presents the manufacture of This tutorial presents the manufacture of a very simple powerbank allowing the feeding of a small lighting or the charging of a smartphone via a USB socket. It is made from lithium-ion cells recovered from used laptop batteries. '''Safety''' : [ Lithium-ion batteries] can be particularly dangerous. Their charges and discharges must be protected with a suitable electronic circuit. In addition, short circuiting a cell can cause it to explode: It is therefore imperative to handle them with care: gloves and goggles. '''Laptop batteries''': Removable computer batteries are mostly made up of lithium-ion cells in series or parallel with an input charge / discharge regulator. When a battery is faulty, it is very likely that only one of the cells or even just the regulator fails. It is still possible to reuse the others. '''Why reuse this type of cells / batteries?''' * Storage: This type of technology is currently one of the lightest compared to the amount of energy it can store. * [ Environment]: 1300T of accumulators are thrown away each year with a forecast at 14000T for 2020. Depending on the country, they end up either in nature, rejecting toxic substances, or part of them for energy-consuming recycling. However, many of the cells are potentially usable as is for a new life. * Economy: Small local economies can arise from the reuse of lithium-ion cells still usable, for the production of lamps, powerbanks, etc. '''Technical data''' : The realization of a powerbank from lithium-ion cells requires cell recovery as well as the acquisition of an electronic module charge / discharge. 2 options are available later: The simplest option (explained in this tutorial) is the use of a single lithium-ion cell. This option requires only to validate the proper functioning of the cell by a voltage test. The second option is to couple several cells together according to their load capacity. This requires more complex manipulation available [ ici].=R%C3%A9cup%C3%A9ration_de_batteries ici].)
    • Solar Oven (box-type oven)  + (''' CONTEXT :''' "The increase of greenho''' CONTEXT :''' "The increase of greenhouse gases concerns the entire planet. Each solar oven avoid the production of 1.5 tons of CO2 per year." Bolivia Inti. Indeed, almost 3 billions of individuals only got wood to cook their food. 1. '''In the "Southern" countries ''' In the Southern countries, the solar cooker answers many issues and presents numerous benefits : * Health: prevent eyes and lungs infection due to smoke production, avoid diarrhoea by making water clean through the process of pasteurization. * Environment: restrain the deforestation and the soil degradation. * Climate: reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. * Economic: reduce the cost of combustible * Human: emancipate women and children from the wood chore (15 hours par week, 4 times 20kg). 2. '''In the Northern countries''' : In the Northern countries, more and more people wish to be self-sufficient regarding energy. David is one of them; he is using the solar energy. He use a solar oven to boil his water, cook his pieds, cakes or others recipes with gentle cooking. 3. '''Advantages''' : Built from easy to find material: wood, plywood board, domestic aluminium paper, glass and thermal insulator (cork, sheep's wool, vermiculite, polystyrene...). The production process is easy and cheap. When the sun is here, you can reach high temperatures, up to 120° to 170°, in this two ears system. '''Functioning''' : The solar oven is a box hermetically isolated with a transparent cover and reflective faces inside: the sun rays enter by the glass and reflect on the borders of the box to hit the dark surface of the pot. The energy of those rays is so transformed into heat, heat that is stuck in the box. To increase the received solar flux, two ears covered by aluminium are fixed on each side of the box. This permits to reflect the light on the glass which should be as perpendicular as possible to the sun rays. With the metropolitan France's latitudes, the right tilt of sun regarding to the horizon is around 60° in summer and 30° in winter. Thereby, the optimal tilt of the glass is 30° in winter and 60° in summer. The solar oven only runs thanks to the sun rays: clouds, fog and dust reduce the the radiation and thereby, therefore increase the cooking time.
      Note of the author (David)   Dominique Loquais (un presque voisin) m'a prêté son "[ four solaire Atominique]". Les performances de sont four atomique ne sont pas comparable à celui que je présente ici. Pour vous dire au mois de Mars j'ai fais cramer un gâteau ce qui ne serait jamais arrivé dans mon petit four même en plein été... La surface de réflexion est beaucoup plus importante sur le four atomique et une foultitude de petits détails le rend plus pertinent/performant. Je vous encourage donc si vous souhaitez vous en faire un de plutôt vous diriger vers le [ four de Dominique] ([ plan web], [ vidéo tuto], [ petit livret], [ bouquin]). Mon petit four peut convenir si vous avez peut de place car son encombrement est plus faible et si vous souhaitez l'améliorer je préconise : * D'ajouter 2 réflecteurs sur les côtés * De placer la trappe de visite à l'arrière et non sur le dessus pour ne pas perdre la chaleur quand on ouvre. Cette dernière modification ne permet plus la bascule d'inclinaison été/hiver détaillé plus bas mais honnêtement je ne m'en suis finalement jamais servie l'hiver (journée trop courte en ensoleillement, trop nuageuse...)
      l'hiver (journée trop courte en ensoleillement, trop nuageuse...)</div> </div>)
    • Wind turbine  + (''' In Africa, almost 600 million people i''' In Africa, almost 600 million people in rural areas don't have access to electricity.''' Context : Access to energy and in particular access to electricity is an indispensable condition for a country's economic and sanitary development. Although the worldwide energy consumption has almost doubled since 1970, it hasn't increased much in poorer countries. To this day approximately 2 billion people can't rely on having access to enough energy for living under reasonable conditions and 1.6 billion people don't have access to electricity at all. Consequences for environment and sanitary conditions are enormous. Renewable energies like the wind turbine might be a solution: '''A wind turbine converts kinetic energy in the form of wind into electrical energy.''' Industrial wind turbines An industrial wind turbine with a power output of 2 megawatts produces about 4400 megawatt hours per year, which is equal to the consumption of around 2000 people. Industrial wind turbines are full of sensors, movable parts, controllers and mechanical parts in general. Their production is complex and the environmental impact when building a wind turbine isn't neutral at all. Additionally up to today it isn't possible to repair a wind turbine for common people. The low-tech wind turbine A low tech wind turbine for less than 10€, simple to build from recycled parts, that's possible. Despite their slight power output compared to industrial wind turbines, they are quite good for many local applications like charging a mobile phone, powering LEDs or a little pump. For these applications some watts will be sufficient. This wind turbine might therefore be very useful for remote areas without an electricity grid but with favorable winds. In Senegal e.g. only 40 per cent of the population is connected connected to the electricity grid in urban zones and only 10 per cent in rural areas. The ability to generate electricity with the help of a self-built wind turbine provides a good opportunity.ricity with the help of a self-built wind turbine provides a good opportunity.)
    • Garde-Manger: Pantry Storage  + ('''A Quick Survey of the Food Waste Situat'''A Quick Survey of the Food Waste Situation''' Worldwide, 1/3 of total food production is thrown away. In France, this constitutes 10 billion kilograms (22 billion pounds) of food waste each year. The carbon impact of this is equivalent to 5 times the country's domestic air traffic per year. The analysis of food waste shows that 33% happens on the last link of the chain: the consumer. The losses amount to a global cost of 160€ ($189 USD)/year per person. Quantitatively, fruits and vegetables constitute the most substantial losses (50%). However, animal products (meat, fish, dairy), while representing just 6% of all food waste, represent the most significant financial loss. '''Causes of Food Waste''' Analyzing the causes of waste is relevant if we are to design the appropriate solutions to put in place to reduce it: •Sociological causes: Our pace of living; family structures; the ways of organizing our days and our meals shifting over time. We are more hurried and less attentive, which brings about food waste. •Cultural causes: Our perceptions of food, our aesthetic criteria, how we supply our food leads to a dismissal of products that are nonetheless consumable. •Poor knowledge of conserving foods: conserving is not synonymous with making cold--a refrigerator is not made to accommodate all types of food. In addition, confusions arise between terms such as "Use by," "Best-Before," and "Expired by." •Organizational problems: We lack organization before doing our grocery shopping, to question our needs and to buy the appropriate quantities. Refrigerators and cabinets are equally sources of numerous losses due to storage space that encourages stacking new food in front of older food. It's important to note that a good number of these causes can be remedied by better practices that anyone can put into place. Technical solutions can support us, mainly by: •Creating the right environmental conditions for conserving food according to food type •Promoting better visibility of produce •Making products more easily accessible.
      '''See [ this report] for an analysis of the use of this food storage system, as well as 11 other low-tech experiments throughout the project "En Quête d'un Habitat Durable"'''
      t the project "En Quête d'un Habitat Durable"''')
    • Bio-sand filter for drinking water  + ('''Remark''' This technology is currently '''Remark''' This technology is currently being tested. Results on the water quality will be available within a few months. This filter was created for individual use (5L/day) and is adapted from the work of NGO CAWST and Dr David Manz, who has been working since 2001 to spread bio-sand filters to families in need. The version presented in this tutorial is easier to build and more compact than the family filter version. '''Multiple barriers approach:''' Using multiple barriers approach is the best way to reduce risks of drinking unsafe water. Each step of the process, from sources protection to water treatment and safe storage, is responsible for a decrease of sanitary risks. The treatment process includes: water source protection, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection and safe storage. People often focus on one-step particular technology, instead of considering water treatment process as a whole. Even though individual technologies as this filter can improve water quality, it is essential to control the whole process to ensure the best water quality. '''Water treatment at home''' * Sedimentation removes big particules and often >50% of pathogens. * Filtration removes smaller particules and often > 90% of pathogens. * Disinfection removes, disactivates or kills remaining pathogens. Water treatment process at home is mainly based of pathogens elimination from drinking water, which is the most important water issue in the world. This tutorial only focuses on the filtration part. '''Operating principle :''' Bio-sand filter is an optimization of classic sand filter, that has been used for century to filter freshwater before drinking it. The bio-sand filter is composed of five different areas: * 1) '''reservoir zone''' : Where water will be poured into the filter. * 2) '''resting water zone''' : This water maintains wet sand, and lets oxygen through to the biological layer. * 3) '''biological zone''' : Develops on the 5-10 first cm of the sand surface. Sand eliminates pathogens, particules and other contaminants. As in slow sand filters, a layer of micro-organisms (also known as schmutzedecke) develops in the 1-2 cm of the sand surface. * 4) '''non-biological zone''' : Do not contains micro-organisms (or very few) because of oxygen and nutrients deprivation. * 5) '''gravel zone''' : Maintains the sand and protects the output pipe from clogging. Pathogens and suspended matters are eliminated by a combination of physical and biological processes, that take place in the sand and biological layers: * '''Mechanical trap''' : Suspended matters and pathogens are physically blocked in spaces between the grains of sand. * '''Predation''' : Pathogens are eaten by other micro-organisms of the biological layer. * '''Adsorption''' : Pathogens are attached one to another, to suspended matters and to the grains of sand. * '''Natural death''' : Pathogens die or end their life cycle, because there is not enough food or oxygen for their survival. '''Theoretical efficacity''' : This filter is intented for classical fresh water, non excessively polluted by elements like arsenic for example. In case of particularly polluted water, complementary filtration systems will have to be added. Analysis results after biosand filtration with CAWST filter: * Bacterias : Up to 96,5% in the lab, 87,9 to 98,5% on the field. * Virus : 70 to > 99% in the lab. * Protozoa: > 99,9% in the lab. * Helminth (parasitic worms): Up to 100% in the lab and on the field. * Iron : 90-95% on the field. '''Source: CAWST'''ld. * Iron : 90-95% on the field. '''Source: CAWST''')
    • Plastic pyrolyzer  + (<div class="icon-instructions caution-i
      La pyrolyse plastique est un procédé de distillation permettant de transformer des déchets plastiques en carburant. Les déchets sont chauffés à plus de 400°C dans une première cuve et se transforment en gaz. Selon les températures de condensation (refroidissement) de ce gaz, on obtient différents types de carburant : - entre 390 et 170°C, le gaz condensé produit du gazole (diesel). - entre 210 et 20°C, le gaz condensé produit de l'essence. - en dessous de 20°C, il reste du gaz résiduel incondensable qui peut servir à alimenter la chauffe du procédé. Dans le cadre de ce prototype, On utilise uniquement du polypropylène (PP) et/ou du polyéthylène haute densité (PEHD) et basse densité (LDPE). A noter qu'une majorité de polypropylène donnera plus d'essence, de même qu'une majorité de polyéthylène donnera plus de diesel. Il est cependant possible de mélanger les deux.
      té de polyéthylène donnera plus de diesel. Il est cependant possible de mélanger les deux.)
