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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Material » avec la valeur « *Petri dish *Alcohol *Cardboard *Plastic bottles *Fresh mushrooms *Cotton *Substrate (wood chips, coffee grounds, sawdust, straw,...) ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 58 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Cultivation of oyster mushrooms  + ( *Petri dish *Alcohol *Cardboard *Plastic bottles *Fresh mushrooms *Cotton *Substrate (wood chips, coffee grounds, sawdust, straw,...) )
    • Biodiesel  + ('''1.1 Aceite''' En el marco de un enfoqu'''1.1 Aceite''' En el marco de un enfoque lo más ecológico posible, el aceite usado para la fabricación de biodiesel será "aceite de freír usado" recogido de cualquier tipo de establecimiento de restauración. Para recoger el mejor aceite, no dude en hablar con el propietario del restaurante así como con el cocinero para explicarles el proceso. Recoger el aceite sin permiso puede ser un delito. Además, es importante asegurar la calidad del aceite recogido. Los aceites usados contienen ácidos grasos libres. Estos últimos aparecen mientras que los aceites se almacenan durante un tiempo al aire libre y se vuelven rancios o cuando se calienta un aceite en presencia de agua. La fritura de alimentos (que contienen agua) provoca la aparición de ácidos grasos libres en el aceite. Durante la transesterificación, estos ácidos grasos libres reaccionarán con el catalizador (base sólida) y crean un jabón no deseado. Este último va a impedir la correcta separación de los productos de la reacción, el biodiesel y el glicerol, que crearán más bien una emulsión con la que es difícil trabajar. Cuanto más utilizado esté el aceite de freír, mayor será su concentración en ácidos grasos libres y más se oscurecerá. '''Por lo tanto hay que evitar al máximo recoger aceites muy usados y oscuros'''. Cuanto mayor sea la calidad del aceite, más fácil será el proceso de transformación. Los aceites que hay que "privilegiar" en el contexto de la fabricación de biodiesel son los aceites vegetales con un pH neutro o casi como "aceites de colza, maíz o girasol". Estos aceites tienen un punto de fusión bajo, lo que signfica que no se solidifican si las temperaturas bajan en invierno (las temperaturas de fusión de estos aceites son de -10ºC a -2ºC para el aceite de colza, -15ºC para el de girasol). Es necesario evitar los "aceites de cacahuete, coco, de palma o las grasas animales", ya que se solidifican a temperaturas demasiado elevadas (>10ºC), aunque el biodiesel tenga un punto de fusión inferior al aceite que se utiliza en su fabricación. El aceite de oliva también debe descartarse ya que es demasiado ácido, y estos ácidos pueden interferir durante la reacción de la creación de biodiesel. '''1.2 Metanol''' El metanol, o alcohol de madera, se obtenía antiguamente por la pirólisis de la madera. Hoy en día se sintetiza a partir de gas natural y se utiliza principalmente como anticongelante de enfriamiento, como disolvente para la síntesis de otros productos químicos o como carburante para las carreras (dragster, modelismo). Podemos conseguirlos en tiendas especializadas en productos químicos, algunos grandes almacenes de bricolaje y algunos talleres.
      Para la fabricación del biodiesel, es importante recoger metanol casi puro (99 %).
      El metanol es muy inflamable y puede arder o explotar con la mínima chispa. También es tóxico y puede provocar ceguera si se inhala o se ingiere.
      '''1.3 Catalizador''' Para el catalizador podemos utilizar el hidróxido de sodio (NaOH, sosa cáustica) o hidróxido de potasio (KOH, potasio cáustico). Ambos son corrosivos y altamente básicos. Estos productos químicos, suficientemente comunes, se encuentran en las tiendas de bricolaje, por Internet o en tiendas especializadas en productos químicos. El KOH y el NaOH son ambos higroscópicos, lo que significa que absorben rápidamente la humedad de la atmósfera. El agua los convierte en catalizadores menos eficaces: hay que conservarlos siempre en contenedores sellados y herméticos. "NaOH vs KOH, propiedades diferentes." · El hidróxido de sodio (NaOH) es menos caro y comúnmente utilizado para la fabricación de biodiesel a pequeña escala. En cambio, el hidróxido de sodio (NaOH) contamina el agua de lavado del biodiesel y no debe verterse en la naturaleza. Por lo tanto no se aconseja su uso si no se tiene un medio de procesamiento de residuos. · El hidróxido de potasio (KOH) gana popularidad gracias a sus propiedades de catálisis superiores. El hidróxido de potasio (KOH) se disuelve más fácilmente en el metanol y es menos sensible al agua. Además, la glicerina obtenida en el transcurso de la reacción permanece líquida y puede añadirse con más seguridad en un compost o utilizarse en pequeñas cantidades como complemento para la alimentación animal.
      ce líquida y puede añadirse con más seguridad en un compost o utilizarse en pequeñas cantidades como complemento para la alimentación animal.)
    • Semi-removable Mass Stove  + ('''Metalwork''' * Metal drum * Pipework (t'''Metalwork''' * Metal drum * Pipework (tubes of differing diameters and T-tube) * Sewer grate '''Ironmongery:''' * Self-tapping screws, * Nuts and bolts '''Concrete: ''' * Tamper for packing down and applying the concrete, * Wire, * An old cloth to put in the drum to deaden the noise whilst you are working. '''Moulds:''' * Plastic packaging (cellophane), * Gaffer tape * Masking tape, * Corrugated cardboard, * Cardboard tubes of 80, 100, 130mm diameters respectivelys of 80, 100, 130mm diameters respectively)
    • Biofilter  + ( * 2 x 60L containers, e.g. plastic rubbi * 2 x 60L containers, e.g. plastic rubbish bins (preferably made of solid, durable inert plastic) * 1 x lid * 1 x 15L (approx.) bowl of an equal diameter to the container (preferably made of solid durable inert plastic) * Water pump/airlift pump for pond or aquarium min. 300 L/hour to a height of 1m * 50cm hose pipe (with a diameter which will fit the pump output) * Expanded clay ball or porous volcanic rock (microporous materials are good for making a solid habitat for mirco-organisms): approximately 5L for the biofilter and 5L for the worm composter (bedding material for drainage) * Straw/dried vegetation (habitat made of materials high in cellulose for micro-organisms), approximately 5L for the biofilter and 5 L for the worm composter * Water: approximately 40L * Fungi (Trichoderma or Strepomyces) (GHE - BM or Subculture) or rotting organic matter, * A good selection of earthworms (min. 50) * A good selection of earthworms (min. 50) )
    • Light bottle cutter  + ( * A piece of wood * One cutter blade * 2 screws * 2 washers )
    • Extinguisher  + ( * A plastic bottle of 2L * A fine plastic * A plastic bottle of 2L * A fine plastic bag (for fruits for example) * A big nail (100 mm x 4 mm) * A BIC pencil spring * A cork * Paperclips or pieces of metal (drilling drops for example) * Masking tape (for painting) * 750 mL of alcohol vinegar * 750 mL of water * 105 g of baking soda * One tablespoon of dishwashing liquid soda * One tablespoon of dishwashing liquid )
    • Simple powerbank  + ( * A used laptop battery. * A "[http://www * A used laptop battery. * A "[ lithium-ion battery holder]", if possible with wire. * A [ load / unload module]. * Tin wire. * A container for the components: here plastic tube / inner tube and bottle cap. e plastic tube / inner tube and bottle cap. )
    • Buried Aymarian Greenhouse  + ( * Adobe (using bricks of clay and straw) to build the walls, * Bricks to build columns to support the roof * Wood for the framework * Plastic (agroplastico) tarpaulin for the roof * mud and/or black nets to control the temperature )
    • Rideau thermique - prototype 1  + ( * Partie bleue du masque : - Waterproof * Partie bleue du masque : - Waterproof * Partie Inter-couche du masque (partie blanche) : - Contient du polypropylène (High durability - excellent insulation- recyclable …) * Paquet de chips vide (contient de l’aluminium): - Couche réfléchissante de la chaleur * Sponge: - Pour séparer les douches de l’aluminium, pour créer un espace vacant entre deux couches d’aluminium pour augmenter isolation thermique (R-value). * Carton: - Plus spécifiquement dans les places ou passe la couture, pour que les deux couches d’aluminium ne se colle par entre eux, comme ça on évite la transmission thermique. omme ça on évite la transmission thermique. )
    • Solar desalinator  + ( * Wooden cleats (used in this tutorial: 44 * 22mm) * Small plastic tube diameter 5 or 6 mm * Two bottles of 5 or 6 liters * Strong and transparent plastic tarpaulin * Cotton fabric * Blanket * Wood screws * Inner tube )
    • Enhanced cooker  + ( * rocks * clay *salt *pig hair * donkey's dung which has previously fermented for 5 days in plastic tarpaulin * straw * water * sheet metal / iron armatures for the chimney )