    • Recycling shower  + (<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> Thi
      This shower prototype have been realized with Jonathan Benabed, auto-constructor o f his tiny-house
      Ce prototype de douche a été réalisé avec Jonathan Benabed, autoconstructeur de sa tiny house. This system is largely inspired by the recycling shower project of [ Jason Selvarajan].
      "A few figures: * 40% of the water consumption of a French household comes from the use of the shower. This represents 60 to 80L of water per shower. * A shower head has a flow rate of about 15L/min if no water saving device is installed. * A French person spends an average of 10 minutes in the shower to wash, most of which is spent "enjoying" the hot water, waking up, etc. "The recycling shower:
      *40% de la consommation d'eau d'un ménage français provient de l'usage de la douche. Ce qui représente 60 à 80L d'eau par douche. *Un pommeau de douche a un débit d'environ 15L/min si aucun dispositif d'économie d'eau n'est installé. *Un français passe en moyenne 10 minutes dans la cabine de douche pour se laver, dont une majeure partie pour "profiter" de l'eau chaude, se reveiller, etc. '''La douche à recyclage:''' The objective of this shower prototype is to divide by 7 the water consumption of a shower without impacting the comfort of the user who want to stay under hot water for a while. The shower is currently in the test phase in order to know its real environmental and economic impact. Indeed, depending on the purchase of new or second-hand equipment, the realization of this shower can very quickly become too expensive for real profitability (not to mention the ecological cost of new equipment). In our case, we bought a maximum of second-hand equipment for a total cost of 150€. According to the [ ShowerloopCalculator], this type of recycling shower is cost effective in less than a year of operation for a 4-person home. The pictures presented come from a demonstration prototype, without housing integration for a better visibility of the system. However, it's relatively simple to adapt to a classic shower. Great care must be taken to ensure that the connections are watertight. '''Principle of operation:''' The principle of the recycling shower is to be able to fill a water tank of about 10L located under the shower tray. When the user use the water from the shower to relax and enjoy, he can operate a valve to shut off the water supply to pump, filtrate, reheat and supply the shower head with water of the tank. Estimates suggest a 7-fold reduction in the consumption of a conventional shower. Any contribution that simplifies the system is welcome. '''Sanitary Aspect:''' The system permit a 20 microns water filtration then an activated carbon filtration to remove the last particles and smells However, filters are not designed to eliminate potential bacteria. It's possible to add a UV lamp ensuring the elimination of potential pathogens. By comparing the use of the shower to a bath where user stay in his water, we have made the choice not to install UV lamp in view of the cost. We have not yet conducted a health test to determine whether or not such a lamp is useful.
      d a health test to determine whether or not such a lamp is useful.)
    • Domestic biodigestor  + (A biodigestor is a solution to convert orgA biodigestor is a solution to convert organic waste into fuel gas (biogas) and fertilizer (digestate). The biodigestor particularity is that digestion is done thanks to bacterias in an environment deprived from any oxygen. This situation is called anaerobic fermentation. Biogas is a mix of different gases, containing mainly methane, which can be used for gas cookers, boilers or as fuel for engines. Methanogen fermentation also exists in nature. For example, it happens in swamps when organic matter is decomposed underwater. Biogas domestication happened in the beggining of the XIXth century, and the variety of biodigestors have considerably increased since then. They are particularly present in developing tropical countries, where farmers become autonomous in energy thanks to biogas production based on organic waste. Heat being an important catalyst of this reaction, small units are economically interesting in this area. In France and other industrialized countries, the cost of energy being very low compared to workforce cost, only few small biodigestor units exist. However, many industrial units are present in wastewater treatment plants or around big breeding farms. Different kinds of biodigestors exist. They can be continuous or discontinuous, and also have different operation temperatures (psychrophilic : 15-25°C, mesophilic : 25-45°C or thermophilic : 45 – 65°C). In this tutorial, we are studying continuous mesophilic biodigestors at 38°C, which are the most commonly used in temperate regions. The main feature of this system is its similarity to a digestive system, as it also needs a certain temperature to be efficient, requires bacterias and receives food regularly. In a compost, under aerobic conditions, decomposition of organic matter produces gas (H2S, H2, NH3) and an important amount of heat. Only decomposition deprived from air produces methane. It is one of the reasons why fermentation happens in a sealed tank. In this tutorial, we will present the different components of a biodigestor (matter circuit and gas circuit) and how to use it. This documentation realised with the association Picojoule describes fabrication of one of their micro-methanisation protypes. It does not provide full cooking gas autonomy but is a good introduction to methanisation. Hélie Marchand's half-burried digestor has a greater capacity : [[Biodigesteur]]. These explanations are largely inspired from the work of Bertrand Lagrange in its books Biométhane 1 and 2, that we strongly recommand ! This work is free and open, do not hesitate to clarify and complete it based on your knowledge and based on your knowledge and experience.)
    • The how to of how to's  + (A low-tech can be an outcome from traditioA low-tech can be an outcome from traditionnal or modern know-hows. It founds its utility in towns, just as well as in the countryside. It can make part of rich and industrialized environments, or in developing countries. We advise you to think about its questions, spread out in three main themes : the need, the accessibility and the respect, in order to know if your project is truly a low-tech. ''' THE NEED''' Does the dispositive answers a basic need ? Food, energetic, or hygienic needs, drinkable water access, tools ? ''' ACCESSIBILITY''' Is it accessible from financial, technic, and materials point of view ? Is its realization cost affordable for this kind of need ? Does it calls on an artisanal know-how ? Are the ressources, materials and tools, locals or easily available in markets, fablabs or rubbish dump ? '''RESPECT''' Does it respects environment ? Is it energy-friendly, fixable, or an outcome of recycling ? Does it respects local populations ? Is it appropriate with local way of life and culture ? ''' BE CAREFUL !''' Avoid to submit a polluting dispositive. Avoid to promote a specific product or material that would not be open-source. *Remarque : For non-complete low-techs documentations, it is asked to fill up a minimum, the context paragraph, along with the function of the low-tech. You can then share your ideas, experiences on the discussion part of the Lab'.iences on the discussion part of the Lab'.)
    • Farming of edible crickets  + (Advantages of a farming of edible cricketsAdvantages of a farming of edible crickets for humans
      Insects are interesting in research of new sources of proteins and offer alternatives to our traditional and non sustainable way of consumption . The cricket's energy intake is 120 kcal/ 100g ( weight when it is fresh) and its average protein content is 8-25g/100g ( weight when it is fresh). The cricket appears to be a really good source of proteins, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, and minerals: iron, zinc, magnesium, copper,...
      Ecology/ economy
      Insect farming asks less water and feed than bovine, sheep and pig farming: their feed conversion capacity (the ability of an animal to convert a given weight of feed to body weight, represented in kg feed per kg of weight gain of the animal) is higher than those of the farming mentioned above. For example, it takes 10 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of beef while it takes 1.7 kg of feed to produce 1 kg of crickets. The amount of greenhouse gases produced by insect farming is significantly less than that of livestock. From a logistical point of view, cricket farming has many advantages over large livestock farming: the area of land occupied is smaller, possible in urban areas. The low need for investment in infrastructure can enable poorer populations to start micro-farming, they can be raised on substrates made up of agricultural waste and fed with organic by-products. '''Please note''' : L'élevage qui est réalisé dans ce tutoriel est actuellement en cours de test dans le cadre de l’expédition [ Nomade des Mers] UN TUTORIEL VIDEO EST DISPONIBLE [ ICI] !
      -une-ferme-a-grillons-71319fc0-a847-49a6-9e55-c9f23408f054 ICI] !)
    • Bait for Melipona bees  + (Bait for Melipona bees was documented on dBait for Melipona bees was documented on during one of our trips, looking for low-techs in South America from June to September 2017 in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. Don't be mistaken, the aim of this low-tech is not to kill bees but to attract them so they can create a colony and in the end...honey! Pablo, an Ecuadorian beekeeper uses this technique. He thinks this system is adaptable to all bee species but it has only been tested on the Melipona species for the moment. They are small bees that don't sting, they can be found in Mexico, Central America and South America. Pablo works in the Finca Fina farm near Malacatos in the South of Ecuador and looks after animals as well as bees, but his speciality is bees!  These bees are micro-pollinators, they allow plants to reproduce and develop up to several kilometres away. They are largely declining all around the world due to the use of pesticides, mainly neonicotinoids Therefore, developing this technique to create new hives has 2 effects: supporting economic development by producing more honey and helping the bee population increase in surrounding areas.  In order to make this bait, you need to have a beehive belonging to the target species. In effect, you will need to use propolis. It's a mixture of wax and plant resin that bees collect in nature, it is a browny-green colour and can be found in the beehive.en colour and can be found in the beehive.)
    • Functioning, maintenance and regeneration of lead-acid batteries  + (Batteries are often the most expensive andBatteries are often the most expensive and most fragile constituents of an electrical conversion system. Hence, it is important to take care of them through proper use and monitoring. Lead acid batteries are very fragile. They are sensitive to overcharging, partial charging, deep discharges, excessively rapid charges, and to temperatures above 20°C. All these factors can lead to premature aging, mainly due to a combination of lack of technical knowledge, poorly- sized systems and erroneous use by a person. If one does not control these factors, the batteries will quickly be damaged. The damage will result in reduced battery life and, in some cases, there could be irreparable deterioration of batteries. Batteries will last longer when used properly, and so their replacement will be less frequent. '''In the long run, one can make considerable savings'''. Another interesting aspect is that the conversion system will be more efficient if the batteries are in a good condition. The better the batteries’ condition, the more '''efficient''' the installation will be. In this tutorial, we will learn how to properly use and maintain lead-acid batteries.erly use and maintain lead-acid batteries.)
    • Plastic bottle cutter  + (Bottles have a significant impact on the eBottles have a significant impact on the environment. 89 billion bottles of plastic water are sold each year worldwide. The United States is the largest consumer of bottled water. The French are major exporters of bottled water. India and China have tripled and doubled their consumption between 2000 and 2005. For the example, according to the Worldwatch institute, which is an independent body, nearly 2 million tons of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles end up in discharge each year in the United States. In many countries of the world, channels of collection and recycling of these bottles have been set up. For example, Valorplast in France organizes the collection and recycling of these bottles, which are given a second life as pillows, duvets, cushions, pens ... Unfortunately many of them, especially in countries that do not have collection and recycling channels are still in circulation and pile up in open dumps or end up in the oceans. Even in France, where the sectors exist, less than 20% of plastics are recycled. The crew of Nomade des Mers has discovered in Brazil how important the problem of plastic recycling is. PET, PVC, HDPE ... The types of plastic are numerous, almost all reusable or recyclable, but too few are. A possible reuse of PET water bottles is the transformation into yarn. Thanks to a very simple tool to manufacture at low cost, it is possible to turn a PET bottle into a plastic yarn that can be used for all kinds of things, especially for making very strong connections. Chairs, crutches, trolleys, tables, tools ... This plastic yarn is a very useful resource and currently almost inexhaustible.source and currently almost inexhaustible.)
    • Machine à pédalier pour moulin à grain  + (Ce projet a été mené par des élèves de CenCe projet a été mené par des élèves de CentraleSupelec (ex Centrale Paris), dans le cadre d'un projet scolaire en partenariat avec la [ Fondation Yachana], et avec l'association [ Latitudes]. Il a été ensuite été réalisée au centre Yachana, au coeur de la forêt amazonienne. L'association [ Latitudes] se veut fer du lance du Tech for Good. Elle met en relation des entrepreneurs de l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS) ayant un projet à accomplir, et des étudiants cherchant à mettre à profit un projet scolaire pour un projet à valeur sociale forte. La [ Fondation Yachana] a pour vocation de proposer une éducation théorique et pratique aux jeunes habitant dans des communautés reculées, afin de leur donner un accès à l'éducation et à une plus grande autonomie. Le produit réalisé au centre est entièrement en métal, et conçu pour recevoir un moulin à grain ''Corona Han Mill''. Ce moulin est conçu pour une utilisation quotidienne avec des quantités moyennes, principalement pour faire de la farine de maïs afin de nourrir les animaux du centre. Il a cependant été pensé pour pouvoir être utilisé avec une machine autre qu'un moulin. Enfin, il est possible de remplacer l'armature en métal par une armature en bois, auquel cas il faudra rajouter des équerres et des renforts obliques. Cependant, étant données les fortes contraintes qui s'exercent sur la structure, on préconise l'utilisation de métal. Outre la lourdeur de l'outillage nécessaire et les quelques étapes techniques, la grande difficulté de ce tutoriel réside dans la précision nécessaire dans les mesures, notamment pour assurer l'alignement de l'axe..mment pour assurer l'alignement de l'axe..)
    • Olla bruja  + (Como vimos en un [http://lowtechlab.wikifaComo vimos en un [ tutorial anterior], la cocina es un proceso increíblemente ineficiente. La eficiencia térmica varía del 13% para las placas eléctricas de vitrocerámica al 23% para las de gas, y del 5 al 25% para las estufas de biomasa y las de leña. Estas estufas también causan altos niveles de contaminación del aire interior, especialmente en los países en desarrollo, pero también en las cocinas modernas de los hogares ricos. Existen soluciones low-tec para mejorar estos inconvenientes. Aunque con el uso de la olla a presión se pueden ver claras mejoras, estos recipientes todavía pierden mucho calor a través de sus paredes, normalmente poco o nada aisladas. Además, sigue existiendo el problema de las pérdidas de transferencia de calor, en caso de que no se utilice un [ faldón térmico low-tech]. No obstante, si se pone hervir el recipiente dentro de una caja bien aislada, las pérdidas de calor se reducen y la cocción puede llevarse a cabo sin necesidad de utilizar energía adicional. Este es el objetivo de la olla bruja. A modo de analogía, la olla puede compararse con el concepto de casa pasiva, que es un edificio bien aislado que requiere de muy poca energía para calentarse o enfriarse. Naturalmente, la economía de la energía depende, en gran medida, de varios factores: el material utilizado para aislar, el diseño de la olla, el tiempo de cocción del plato, los alimentos y la rapidez con la que el plato se transfiere de la cocina de gas a la olla bruja. Según la Asociación para un Aire Interior Limpio (Partnership for Clean Indoor Air) y su prueba comparativa de 18 tipos de estufas de combustible sólido, el ahorro de energía al utilizar una olla bruja tendría de media un 50 %. En este manual, vamos a integrar la olla bruja a un cajón de la cocina. CE TUTORIEL CORRESPOND A UN PROTOTYPE ET DEMANDE A ÊTRE LARGEMENT AMÉLIORÉ. VERSION PLUS ABOUTIE A VENIR PROCHAINEMENT. '''Retrouvez dans [ ce rapport] une analyse à l'usage de cette marmite norvégienne, ainsi que des 11 autres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.'''u projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.''')
    • Kombucha fabric  + (Concept inspired by BioCouture, and sharedConcept inspired by BioCouture, and shared by Open BioFabrics. With this tutorial you can grow your own fabrics with ingredients from your kitchen and S.C.O.B.Y. What is a S.C.O.B.Y? It’s a Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast. We will be using the one that comes from kombucha tea. So you can easily find it in an organic food store or from a kombucha tea drinker. This tutorial is intended for people interested in working with non-animal fabrics. This tutorial is at the prototype level. Scientific research on these new materials is recent and still requires development to achieve interesting mechanical and waterproof characteristics. As things stand, the characteristics of this fabric are not those of leather. As Open BioFabrics states:
      "As promising as it sounds, there are still some small technical issues to be resolved before this revolutionary product can be definitively adopted. This vegan-friendly material is biodegradable (another plus) and when wet it softens and therefore loses its structural integrity. Cold temperatures also make it brittle. A bit inconvenient to spend a winter afternoon in Paris. The research team is currently working on improving these points. Nevertheless, they are confident that they will find solutions quickly."

      ill find solutions quickly."</blockquote> <br/>)
    • The Norwegian Kettle (Hay Box)  + (Cooking is an incredibly inefficient proceCooking is an incredibly inefficient process. The thermal efficiency varies from 13% for electric hot plates to 23% for gas hot plates and from 5% to 25% for open fires and biomass stoves. Stoves also cause increased pollution levels in the interior air space, particularly in developing countries but also in modern kitchens. Low-tech solutions do exist for the improvement of these problems. Whilst we can see clear improvements through the use of a pressure cooker, these containers lose significant heat through their inner surfaces which are often poorly insulated or uninsulated. And there is still the problem of losses from heat transfer in the case where the low-tech insulating wrapper has not been used [ low-tech insulating skirt]. But if the food contents are brought to their boiling point and the container placed in a well-insulated box, the heat losses are minimised and the cooking can continue without the addition of further energy. This is the principle of the Norwegian Cooker, also known as a hay box. By analogy, one can compare this type of cooker with the concept of a passive house: that is a well-insulated building that requires only a little energy for heating or cooling. Of course the energy economics depend on several factors: the material used for the insulation, the overall design of the cooking pot, the time required to cook the dish, the food and the speed with which it is transferred from the gas cooker to the cooking pot. According to the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air and their comparative test of 18 types of solid fuel stoves, there would be on average a 50% energy-saving from using a Norwegian Cooker. Here we are going to integrate the Norwegian Cooker into a kitchen drawer
      '''Find in [ this report] an analysis of the usage of the Norwegian Cooker as well as 11 other low tech. experiments throughout the project "In Search of a Sustainable Habitat" '''
      '''Retrouvez dans [ ce rapport] une analyse à l'usage de cette marmite norvégienne, ainsi que des 11 autres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.'''
      ntées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.''')
    • Jabón de coco  + (El jabón es la base de la higiene. LavarseEl jabón es la base de la higiene. Lavarse las manos (y cuerpo) regularmente limita el transporte de bacterias. Para cubrir esta necesidad es posible producir tu propio jabón con productos básicos. La reacción química que permite hacer jabón se llama saponificación y requiere dos reactivos: grasa y una base fuerte. En este caso, el material graso será aceite de coco obtenido de las semillas maduras y usamos cómo base fuerte soda NaOH. Este tutorial explica cómo hacer jabón a partir de coco.explica cómo hacer jabón a partir de coco.)
    • Pedalier multifunción  + (El pedalier está instalado en el laboratorEl pedalier está instalado en el laboratorio y velero Nomade des Mers desde 4 cuatro años. Olivier Guy, profesor de tecnología en Normandía, fue quien lo diseñó e instaló al inicio. Se ha ido modificando a lo largo de las escalas del barco alrededor del mundo. En la actualidad, enciende varios objetos como una batidora, un molinillo de cereales, una máquina de coser, un generador de electricidad para cargar las baterías que alimenten un frigorífico Peltier, así como un taladro de columna que sirva como taladro, pulidora, lijadora y torno. El beneficio de esta máquina es triple: *Utiliza la energía mecánica en vez de la eléctrica. La energía obtenida por los paneles solares en el barco es valiosa. No podríamos tener todas esas máquinas alimentadas por las baterías de a bordo. Somos más autónomos sin aumentar la capacidad de almacenamiento de electricidad. *Permite hacer ejercicio físico de manera útil y agradable. *Se repara de manera fácil y es evolutivo: la peculiaridad de este pedal es que es multifunción, por lo que le podemos conectar un número infinito de objetos. Este tutorial describe la fabricación de la base del pedalier multifunción, pero no describe con exactitud cómo conectar cada objeto, ya que se puede adaptar en función del objeto deseado y del material disponible. objeto deseado y del material disponible.)
    • Pedaleiro multifuncção  + (Este pedaleiro esta instalado no veilero lEste pedaleiro esta instalado no veilero laboratório Nomade des Mers há 4 anos. Este pedaleiro foi initialmente conceito e instalado por Olivier Guy, professor de technologia en Normandia ; foi modificado ao longo das escalas do barco ao redor do mundo. Actualmente movimenta várias ferramentas : um liquidificado, um moinho para cereales, uma máquina de costura, uma geradora de electricidade para recargar baterias e alimentar uma geladeira Peltier ; também uma perfuradora de coluna que sirve como furadeira, máquina de amolar, lixadeira e torno A vantagem desta máquina é triple: *Usa energia mecánica e não elétrica : no barco a energia produzida pelos pocos paneis solares é preciosa. Não poderiamos ter todas estas máquinas alimentadas pelas baterias a bordo. Somos assim mais autônomos sem aumentar a capacidade de armazenagem de eletricidade. * Permite treinar fisicamente de maneira útil e agradável. * Facilmente reparável e evolutivo: a specificidade deste pedaleiro é de ser multifunção, podemos conectar nele un número infinito de ferramentas. Este tutorial descreve a fabricação da base do pedaleiro multifunção, mas não descreve especificamente como conectar cada ferramenta (para ser adapatafo por cada um en função das ferramentas desejadas e do material à disposição).tas desejadas e do material à disposição).)