    • Simple wooden bike trolley - hand tools only - back wheel attachment  + ( * x2 bike wheels (front is better) - 16 i * x2 bike wheels (front is better) - 16 in here - look for similar tyres. * x9 small wooden beams - here up-cycled bed slates (hard wood is better) - we used 45x16 mm profiles - 800mm long * x4 large mounting brackets, with a 10 mm hole(see picture) * +/- 8 mounting bracket (any will do) * +++ screws * x1 M8 wing nut + washer + bolt +/- 10 bolts - washers - bolts M4/M5/M6 * x1 wooden board * x1 bike bell mounting ring (see picture) * x1 bike bell mounting ring (see picture) )
    • Culture de pleurotes  + ( *Boite de Pétri *Alcool *Carton *Bouteilles plastiques *Pleurotes fraîches *Coton *Substrat (copeaux de bois, marc de café, sciure de bois, paille,...) )
    • Extintor de incendios  + ( *Una botella de plástico de 2L *Una bolsa *Una botella de plástico de 2L *Una bolsa plástica delgada (para frutas por ejemplo) *Un clavo grande (100 mm x 4 mm) *Un resorte de bolígrafo BIC *Un tapón de corcho. *Clips o trozos de metal (por ejemplo, trozos de taladro) *Cinta adhesiva (para pintar) *750 ml de vinagre de alcohol *750 ml de agua *105 g de bicarbonato de sodio *Una cucharada de líquido lavaplatos sodio *Una cucharada de líquido lavaplatos )
    • Domestic mealworm farming  + (3 plastic bins flour, box of eggs live mealworms: - -
    • Solar oven - inner tube  + (Car inner tube Flat piece of wood Black pot or pan A pain of glass Emergency blanket)
    • Worm Compost Bins  + (Large plastic or iron container with lid, Large plastic or iron container with lid, 100 – 200 l Stainless ball or butterfly valvetap (1/2” inch or 3/4” inch) with hydraulic fittings Teflon Rocks, peppels, gravel, or expanded clay balls Sand. Not salty sand from sea! Good loamy soil to 30/40 cm height Cow or horses manure, several big handfuls, broken up Kitchen wastes, a bit. To be added to the system after 10 days Worms (100/ 200, depending on the dimension of the barrel). Better the red worm, they are more active and efficient, even if not local! Dry leaves or straw 2/3 ventilation filter in plastic of 10/12 cm diameter [ Mosquito net can be used instead of the ventilation filters.] silicon Bricks or other material 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanketrial 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanket)
    • Solar air heater  + (The tutorial presented here is 2.09m x 1.0The tutorial presented here is 2.09m x 1.09m overall Sensor: * Chevron Douglas (here the final section is 95mm x 45mm) ** 2 of 2m10 ** 2 of 1m10 * 15 m of douglas sheets (20mm x 53mm) * Rigid plate (here plywood filmed, 10mm) * Rigid insulation (here Steico plate, 22mm) * Sika cartridge * Silicone cartridge * PU glue for outdoor wood gluing * Wood glue * Nails * Wood screws, from 30mm to 150mm * Comprehensive seal * Linseed oil * Wood varnish * 15 m of douglas sheets (30mm x 16 mm) * Aluminum adhesive * Tempered glass or polycarbonate plate (1m x 2m) * Expanded metal grid (300mm x 50mm) * 4 screw legs (example) * 1m of aluminum drip 100mm width (example) * Double-sided adhesive * Thin insulation (here parquet insulation) * 30 to 35 slates 320mm x 220mm, thickness 3,5mm * 8 reinforced squares, mini width 40mm * 1 tube diameter 100mm length of the housing wall, pvc / aluminum / stainless steel for the low entrance Valve system: * 1 Thermostatic cylinder Vernet EL 0769 * 100mm of brass tube diameter 4mm * compression spring length 70mm * 1 washer * 1 small screw * 2 rivets * 5 cm of copper wire diameter 2mm * 1 domino electrician diameter 4mm * Plumbing / gas equipment: ** 100mm of threaded brass tube 15/21 ** 2 brass blind nuts 15/21 ** 1 brass through nut 15/21 ** 1 copper sleeve diameter 12mm ** 1 copper sleeve diameter 14mm ** 1 brass nipple 15/21 * 1 ventilation valve, here diameter 100mm * 1 ball catch * 1 aluminum or stainless steel tube along the wall of the house wall, diameter of the valve '''optional:''' * Rain barrier * Sealant '''optional:''' * Rain barrier * Sealant)
    • Solar multicooker  + (• Polystyrene boards • Wood boards. • 8mm glass (size: 50cmX50cm) • Aluminium scotch or survival blanket ( silver side outwards ). • Pop-rivets. • Inner tube • Cords. • Screws.)