    • Baño seco de la casa  + (Este tutorial está basado en el modelo de Este tutorial está basado en el modelo de baño seco diseñado por[ Yves Desarzens, Maisons Nomades]. Forman parte de la familia "BLT" de baños de basura orgánica controlada. '''Encuentra aquí el video tuto''' Es un modelo de baño seco diseñado para uso familiar/doméstico, en áreas urbanas o rurales, siempre y cuando se tenga acceso a un área dedicada al compostaje. En el caso del medio ambiente urbano, dependiendo de la escala y el contexto de la vivienda colectiva, pueden surgir problemas como el acceso a una zona de compostaje y el transporte de los BLT a este compost. '''Consumo de agua y aseos convencionales en el hogar''' Los aseos de descarga convencionales representan el 20% del consumo de agua potable de un hogar, o unos 150€/año para una familia de 4 personas. Es el segundo punto de consumo, justo después de la ducha (40%). El agua utilizada para la descarga es agua potable (excepto en raras ocasiones con agua de lluvia), en cuanto entra en contacto con los excrementos, se convierte en "agua negra", contaminada e inutilizable para otras aplicaciones. '''¿Heces, desperdicio o recursos?''' En promedio, un humano produce 50L de excremento sólido y 500L de orina por año. En Francia, cada día una persona transforma "30 litros de agua potable en agua negra". Las heces sólidas contienen minerales como nitrógeno (0,5 kg/hab/año), fósforo (0,18 kg/hab/año) y potasio (0,33 kg/hab/año), patógenos como bacterias, virus y parásitos, y productos como antibióticos dependiendo de la salud del usuario. En la orina se encuentran minerales como nitrógeno (4 kg/hab/año), fósforo (0,33 kg/hab/año) y potasio (0,8 kg/hab/año) y muy raramente se encuentran patógenos. Estos materiales, generalmente considerados como "desechos", se eliminan a través de las tuberías en las llamadas aguas "negras". A esto le sigue un largo proceso de depuración en las plantas del mismo nombre, que se encuentra en las afueras de las ciudades, produciendo los famosos lodos de depuradora, cuya reutilización es compleja. En el caso de que el proceso se considere cíclicamente como el estiércol de excrementos de animales, es posible ver la excreta humana como un "recurso": respetando las buenas condiciones de higiene, pueden ser fácilmente compostados y transformados en un humus libre de patógenos, que ya no tiene nada que ver con la excreta. Para los antibióticos (aparte de los usos importantes), los estudios muestran que no hay efectos duraderos sobre el compost. Es importante señalar que el estiércol animal ya utilizado contiene los mismos tipos de contaminantes, incluidos los antibióticos. Es importante no separar la orina del material sólido y carbonoso: la celulosa presente en el material carbonoso impide la transformación de la urea, rica en nitrógeno, en iones de amonio (fuente de malos olores en los urinarios, por ejemplo). Este efecto tiene otra consecuencia positiva muy importante: si la orina volviera a la naturaleza sin la adición de celulosa, los iones de amonio se transformarían en iones de nitrito y causarían una degradación más rápida del humus, lo contrario del efecto esperado. Este problema se encuentra en ciertos contextos donde la recuperación de orina a gran escala se pensó para la creación de fertilizantes. '''Las heces son un recurso a través de los inodoros secos''' Hay muchos sistemas de inodoros secos. Aquí, el modelo propuesto se llama litera biomaitrizada''BLT''. Este es el modelo más simple, que no requiere ventilación. Este modelo consiste en un cubo de acero inoxidable que recibe excrementos (orina y excrementos), papel higiénico y materia vegetal carbonosa. Ya sea en la zona donde se instalan los sanitarios o en la zona de compostaje, se emiten muy pocos olores. (En realidad no más que en un baño con agua.) '''[ Recette d'un bon compostage]''' 1) Un aporte de materia vegetal seca rica en carbono (paja, hoja muerta, serrín) 30 veces mayor que el aporte de excrementos ricos en nitrógeno. 2) Buena aireación del compost para que los organismos "aeróbicos", que necesitan oxígeno, puedan realizar correctamente el trabajo de descomposición. Los fragmentos ayudan a crear un compost bien aireado. '''¿Qué tan cómodo es usar un inodoro seco?''' '''+''' los BLT no emiten olores y no producen ruidos no deseados, a diferencia de los sanitarios convencionales. '''-''': los BLTs requieren vaciar el cubo regularmente en el compost (2 veces a la semana para una familia de 4 personas). '''En resumen''' El uso de BLT permite la reducción del 20% del consumo de agua de su hogar, por lo tanto de su factura, así como la creación de un humus utilizable para el jardín para una comodidad de uso igual o incluso superior a los baños tradicionales. '''Encuentra en [ este informe] un análisis del uso de este baño seco, así como los otros 11 de baja tecnología experimentados durante el proyecto En Quete d'un Habitat Durable '''
      El uso de baños secos permite reducir el consumo de agua de su hogar pero sobre todo hace posible la gestión de los biorresiduos como las heces. ¡Pero no solo! La orina es un recurso gratuito, rica en nitrógeno, fósforo, ideal para el crecimiento de la espirulina y de las plantas. Por ello, es posible fabricar baños secos a separación de orina para hacer posible esta valorización (página solo en francés de momento):</div> </div><br/>)
    • Bokashi “Kitchen compost”  + (Every year, the waste production of FrenchEvery year, the waste production of French people is about 320 kg per person (about 90 bags) with 120kg of organic waste that could be recovered. For instance, they can be used as fertilisers for crops It is quite simple to compost our organic waste in the countryside. In the urban areas, where ¾ of the French population lives, it is more complicated. Thus, the potential of waste composting is very important. The compost production from organic waste encourages the cultivation of vegetables and fruits at home. In urban areas, the objectives are diverse: *Regain methods for cultivating plant *Aim at/seek food security *Cleanse the air/fight air pollution *Eat quality and local products '''Bokashi''' (“fermented organic material” in Japanese) is a very efficient composting method that can be adapted to the urban context. (It uses what we call the Efficient Micro-organisms (EM).) It implements the Efficient Micro-organisms (EM). '''What are the Efficient Micro-organisms ?''' In the wildlife, the degradation into humus of the (organic material) organic matter is done through the fauna and the flora consisted of fungus and bacteria. These “efficient” micro-organisms represent about 10% of the existing micro-organisms. The EMs are a mix of 80 selected strains from these specific micro-organisms. Their presence in composting is used to imitate the performance of a healthy humus and to optimise the degradation of the organic matter. The type of compost using these micro-organisms is called “Bokashi”. It is worth noticing that the EMs can be used on crops (out in the field) in the ground to bring back life in poor soil. However, it is not to be used on a healthy soil as the EMs may be detrimental to the soil balance through their actions. It is possible to [ locally source the strains] to make your own Efficient Micro-organisms. This still requires to master the process. Here is a link to try out/experiment this process (link). The easiest way is to order the strains online. In France, you can order them through [ Bertrand Grevet], an expert on the EMs. There are two types of Ems: *EM 1: these are concentrated strains that require one step before use : activating them with treacle / molasses ; *EM A (for Activated Efficient Micro-organisms): the activation through the mix with treacle has already been done, however their shelf life is short (about 1 month). It is still better to source EMs A rather than EMs 1. '''How does the Bokashi work ?''' The bokashi is produced through the organic waste fermentation, inseminated with EMs A. It operates in an anaerobic process (without any oxygen supply). It has to be hermetically sealed after each use for the good development of the bacteria, between 20°C to 25°C. The composting outputs are: * A very nutritious juice for the plants (which has to be diluted a hundred times with water) * A solid compost full of minerals and micro-organisms The process is pretty quick, which enables the use of a small container. Added to the fact that it is hermetically sealed, the bokashi fits well with an urban environment, and off the ground: it is closed, does not smell, and its juice is ready for use in off-ground cultivation. This tutorial is edited with the help of Léon-Hugo Bonte, landscaper and decorator, proponent of the indoor off-ground cultivation, regular user of the bokashi and the EMs for several years. Watch the tutorial video [ HERE] '''Retrouvez dans [ ce rapport] une analyse à l'usage de ce compost Bokashi, ainsi que des 11 autres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.'''u projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.''')
    • Micro-gasifier Cooking Stove  + (Factors relating to cooking remains one ofFactors relating to cooking remains one of the biggest challenges in the areas of health and energy. In many developing countries, the classic three-stone cooking fire is the technology that is most commonly used.This is extremely inefficient (with a thermal yield of 10 to 15% if sheltered from the wind and 5% if exposed) and releases toxic smoke into dwellings.There are two concerns with this: * Energy output is so poor that a large amount of wood is needed to cook one meal. This leads to extensive deforestation in certain parts of the world. * Evidently, this creates certain problems with regards to health: smoke given off causes respiratory problems for people in the community and the reduces their quality of life. A technology that uses the same biomass but has a higher output is: The micro gasifier which is a low-tech and very economical way of cooking and, if well-made, has an output higher than a three stone stove (thermal output of approximately 35%). Output is even higher with the enhanced industrial version (which has a thermal output in the order of 45%) It is possible to make a very basic model out of tin cans, but this will have a limited number of features. However, this can be very useful, for instance, for heating water, cooking small quantities of food and for doing demonstrations/teaching purposes. More complex models do exist which, although more costly, tend to last longer and allow control over the power you can get from the flame.over the power you can get from the flame.)
    • Fermented drinks - Homemade sodas  + (Fermented food is food that has been transFermented food is food that has been transformed by micro-organisms : bacteria, yeasts, fungi. This process usually happens without oxygen, in a anaerobic environment. Microbes multiply normally in the presence of oxygen. But without it, they struggle and produce molecules to fight rival microbes : alcohol, lactic acid, acetic acid. This leads to several types of fermentation : alcoholic, lactic, acetic, etc. Even if we tend to forget it, a lot of our daily food is actually a product of fermentation : bread, cheese, yogurt, wine, beer... It's a long list. Which is a good thing because they are [ beneficial for your health] ! They make food easier to digest, improve your digestive health, contain vitamins and minerals, boost your immune system... Enfin comme le rappelle Virginie Geres avec son site [ HappyBiote], '''sans microorganismes nous serions morts''' ! Tout simplement ! Nous ne pourrions pas fonctionner sans la présence de milliards de bactéries, levures et autres microbes (non pathogènes) qui tapissent notre corps. Ils assurent d’importantes tâches comme nous protéger des agressions d’autres microbes (pathogènes), nous permettent de nous alimenter, d’avoir une odeur distincte des autres individus (et donc facilite de tomber amoureux quand on n’est pas trop crade), ils participent à notre système immunitaire… Et dans chacune de nos cellules se trouve un microorganisme que nous avons incorporé au fil des millénaires : la mitochondrie, qui permet la respiration cellulaire ! Cette [ super vidéo] pour en savoir plus. Donc, non seulement les microorganismes sont nécessaires à notre survie mais en en apportant une grande diversité par une alimentation saine et variée (notamment avec des aliments riches en fibres -prébiotiques- et microorganismes -probiotiques-) '''nous améliorons notre santé immunitaire et psychique'''. Ceci est aux antipodes des standards occidentaux modernes, rendant les gens littéralement malades, entre autres par un microbiote faible. Pour plus d’informations je vous conseille ce [ reportage] d’Arte, ou [ celui-ci] un peu plus ancien sur le même thème. Many good reasons to eat or drink them regularly (careful not to make it your whole meal though !) Here are several recipes for no-waste fermented drinks, made from natural micro-organisms. Try out the making of these homemade sodas !
      More info on fermentation : [] []
      More info on natural fermented drinks : The Wildcrafting Brewer, Pascal Baudar Crew member on the Nomade des Mers and founder of the Food Forest Lab, Claire Mauquié's [ Youtube channel]
      's [ Youtube channel])
    • Ceramic water filter  + (In 1990, approximately 2.3 billion people In 1990, approximately 2.3 billion people do not have access to drinking water in the world (source: UNICEF - UN). Today in 2020, 750,000 people still drink unsanitary water, making it the leading cause of non-age-related death in the world. What is a ceramic water filter? Locally produced ceramics have been used to filter water for hundreds of years. The water is poured into a porous ceramic filter pot and is collected in another container after passing through the ceramic pot. This system also allows for safe storage until the water is used. Ceramic filters are usually made from clay mixed with a combustible material like sawdust or rice husks. Sometimes colloidal silver is added to the clay mixture before firing or it is applied to the fired ceramic pot. Colloidal silver is an antibacterial which helps inctivatae pathogens, while preventing the growth of bacteria in the filter itself. How does it remove contamination? Pathogens and suspended elements are removed from water by physical processes such as mechanical entrapment and adsorption. Quality control regarding the size of the combustible materials used in the clay mixture ensures that the pore size of the filter is small enough to prevent contaminants from passing through the filter. Colloidal silver facilitates the treatment by breaking the membrane of the cells of pathogens, causing their death. History This filter was developed in 1981 by Dr Fernando Mazariegos of the Industrial Research Institute of Central America (ICAITI) in Guatemala. The aim was to make water contaminated with bacteria safe for the poorest by developing an inexpensive filter that could be manufactured at community level. The professor decided to freely bequeath this knowledge to Humanity, and began to train potters around the world to produce these filters locally with the NGO Potters for Peace. There are now 61 factories working with this model in 39 countries around the world! ====='''Historique'''===== Ce filtre a été développée en 1981 par le Dr Fernando Mazariegos de l'Institut de recherche industrielle d'Amérique centrale (ICAITI) au Guatemala. L'objectif était de rendre l'eau contaminée par des bactéries, sûre pour les plus pauvres en développant un filtre peu coûteux qui pourrait être fabriqué au niveau de la communauté. Le professeur décide de léguer librement ce savoir à l'Humanité, et avec l'ONG [ Potters for Peace], commence à former des potiers dans le monde entier à produire ces filtres localement. Aujourd’hui 61 usines ont ouvert sur ce modèle, dans 39 pays du monde ! This tutorial show how the ceramic filter works and outlines the main stages of manufacturing. It is aimed mainly at entrepreneurs rather than at individuals. Don’t try to create this technology at home (you need an oven, you need to test materials, etc.). If you are interested in setting up a small factory like this, you will need more training. The Potters for Peace organization in partnership with CAWST and the company Ecofiltro (which we visited in Guatemala) offer this kind of training. All this knowledge is freely available in open-source form.
      eely available in open-source form. <br/>)
    • Desert fridge  + (In countries where temperatures frequentlyIn countries where temperatures frequently rise above 20°C, food does not stay fresh for long. A tomato, for example, is damaged in only 2 days. Also, given the price and energy consumption of a refrigerator, food preservation is a recurring problem in developing countries. Thus, without means of conservation, even if a family affected by poverty produces enough food to feed itself, it has few means to fight hunger. A food preservation system can greatly improve the daily lives of many families. In particular, it opens up economic opportunities: to preserve food is also to be able to sell it. Apart from any financial worries, a family can also seek to consume less energy by favouring natural means of refrigeration and thus reduce its environmental impact. The Zeer Pot - desert fridge - can be a viable solution to the problem. It is a refrigeration device that keeps food cool, without electricity, thanks to the principle of cooling by evaporation. This inexpensive and easy to manufacture technology can be used to cool substances such as water, food or drugs sensitive to high temperatures. It helps to avoid flies or other insects. Moreover, most foods can be stored in a Zeer Pot for 15 to 20 days longer than left in the open air and vegetables keep their vitamins better. Indeed, under good conditions (explained later in this tutorial), the temperature inside the system can reach 10°C less than the outside 10°C less than the outside temperature.)
    • Solar lamp with reused lithium cells  + (Lithium is a natural resource whose stocksLithium is a natural resource whose stocks are increasingly used for electric cars, telephones, and computers. This resource is gradually being depleted over time. Its increased use in battery manufacturing is mainly due to its ability to store more energy than nickel and cadmium. The replacement of electrical and electronic equipment is accelerating and it is becoming an increasingly important source of waste. France currently produces 14kg to 24kg of electronic waste per inhabitant per year. This rate increases by about 4% per year. In 2009, only 32% of young French people aged between 18 and 34 years old, have once recycled their electronic waste. In the same year 2009, according to Eco-systèmes, from January to September 2009, 113,000 tonnes of CO2 were avoided through the recycling of 193,000 tonnes of DEEE. However, this waste has a high recycling potential. In particular, the lithium in the cells of computer batteries can be recovered and reused. When a computer battery does not work anymore, it is because one or more cells are defective, but some remain in good condition and can be reused. From these cells it is possible to create a separate battery, which can be used to power an electric drill, recharge your phone or be connected to a solar panel to operate a lamp. By associating several cells it is also possible to form batteries of storage of more important device. The design of this lamp is inspired by a system documented by the Nomade des Mers expedition on the island of Luzong in the northern Philippines. The association Liter of Light has been installing similar systems in villages without electricity for nearly 6 years, also organizing training to allow villagers to repair the lamps independently (already 500 000 lamps installed). (Turn on subtitles for the video, you will have every details !) the video, you will have every details !))
    • Coco soap  + (Soap is the basis of hygiene. Washing yourSoap is the basis of hygiene. Washing your hands regularly (and your body) limits the transport of harmful substances and bacteria. To meet this need, it is possible to make soap yourself with basic products. The chemical reaction to make a soap is called saponification and requires two reagents: a fat and a strong base. Here the fat will be coconut oil from the ripe nut (brown), and the strong base will be soda NaOH. This tutorial will teach you how to make soap from coconut.l teach you how to make soap from coconut.)
    • Solar water heater  + (Solar panels are very efficient at taking Solar panels are very efficient at taking advantage of solar radiation. In our latitudes the sun generates up to 1000 Watts per m². With photovoltaic panels we can capture 200 W / m², with thermal energy it rises to 800W / m², four times more! Solar panels are much more profitable than photovoltaic panels and much less expensive. The "home made" solution Eric Lafond offers us easily reaches 500W / m² for a cost of 15 € per m². This [ website] shows the solar power you can expect to receive, depending on your geographical position and the season. Solar thermal panels are particularly useful for domestic hot water production. In this case they are called solar water heaters. 3 - 4m² (32 - 43 sq feet) of solar thermal panels will cover 90% of the hot water needs for a two person household throughout the year. The hot water tank will take over during cloudy days. If there are more inhabitants, and therefore more water being consumed, you need to increase the size of the solar panels. For example, 6m² (64.5 sq feet) for 6 people. Eric's complete system - which includes home-made panels, supply pipes, coolant, solar balloon, circulator, and a regulator - will be profitable in two to three years. The panels installed at his house are in their eighteenth year. These thermal panels are designed in the same way as those on the market: a solar collector containing a heat transfer fluid is sandwiched between an insulator and a sheet of glass. In this case, we will use the grill you find at the back of a fridge for the solar collector.. And we will use the door of the fridge as the insulator. The glass is from old double glazed windows. You will find many fridges in landfills or recycling areas, and double-glazing windows at many glaziers. A big thank to Riké, who shared his know-how with us, from his 20 years of experience in the world of energy, and to the members of the Grand Moulin collective who welcomed us to the training they organized, particularly to Karine, Sylvain and Pascal. Thanks also to Jean-Loup for the explanation of glass cutting and soldering, and to all the other volunteers of the participative building site for their help. '''Find in [ this report] an analysis of the use of this solar water heater, as well as 11 other low-tech experiments throughout the project "En Quête d'un Habitat Durable" (English translation pending).'''Durable" (English translation pending).''')
    • Spirulina farming  + (Spirulina is a micro-algae, more preciselySpirulina is a micro-algae, more precisely a spiral cyanobacterium of about ¼ millimetres. It has thrived in hot, desert regions for more than three billion years. At the origin of plant and animal life, Spirulina has largely contributed to the creation of the earth's atmosphere by producing oxygen from carbon dioxide. If it is of particular interest to us today it is because it is also a super-food. Spirulina's rich constitution is due to the fact that its cell wall is made of protein. On the other hand, in the plant world, the cells have a cellulose wall, which is difficult to digest. Spirulina also has a high concentration of vitamins and iron. This ideal composition and its ease of assimilation make spirulina a food supplement coveted by great athletes. But Spirulina is sold expensive while it is simple and quick to grow. Its yield is very good: on the same space Spirulina produces five hundred times more protein than a cattle breeding. In the same way it takes about 13,500 litres of water to produce one kg of bovine proteins whereas only 2,500 litres are needed for micro-algae. Numerous associations and NGOs (Univers la Vie, Antenna, etc) cultivate it to fight against famine and malnutrition in the world. It exists in its natural state around the tropical belt (Peru, Mexico, Chad, Ethiopia, Madagascar, India...) and even in France, in the Camargue. The family culture makes it possible to integrate spirulina into its daily diet. The French Spirulina Federation recommends a consumption of fifty grams of fresh spirulina per day, or about 10 grams of dry spirulina. In this objective of local production, it is necessary to have 1m² of cultivation basin per person. '''Preliminary information''' ''The growing medium'' Spirulina lives naturally in volcanic lakes, rich in salt and bicarbonate of soda, with a high PH, close to 10. This is its environment but not its food, as fish do not feed on sea salt. In the culture of spirulina, the objective is to recreate as close as possible the native environment of spirulina. In its natural state, Spirulina is rarely taken except by pickers and flamingos. In pond the harvests are much heavier, it is thus necessary to regularly bring food to the culture to allow its renewal. In the culture of spirulina, it is thus necessary to dissociate the culture environment from the living environment and the food: culture medium = living environment + food ''The development environment''. Spirulina lives naturally in warm climates. When the temperature of its living environment is below 18°C, it hibernates. From 20°C it starts to develop. From 30°C its production intensifies strongly. At 37°C, the optimal temperature of the environment, the population increases by a quarter every eight hours. Above 42°C, spirulina dies. In France, outdoor cultivation, with a translucent cap, is possible from mid-April. The deep green colour of spirulina is obtained by photosynthesis. For this, spirulina needs a strong luminosity but not a long exposure to the sun. It is important to shake the pool to prevent the spirulina on the surface from burning and to allow the deep ones to benefit from the light. The culture must be 20cm deep maximum so that all the spirulina can benefit from good sunlight. ''The concentration'' One of the health indicators of spirulina is its concentration. To measure it there is a very simple instrument: the Spirumeter or Secchi disk. It is a white disc at the end of an axis graduated in centimetres. The concentration of spirulina is measured by dipping the disc into the culture solution. When the disc disappears, the graduation on the surface is read, the Secchi concentration index. The lower the index, the more concentrated the spirulina is. For a healthy spirulina, the concentration should be between 2 and 4. At 2 it is very concentrated, it can be harvested. At 4 it is at its minimum cultivation concentration, for example after a harvest. This tutorial is produced in collaboration with Gilles Planchon, a specialist in the domestic culture of spirulina, trainer and researcher on the natural living environments of microalgae. Find [ here] the video tuto and the [ construction of a basin of family culture].ne construction of a basin of family culture].)
    • Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC)  + (The ISEC project is born at CalPoly UniverThe ISEC project is born at CalPoly University in California thanks to '''Pete Schwartz''' and is now moving forward with collaborators all over the world. This tutorial is based on the manual written by '''Alexis Ziegle'''r from Living Energy Farm, a community in Virginia, US, seeking to operate without fossil fuels.
      ====Background==== According to the World Health Organization, 3 billion people in the world cook with biomass and coal; consequently, 4 million people die from associated emissions. In many communities, biomass cooking has lead to deforestation and can cause harmful pollution to the environment. Women are threatened by sexual assault when they leave their communities to collect firewood or purchase coal. The purpose of our research is to minimize the environmental impact and health issues that arise from biomass cooking.
      ====Why Are These Solar Cookers Revolutionary?==== “Normal” cooking involves using a lot of energy quickly, and very inefficiently. When you are cooking on a stove or in an oven, most of the heat is lost, not transferred to the food. The new cooking technology we are working with is called '''Insulated Solar Electric Cookers''', or '''ISECs'''. These cookers are very efficient. At Living Energy Farm, we use solar power, and that makes us 100% energy self sufficient at the residential level. But unlike other off-grid projects, 90% of our electricity never goes through a battery. Rather, our solar electric panels send electricity straight to its useful destination. The Cal Poly team had the same idea, and ISECs use energy straight from solar panels. That makes the this way of using solar energy “radically inexpensive,” to use the term coined by the Cal Poly research crew. At a practical level, '''we have found ISECs to be more effective than any other solar cooking technology on the market'''. There are many solar cookers available, but ISECs are the most convenient to use, and provide by far the most effective means of solar cooking in sub-optimal weather. '''And they are cheap to build!'''
      ====What to Expect==== This technology is new and changing quickly. This document will tell you how to build ISECs. A materials source list is at the end of this document. The smaller ISECs function like a crock pot. All ISECs cook slowly, though the larger ones can cook somewhat more quickly. '''A 100 watt ISEC will cook 2 - 3 kg of food in winter or in partly cloudy weather, and more in sunnier weather'''. '''Larger ISECs will cook greater quantities of food'''. Slow cooking means less burned food, less carcinogenic substances in the food (which are created by very high temperatures), and more flavorful food. Slow cooking does involve changing the rhythm of cooking. Preparation is done ahead of time. ISECs could never replace all other cooking fuels in every climate, but they could do most of the cooking we need. ====Community Scale Cooking==== At LEF, we have built several biogas digesters, numerous solar cooking devices, as well as rocket stoves that use wood. Overall, a combination of biogas and ISECs seem to be the best approach to a cost effective, year-round, fully renewable approach to community scale cooking.The mix of biogas and ISECs is optimal because it allows cooking in any weather, is scalable to most any size, and can be adapted to most any climate. Biogas in a temperate climate is challenging because a biogas digester needs to stay very warm and cannot be indoors. And tending a biogas digester is like taking care of an animal -- you need to feed it every day, and pay some attention to it. That is easiest to do on a community scale.
      ====The Value of Integrating Energy Systems==== The original ISEC project developed at Cal Poly uses a 100 watt, 12 volt, well insulated cooker. The fact that they have proven that you can cook with only 100 watts is great! But such small power sources do not work in cloudy weather. We have found at LEF that our cooks always favor more powerful cookers. Our largest ISEC at LEF runs at 180 volts. It will cook quite well in cloudy weather. The ISEC project aims to provide inexpensive cookers for low income families all over the world. If 10 or 20 people can share a cooking facility, then it is possible to make much more effective cookers at higher voltages that work in cloudier weather, as well as providing other services, at a similar per-capita cost. The problem is, of course, that many low income communities do not have the up-front capital to build larger energy systems regardless of improved overall efficacy. The right balance of cost, efficiency, and scale is and will remain on ongoing question. Our hope here is to provide options. ====ISECs Designs -- Your Options==== The two types of cookers we have developed at LEF are bucket cookers and box cookers. '''The bucket cooker we call Perl is made with a 5 gallon bucket and perlite'''. The Cal Poly crew has expanded on this idea by using larger buckets with more insulation. For a small cooker, Perl works well. It is cheap and easy to build. It uses a stainless pot that can be removed from the cooker and can be any size up to about 6 quarts. The heat source is a homemade burner. It is also possible to build a bucket cooker can be built with wood ashes, though that’s not a great approach. Instructions follow. '''Our favorite cookers are Roxes -- box cookers made with rockwool sheet and sheet metal'''. Roxies can be built in many different sizes and insulation levels using rockwool and/ or fiberglass. Naturally, larger ISECs or ISECs with thicker insulation levels cost more. Roxies can use pots that you already have in your kitchen.
      Safety: The reader should note that any device that can cook can also start a fire. At LEF, we build our cookers entirely out of non-flammable material, so the cooker itself cannot burn. But the reader should be aware that ISECs, like any cooking technology, carries some risk of fire and burns to the user. A more extensive discussion of fire risks is at the end of this document. We are pleased to share as much information as we have at our disposal, but if you build your own ISEC, you proceed at your own risk.

      as we have at our disposal, but if you build your own ISEC, you proceed at your own risk.</div> </div><br/>)
    • Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC)  + (The ISEC project is born at CalPoly UniverThe ISEC project is born at CalPoly University in California thanks to '''Pete Schwartz''' and is now moving forward with collaborators all over the world. This tutorial is based on the manual written by '''Alexis Ziegle'''r from Living Energy Farm, a community in Virginia, US, seeking to operate without fossil fuels.
      ====Background==== According to the World Health Organization, 3 billion people in the world cook with biomass and coal; consequently, 4 million people die from associated emissions. In many communities, biomass cooking has lead to deforestation and can cause harmful pollution to the environment. Women are threatened by sexual assault when they leave their communities to collect firewood or purchase coal. The purpose of our research is to minimize the environmental impact and health issues that arise from biomass cooking.
      ====Why Are These Solar Cookers Revolutionary?==== “Normal” cooking involves using a lot of energy quickly, and very inefficiently. When you are cooking on a stove or in an oven, most of the heat is lost, not transferred to the food. The new cooking technology we are working with is called '''Insulated Solar Electric Cookers''', or '''ISECs'''. These cookers are very efficient. At Living Energy Farm, we use solar power, and that makes us 100% energy self sufficient at the residential level. But unlike other off-grid projects, 90% of our electricity never goes through a battery. Rather, our solar electric panels send electricity straight to its useful destination. The Cal Poly team had the same idea, and ISECs use energy straight from solar panels. That makes the this way of using solar energy “radically inexpensive,” to use the term coined by the Cal Poly research crew. At a practical level, '''we have found ISECs to be more effective than any other solar cooking technology on the market'''. There are many solar cookers available, but ISECs are the most convenient to use, and provide by far the most effective means of solar cooking in sub-optimal weather. '''And they are cheap to build!'''
      ====What to Expect==== This technology is new and changing quickly. This document will tell you how to build ISECs. A materials source list is at the end of this document. The smaller ISECs function like a crock pot. All ISECs cook slowly, though the larger ones can cook somewhat more quickly. '''A 100 watt ISEC will cook 2 - 3 kg of food in winter or in partly cloudy weather, and more in sunnier weather'''. '''Larger ISECs will cook greater quantities of food'''. Slow cooking means less burned food, less carcinogenic substances in the food (which are created by very high temperatures), and more flavorful food. Slow cooking does involve changing the rhythm of cooking. Preparation is done ahead of time. ISECs could never replace all other cooking fuels in every climate, but they could do most of the cooking we need. ====Community Scale Cooking==== At LEF, we have built several biogas digesters, numerous solar cooking devices, as well as rocket stoves that use wood. Overall, a combination of biogas and ISECs seem to be the best approach to a cost effective, year-round, fully renewable approach to community scale cooking.The mix of biogas and ISECs is optimal because it allows cooking in any weather, is scalable to most any size, and can be adapted to most any climate. Biogas in a temperate climate is challenging because a biogas digester needs to stay very warm and cannot be indoors. And tending a biogas digester is like taking care of an animal -- you need to feed it every day, and pay some attention to it. That is easiest to do on a community scale.
      ====The Value of Integrating Energy Systems==== The original ISEC project developed at Cal Poly uses a 100 watt, 12 volt, well insulated cooker. The fact that they have proven that you can cook with only 100 watts is great! But such small power sources do not work in cloudy weather. We have found at LEF that our cooks always favor more powerful cookers. Our largest ISEC at LEF runs at 180 volts. It will cook quite well in cloudy weather. The ISEC project aims to provide inexpensive cookers for low income families all over the world. If 10 or 20 people can share a cooking facility, then it is possible to make much more effective cookers at higher voltages that work in cloudier weather, as well as providing other services, at a similar per-capita cost. The problem is, of course, that many low income communities do not have the up-front capital to build larger energy systems regardless of improved overall efficacy. The right balance of cost, efficiency, and scale is and will remain on ongoing question. Our hope here is to provide options. ====ISECs Designs -- Your Options==== The two types of cookers we have developed at LEF are bucket cookers and box cookers. '''The bucket cooker we call Perl is made with a 5 gallon bucket and perlite'''. The Cal Poly crew has expanded on this idea by using larger buckets with more insulation. For a small cooker, Perl works well. It is cheap and easy to build. It uses a stainless pot that can be removed from the cooker and can be any size up to about 6 quarts. The heat source is a homemade burner. It is also possible to build a bucket cooker can be built with wood ashes, though that’s not a great approach. Instructions follow. '''Our favorite cookers are Roxes -- box cookers made with rockwool sheet and sheet metal'''. Roxies can be built in many different sizes and insulation levels using rockwool and/ or fiberglass. Naturally, larger ISECs or ISECs with thicker insulation levels cost more. Roxies can use pots that you already have in your kitchen.
      Safety: The reader should note that any device that can cook can also start a fire. At LEF, we build our cookers entirely out of non-flammable material, so the cooker itself cannot burn. But the reader should be aware that ISECs, like any cooking technology, carries some risk of fire and burns to the user. A more extensive discussion of fire risks is at the end of this document. We are pleased to share as much information as we have at our disposal, but if you build your own ISEC, you proceed at your own risk.

      as we have at our disposal, but if you build your own ISEC, you proceed at your own risk.</div> </div><br/>)
    • Water Ceramic Filter  + (The ceramic filter FILTRON was made by theThe ceramic filter FILTRON was made by the company Merinsa, in partnership with the American association Potters For Peace, for families living in the slums around Lima and who do not have access to drinkable water. A study was undertaken to see the influence of the filters on the reduction of stomach diseases: a filter was given to 60 families in a slum of Lima and they were studied compared to 60 other families without filter. The FILTRON proved to be very efficient in the reduction of stomach diseases. At the end of the experiment, a filter was given to all the 120 families. The FILTRON filters 2L of water per hour and eliminates particles and bacteria. Depending on the size of the plastic container, it is possible to store 10L of clean water. The filter is thus suitable for a family. Advantages: * The use of the filter does not require any energy * Use of local materials (clay, wood fines) * Easy maintenance: must be cleaned once a week. Do not put it under the sun otherwise seaweeds can grow * Cheap (sold for 30$ by Merinsa Company) * Long lifetime: a few years * Could be sealed (thanks to the plastic container’s lid) which prevents the water from being re-contaminated Disadvantages: * Use of silver (which is not always a material available locally) * Use of an oven which should be able to reach 1000°C see if a potter around you has a ceramic oven and could lend it to you * Heavy and bulky * In our case, the price of the filter is low but still too high for the people in the slums who need it. Merinsa Company’s main clients for those filters are charities who then give them out to the families. Context: Water is a real issue everywhere in Peru, from the mountains to the coast. In the cities, chlorine is used to purify water, thus, water which could be found in the pipes is in theory clean. However, this water is also stored in tanks who are usually not sealed and where the water gets re-contaminated. People buy water in bottles or buy filters. Merinsa Company builds all kind of filters to answer this need but there is still a lot to do in Peru in the field of water in order to provide clean water to everybody. In Lima, the slums are located on the mountains around. Water is stored in huge tanks and is accessible (but contaminated) for families living downstream. As the slum expands, new habitations are built upstream from the tanks and people do not have access to water at all. According to Ricardo, at the head of Merinsac , the economical problems are not the only reason why the people from the slums do not buy a Filtron; there is also an educational issue. The families seem not to know that their stomach diseases are coming from the water they drink and thus do not understand why it could be necessary to own such filters. Some families to which a Filtron was given have "taken the ceramic pot off" in order to only retrieve the pmlastic container, whose use appear more obvious to them. The charities should really work on the education and the integration of the filters in the every day life of the families if they want their donation to be useful.if they want their donation to be useful.)
    • Spirulina-growing pond  + (The construction of a family culture pond The construction of a family culture pond makes it possible to produce a large quantity of spirulina in a relative small space. For an ideal production the culture pond must be 20 cm in depth. With less than 20 cm, the pool is not fully exploited, whereas with more spirulina is not sufficiently exposed to light, the production is slowed down. The French Spirulina Federation recommends a consumption of 50 grams a day. It takes 1 m² of pond to produce these 50 grams of micro-algae on a daily basis. The size of the pool is to be adapted according to the number of people wishing to consume spirulina every day. In our case, we are three, so we will build a pool of 3 m². The pond presented in this tutorial is raised to allow to work standing, which is more comfortable. It also allows material to be stored under the basin. Starting at the "Culture pond" step offers a more economical and quick alternative. This tutorial is done in collaboration with Enkidou Burtschell, specialist in bioclimatic eco-construction and state-certified spirulina producer. See the video [ here] and [ spirulina culture].ulture_de_la_spiruline spirulina culture].)
    • Preservation module  + (The fridge has become the first solution tThe fridge has become the first solution to preserve food. However, this environment is specific and does not correspond to most of fruits and vegetables. It's too cold and alters smells, tastes along with maturity. This preservation module reduces the size of your fridge and helps you controlling the way food preserves itself. It permits to give taster fruits, to mature them and avoid food waste. It values fresh fruits and vegetables, preserving them without energy, in different environments, according to their characteristics. For best preservation, food needs to be cared, not piled up to avoid crush, and looked after for their maturity.rush, and looked after for their maturity.)
    • Phyto-Purification of Wastewater  + (The purpose of water sanitation is to tranThe purpose of water sanitation is to transform water that has been polluted by human activity (domestic, agricultural, industrial) into water that can be assimilated into the natural environment. There are numerous water sanitation solutions from the collective level that exist as individual solutions, referred to as "autonomous." All of these are based on bacteriological activity to clean up contaminated water. Likewise, each system, at its output, returns the water to the natural environment by infiltration or by leach field. The output of this water sanitation is not potable. It is highly rich in minerals that the sun and plants may assimilate, comparable to a fertilizer. Returning it to the aquatic environment is prohibited in most cases, except when infiltration or leaching is not possible. As the aquatic environment is more sensitive than the soil, the input of nutrient-laden water involves a high risk of disrupting the natural environment, or even causing asphyxiation or [ eutrophication]. ===Les types de pollutions et l’assainissement=== Water pollution is grouped into four families: *Organic pollution (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) mainly comes from substances of biological origin (excrement, urine, manure, slurry...). These particles are oxidizable, that is to say, that in the presence of oxygen, bacteria are able to degrade them and transform them into minerals. *Microbiological pollution is linked to organic pollution. Full of excrement, wastewater is rich in pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, etc. which are harmful to health and the environment. High bacterial competition inhibits the development and proliferation of these parasites. *Chemical pollution is comprised of all the major pollutants resulting from human activity such as medicines, pesticides, hydrocarbons, metals and heavy metals. These chemicals are dangerous for the environment, causing long-lasting pollution with their high toxicity and low biodegradability. Current sanitation systems (collective or not) are very inefficient in the face of this complex and varied pollution. Pollutants therefore end up in the natural environment and are bio-accumulated. In this way, they move up the food chain and increase their concentration at each new level. *Suspended solids (SS) are insoluble solid particles. Over time, they clog filtration systems. ===La phytoépuration – les filtres plantés=== Like all the other sanitation systems (water treatment plants, septic systems, all-water treatment systems...) phyto-purification is based on the principle of separating solids from liquids as well as the bacterial degradation of particles. Phyto-purification (or the planted filter) is based on three actors: - Bacteria. It degrades the organic particles to render them assimilable to the natural environment. - The substrate, comprised of gravel or aggregate, creates a habitat for the bacteria, which settle upon the surface of each material. It plays an equally important role in the root systems of the plants. With granule size going from finer to coarser, the substrate is also a filter, permitting the passage of water while blocking the bigger materials. - The plants, with the development of their roots and the movement of of their overground parts, clean the filter which, contrary to all the other solutions, self-maintains it. Moreover, the plants stimulate the bacteries activity around their roots : the rizhosphere. They play a minor role in the water's decontamination by absorbing a small proportion of the minerals. ===Intérêts et inconvénients de la phytoépuration=== Phyto-purification is an effective solution to wastewater sanitation quality. Contrary to the other systems, a plant-based filter consumes no electrical energy (brewing, foaming, pumping...) and requires no complex maintenance such as sludge drainage or re-direction to treatment plants. Self-sufficient energetically and logistically, phyto-purification is the most ecological solution for wastewater sanitation. Phyto-purification is an extensive solution which takes up between 2 and 4m²/population equivalent (PE) -- more space than a compact filter, but less space than a sand filter. The filters are sized by the accommodation capacity of the related housing, not by the number of inhabitants, with one main room = 1 PE. For example, a house with 3 bedrooms, 1 kitchen-dining room, and 1 living room has 5 main rooms. The sanitation system must then have a capacity of 5 PE. Individual sanitation, being means-based and not end-based, would require at minimum 10m² of planted filters. Filters that are installed as such, thanks to the diversity of the filtering plants, play a part in the aesthetic appeal of gardens. What's more, they replicate wetlands, a necessary element in the development of natural life. Numerous helpers (insects, birds, amphibeans...) return--it's a great step toward biodiversity. Phyto-purification is different from lagoon-based systems in that there is no water on the surface of the filters, but instead gravel--therefore, no risk of the proliferation of mosquitos. However, the installation of planted filters remains a greater initial investment than that of conventional solutions (For 5 PE: approximately 10,000 € for planted filters, versus 7,000 € for an all-water septic system). The system becomes profitable at around 15 years, as it demands neither management by a professional workforce, tank drainage (there is no tank), nor energy (apart from cases requiring a sewage pump station for powering the filters, but this costs only a few euros per year where necessary). If your housing is part of collective or public sanitation (all to the sewer), you cannot run an autonomous sanitation system [depending on country]. But don't lose hope, phyto-purification is the dominant sanitation system in France for towns of less than 1000 inhabitants. Your wastewater may already be in the roots of plants! ===Autoconstruction et agréments=== To limit pollution in the natural environment, sanitation systems are subject to regulation. A performance requirement is requested by the sanitation collective (>20 PE). Individual sanitation must meet an obligation of means. Individual phyto-purification must therefore be approved to be set up, which is to say, if one wishes to go ahead with planted filters at their home, it is necessary to commission a study and installation by a [ company] that insures the system has received a ministerial approval. In France, the '''Service Public d'Assainissement Non Collectif''' ('''SPANC''') or Public Service of Non-Collective Sanitation is charged with the regulation of all the domestic wastewater sanitation systems [ not linked to collective networks of water sanitation.] Be that as it may, doing one's own construction is possible by calling on a certified guide who will administer soil studies and measurements and who will provide materials and all guidance necessary for a long-lasting and effective result. Self-built systems save at least 30% of costs on the global system and take the individual further in terms of control and knowledge of one's habitat. The system presented was produced with Kévin Quentric, self-building guide affiliated with the network Aquatiris. This tutorial retraces the key milestones of an installation, providing an evaluation of the capacity of self-building and the value of the planted filters. To act in compliance with French law, it would be beneficial to connect with a company whose solutions are authorized.
      ompany whose solutions are authorized. <br/>)
    • Solar water heater  + (The water heater describe below is inspire by the model present in the SERTA ( service of Alternative Technology) in Brasil It works perfectly in a tropical or hot climat. It hasn't been tested in a temperate region yet)
    • Multifunctional Crankset  + (This crankset has been installed on the NoThis crankset has been installed on the Nomade des Mers laboratory sailboat for 4 years. Initially designed and installed by Olivier Guy, technology professor in Normandy, it was modified during the boat's stopovers around the world. It currently powers several tools: a blender, a grain mill, a sewing machine, an electric generator to recharge batteries and power a Peltier refrigerator, as well as a drill press that serves as a drill, grinder, sander and lathe. The purpose of this machine is threefold: *Uses mechanical rather than electrical energy: in the boat the supply of solar panel energy is precious. We could not have all of these machines powered by on-board batteries. We can therefore be more autonomous without needing to increase our electric storage capacity. *Allows one to exercise in a useful and enjoyable way. *Easily repairable and upgradeable: the special feature of this crankset is that it is multifunctional; you can connect an infinite number of tools to it. This tutorial describes the manufacturing of the multifunctional crankset's base, but doesn't precisely describe how to connect each tool (each is adapted according to the desired tools and available material).the desired tools and available material).)
    • Water - Biosand Filter  + (This document will help you understand theThis document will help you understand the fundamental principles of the biosand filter (FBS): how it works, the different elements and why it might be a good technology for your project. If you have other questions that this document doesn’t answer, don’t hesitate to contact us ( The biosand filter (FBS) was invented in the 1990s by Dr. David Manz at the University of Calgary. Simply put, the FBS is a domestic water filter that makes dirty water safe to drink. This particular type of filter is an adaptation of the traditional slow sand filter used for community water treatment for almost 200 years. The FBS is smaller and adapted for intermittent use, which makes it the most appropriate for households of around 5 people. The filter body, or the exterior of the filter, both known under the name of filter housing, are commonly made of concrete, but can also be made of plastic. Regardless of the type of filter housing, an FBS is filled with carefully prepared layers of sand and gravel. The FBS eliminates nearly all of the impurities and pathogens in the water- up to 99%! The FBS is an excellent low-tech way to purify drinking water and is used in communities around the world. ====Why choose an FBS?==== Providing access to drinking water is a complex and multi-faceted problem; choosing the right technology is only one aspect of the project. Other aspects like educating users, teaching good hygiene practices and monitoring are also extremely important and must be taken into consideration. Procuring drinking water is complicated in part because the water can be contaminated in many ways and at nearly every step in the process of collecting it. Certain frequent causes of water contamination are: improper disposal of human waste (inadequate sanitary facilities), poor hygiene (failure to wash hands), livestock excrement (particularly if the water is collected in an unprotected river or stream), agricultural run-off and industrial waste. These are just a few of the ways water can become contaminated. In numerous regions, drinking water is collected from lakes, rivers or ponds where the rate of contamination can be very high. In other places, people get their drinking water from community wells or in a borehole. Pumped water may or may not be clean. Even if it is clean, there are multiple possibilities of recontamination, in particular if the water is not kept in a secure receptacle. Because the water can be contaminated in many ways, even if the water is clean when collected, OHorizons has concentrated their efforts on the FBS, which is a point-of-use technology. As the name suggests, this technology treats the water where it is used, generally in the home. It gives maximum control to its users over the treatment of their water and reduces the risks of recontamination. '''The construction manual for the filter is open-source and can be downloaded for free at the following address:''' '''A series of videos created to show, step-by-step, how to construct and install a concrete-lined biosand filter:''' '''The OHorizons Wooden Mold Building Manual is open source and can be downloaded for free at the following address:'''ddress:''')
    • Solar Generator Trailer- Electrical System  + (This trailer is a functional demonstrationThis trailer is a functional demonstration designed as a part of the Scholar Grid project. Supported and piloted by the [ Fondation Schneider Electric] in partnership with these associations [ Low-tech Lab],[ Énergies sans Frontières] and [ Atelier 21], this project intends to investigate innovative solutions to provide affordable and clean electric energy to training centers that train future electricians. The energy systems created by the technical experts and the teachers of the training centers, will be implemented by students and serve as a pedagogical base. The fields of investigation of this project were the following: * The recovery and repair of damaged photovoltaic panels. * The recovery and regeneration of used lead batteries. * Direct current microgrids.
      To test these techniques in real conditions, Low-tech Lab constructed a mobile generator trailer. With the power of 1kW, it combines the repaired second hand solar panels and the regenerated lead batteries. This was designed on the basis of concrete needs: to provide electricity for the [ Festival Low-tech] organized in Concarneau in July of 2022. Beginning with this concrete case, "the tutorial details the general steps of sizing a photovoltaic installation in self-consumption". The context, the preliminary evaluation of needs and the choice of adapted energy sources are explained in detail in the document "An energy-autonomous Festival?’ In the ‘Files’ section".
      This tutorial is addressed to people with a basic level of knowledge in electricity and in the components of photovoltaic installation. If that is not your case, do not hesitate to release the basics via E-leaning of INES (in English) or via the GuidEnR Photovoltaic website. (Links in the ‘Notes and references’ section).
      This tutorial does not cover the basic notions of electricity and the associated safety instructions. These manipulations can become very dangerous! It is your responsibility to ensure you work safely.
      afety instructions. These manipulations can become very dangerous! It is your responsibility to ensure you work safely.</div> </div>)
    • Lacto-Fermented Preserves  + (This tutorial has been created in collaborThis tutorial has been created in collaboration with Claire Yobé, a lacto-fermentation instructor with over thirty years of experience in the field. The aim is to easily preserve surplus vegetables for long-term storage, whether from your vegetable patch (in Summer for example), or because you have bought more vegetables than you needed.
      Key facts on food wastage: * 1/3 of food produced around the world goes off or is wasted * In France, 50% of waste happens at home * A person in France wastes 20kg of food per year * 19 % of fruit and 31% of vegetables are wasted, making these the produce we waste the most What is lacto-fermentation, or lactic acid fermentation?
      *1/3 des aliments produits dans le monde est perdu ou gaspillé *En France, 50% du gaspillage se fait à la maison *Un français gaspille 20kg d'aliments par an *Les légumes et les fruits sont des plus gaspillés avec respectivement 31% et 19% des pertes '''Qu'est ce que la lactofermentation ou fermentation lactique?''' Lacto-fermentation is the conversion of sugars into lactic acid by lactic acid bacteria (naturally present specific microorganisms). This method of fermentation has been used for centuries to preserve milk (e.g yoghurt), vegetables (e.g sauerkraut), meat (e.g. cured sausage) and even fish (e.g fish sauce). How is it possible to preserve vegetables by means of lactic acid fermentation? Vegetables carry microorganisms on their surfaces (microscopic fungi, bacteria) which, when left in the open air, cause them to rot. The absence of air (anaerobic conditions) and a small quantity of salt to inhibit other bacteria, encourages the lactic acid bacteria to grow: this is the start of the lacto-fermentation process. These bacteria grow by feeding off the sugars present in the food, and converting them into lactic acid. The amount of lactic acid gradually increases, and the vegetable juice becomes increasingly acidic. This acidity neutralises the rotting process. When the medium is acidic enough (approx. pH 4), the lactic acid bacteria are also inhibited. The product becomes stable, which allows for long term storage of up to several months and sometimes even years. What kind of vegetables can be preserved by lacto-fermentation? Nearly all vegetables which are eaten raw can be preserved this way. (E.g cabbage, cucumber, carrots, beetroot, etc...) What are the nutritional and health benefits of lacto-fermented vegetables? 1) They aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Enzymes in lactic acid bacteria "pre-digest" vegtables, which helps the digestion process as well as the absorption of nutrients and minerals by the body. 2) They are a source of vitamins. Lacto-fermented vegetables have the same amount of vitamins, and sometimes more, as raw vegetables. 3) They help the intestines and immune system function properly. Lactic acid bacteria are "pro-biotics" for the gut flora which play an important role as barriers for the immune system. How can we consume lacto-fermented vegetables? Lacto-fermented vegetables can be consumed frequently, on a daily basis even, for example as a side dish. Eating a lot in one go can cause stomach pains due to its elevated acidity levels. They should be part of a varied and balanced diet. Are there any risks involved with lacto-fermentation? Contrary to preservation by means of heat (e.g sterilisation) or freezing, which can in turn cause the growth of, for example, the toxin botulinum, lacto-fermentation is a very safe method. The acidity of the medium prevents the growth of pathogens. Nevertheless, if in doubt and bad odours or peculiar colours appear, throw the preserve away.
      s or peculiar colours appear, throw the preserve away.)
    • Dry Toilets For Family  + (This tutorial is based on the dry toilets This tutorial is based on the dry toilets by [ Yves Desarzens, Maisons Nomades]. They're non-flush toilets belonging to the composting toilets type. Watch the tutorial video here This dry toilets model was conceived for a domestic/family use in urban or rural area provided that there is a composting dedicated area. In the case of an urban area, depending on the scale and context of the group housing, some problems such as the access to the composting area and the transportation of the toilets to this area could occur. The consumption of water an the classic toilets model in the household Classic pour-flush toilets represent 20% of the drinking water consumption of a household, almost 150€/y for a 4 members family. It's the second most consuming item after the shower (40%). The water used for the flush is drinking water (except in rare cases where rainwater is used), as son as it touches the excrement, this water becomes foul water contaminated and therefore unusable for any other uses. Excrement: trash or resources ? In average, a human products 50 Liters of solid excrement and 500 Liters of urine every year. in France, a person turns "30 Liters of drinking water into foul water" every day. In solid excrement, we find minerals including nitrogen (1,1 lbs/pop/y), phosphorus (0,4 lbs/pop/y) and potassium (0,7 lbs/pop/y) but also pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites and sometimes products such as antibiotics depending on the user's health. In urine, we find minerals including nitrogen (8,9 lbs/pop/y), phosphorus (0,7 lbs/pop/y) and potassium (1,8 lbs/pop/y) and very rarely pathogens too. These matters, casually considered as trash are flowed through the pipes with the foul water. Then followed by a long process of sewage treatment in water treatment plants found in the city suburbs. These process produce at the same time sewage sludge of which the waste-to-energy conversion is complex. In the case where we consider the process in a cyclic way like for the animal manure, it's possible to see human excrement as a "resource". By respecting the hygiene requirements, human excrement can easily be composted and turned into pathogens-free humus which doesn't have anything to do with excrement anymore. For the antibiotics (besides significant use), the researches show that there's no durable effect on the composting. It's important to notice that animal manure already used contains at the start the same contaminants including antibiotics. It's important to not separate the urine from the solid and carbon matter: the cellulose in the the carbon matter prevents the transformation of the urea, rich in nitrogen, ammonium ions (responsible for the stinky smell in urinals for example). This effect also has another very important and positive consequence: if the urine was released in the nature without cellulose addition, the ammonium ions would turn into nitrite ions and cause a faster degradation of the humus, the opposite of the expected effect. This problematic is encountered in some contexts where the large-scale urine recovery was thought for fertilizers creation. Excrement: a resource thanks to dry toilets There's plenty of dry toilets models. Here, the proposed model is a bio-litter toilet. It's the easiest model which doesn't need ventilation. This model is constituted of a stainless steel bucket which collects the dejection (urine and excrement), the toilet paper as well as the vegetable carbon matter. Whether it's in the sale room where they're installed or in the composting area, very few smells are emitted (actually the same amount emitted from classic water toilets). '''[ Recipe for a good composting]''' 1) A rich contribution of vegetable dry matter rich in carbon (straw, dead leaf, sawdust) 30 times more important than the excrement contribution, rich in nitrogen. 2) A good ventilation of the compost in order that the aerobic organisms which need oxygen are able to achieve correctly their decomposing work. The shreds participate in creating a well ventilated compost. What type of user comfort for the dry toilets? "+": the bio-litter toilets don't release any smell and don't make any unwanted noises unlike classic toilets. "-": The bio-litter toilets require to regularly empty the bucket in the compost (twice a week for a 4 members family). "Summary" The use of the bio-litter toilets allows to reduce 20% of the water consuming in the household, therefore the bill too. It also allows the creation of usable humus for the garden. All of this for the same or even better comfort compared to classic toilets. '''Retrouvez dans [ ce rapport] une analyse à l'usage de ces toilettes sèches, ainsi que des 11 autres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable'''
      L’utilisation de toilettes sèches permet de réduire la consommation en eau de son foyer mais surtout rend possible la gestion des biodéchets comme les excréments. Mais pas que ! L'urine est une ressource gratuite, riche en azote et phosphore, idéale pour la croissance de la spiruline et des plantes. Il est donc possible de fabriquer des toilettes sèches à séparateur d'urine pour rendre possible cette valorisation :èches_à_séparation_d%27urine

      //èches_à_séparation_d%27urine</div> </div><br/>)
    • El tutorial de los tutoriales  + (Una baja tecnología puede provenir de conoUna baja tecnología puede provenir de conocimientos tradicionales o modernos, encuentra su utilidad tanto en la ciudad como en el campo, y puede integrarse en entornos ricos e industrializados de la misma manera que en las sociedades en desarrollo. Le aconsejamos que piense en estas cuestiones bajo tres temas principales: necesidad, accesibilidad y respeto, para saber si su proyecto es realmente de baja tecnología. '''NECESIDAD''' ¿El dispositivo satisface una necesidad básica? Necesidad de alimentos, energía, saneamiento, higiene, acceso al agua potable, herramientas? '''ACCESIBILIDAD''' ¿Es asequible desde el punto de vista financiero, técnico y material? ¿Es su costo asequible para este tipo de necesidad? ¿Invoca un saber hacer artesanal? ¿Los recursos, materiales y herramientas utilizados son locales o están fácilmente disponibles en tiendas, fábricas o basureros? '''RESPETO''' ¿Respeta el Medio Ambiente? ¿Es eficiente en el uso de la energía, se puede reparar o se puede reciclar? ¿Respeta a las poblaciones locales? ¿Es culturalmente apropiado? '''CUIDADO''' Evitar la presentación de un dispositivo contaminante. Evitar la promoción de un producto específico que no se pondría en "open source". *Nota: Para la documentación de baja tecnología que no esté completa, se requiere llenar al menos la parte de contexto y operación de la documentación de baja tecnología. A continuación, puede compartir sus ideas, comentarios sobre la parte de discusión del lab'arios sobre la parte de discusión del lab')
    • Collective laundry practice  + (We are two housemates and a few months agoWe are two housemates and a few months ago we asked ourselves: how to shift our individual practice to a collective one by sharing laundry? Indeed, we have one washing machine in the house that everyone uses for their own personal clothes. After two months of experimentation, we found our rhythm in a practice that finally meets both our needs. We assumed that sustainability in home appliances relied only on energy saving. Slowly, during the process, we realized that social values were a layer of our practice. They were necessary for the good functioning of our contract, and therefore we started acknowledging them. We stopped focusing on the quantification of our research and start appreciating and giving value to the shared rituals. We experimented with a relaxed discipline towards chores. Having to commit to each other and to the task gave us greater satisfaction in the achievement of daily life duties. We perceived it as something wholesome. We share here the methodology that helped us steeping out to our individual practice, because we believe it worth trying it. It is a meaningful opportunity to bring social values in a shared house. To know before reading: *The different steps are propositions to open dialogue and consent to a methodology *The propositions can work independently or together *They need commitments, time and energy on long-term *The final goal is for the group to build their own practicepan class="s1"></span>The final goal is for the group to build their own practice)