    • Eco-construcción  + (•Tierra, paja, bosta de vaca fermentada, a•Tierra, paja, bosta de vaca fermentada, agua •Clavos, tornillos •Planchas de madera para hacer los ángulos •Botellas de vidrio para dar luz y decorar •Alcohol de quemar, encendedor, cuerda que se quema (no plástico), agua fría o helada para cortar las botellas •Ramas de madera de diámetro 10 cm, y de diametro 3-6cm para la carpintería (pin, pin Oregón, etc) •Planchas de madera aglomerada •Malla, alembro, grapas madera aglomerada •Malla, alembro, grapas)
    • Dry Toilets For Family  + ("Notes" 1) Every measure in this tutorial"Notes" 1) Every measure in this tutorial are only for the stainless steel bucket below and for wood of a thickness of 1,2 in. It will be very simple to adapt the measure depending on the equipment of everyone. 2) It isn't recommended to use any other materials than stainless steel for the bucket. The other materials such as galvanized steel or plastic don't react well with urine through time. Furthermore, you have to make sure the bucket can support the weight of anybody. That's why stainless steel is recommended. * [ A stainless steel bucket]. * Classic toilet lid. * [ A plastic bucket] * A door hinge 4 inches large, preferably stainless steel. * Wood boards/shavings, here 1,2 in thick. * Screws, preferably stainless steel. * Wood glue. * Polyurethane glue. * A lag-screw 4,8 in long. * Sawdust (can be collected at a carpenter). * Dry vegetable matters like straw, dead leaves, etc. * Container allowing to stock sawdust, approximately 20 L. (bucket, bag, etc) * Container allowing to collect the sawdust (small shovel, pot, tin can, etc) * Reclaimed wood or palettes (creation of the composting area).alettes (creation of the composting area).)
    • Biodiesel  + ('''1.1 Oil''' Our approach being the most'''1.1 Oil''' Our approach being the most ecological possible, the oil used for making biodiesel is '''used cooking oil''' collected from all sorts of eating establishments. In order to collect the best sort of oil, talk to the owner of the restaurant as well as the chef so you can explain the purpose of your approach. Collecting oil without permission can be qualified as an offence. Furthermore, make sure you check the quality of the oil collected. Used oil contains free fatty acids. They appear when oil is left in the open air over a certain period of time and becomes rancid or when heated in the presence of water. Frying food (that contains water) therefore causes FFAs to appear in oil. During transesterification, these FFAs react with the catalyst (strong base) and create an unwanted soap. The soap stops the products of the reaction, biodiesel and glycerol, from separating correctly, which creates an emulsion that is difficult to work with. The more the cooking oil is used, the more the concentration in FFAs increases and becomes browner. '''Therefore, try to avoid collecting old, brown oil'''. The better the quality of the oil is, the easier the converting process will be. When making biodiesel, '''prefer''' using oil such as vegetable oil with a neutral pH or nearly neutral such as '''rapeseed, corn oil or sunflower oil'''. These oils have a low freezing point, which means they don't solidify if temperatures drop in winter (freezing temperatures for these oils range from -10°C to -2°C for rapeseed, -15°C for sunflower). '''Avoid peanut, coconut and palm oil or animal fats''' because the temperatures at which they solidify are too high (>10°C), even if biodiesel has a lower freezing point than the oil it originates from. Also ban olive oil that is too acidic, these acids could interfere during the reaction in the creating of biodiesel. '''1.2 Methanol''' Methanol, or wood alcohol, used to be obtained by wood pyrolysis. Nowadays, it is synthesized from natural gas and is mainly used as an antifreeze for coolants, as a solvent for the synthesis of other chemicals or as fuel in the racing field (dragsters, model engines). It can be purchased through suppliers who specialize in chemicals, some DIY stores and garages.
      To make biodiesel, it's important you use methanol that's practically pure (99%).
      It's very flammable and the slightest spark could cause burns or an explosion. It is also toxic and can cause blindness if inhaled or ingested.
      '''1.3 Catalyst''' Either sodium hydroxide (NaOH, caustic soda) or potassium hydroxide (KOH, caustic potash) can be used as a catalyst. They are both corrosive and highly basic. These chemicals are quite common and can be found in DIY stores, on line or through chemical suppliers. KOH and NaOH are both hygroscopic, which means they absorb the humidity in the atmosphere quickly. They become less efficient catalysts in the presence of water: always keep them in sealed, airtight containers. '''NaOH vs KOH, different properties.''' * Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is less expensive and commonly used to make biodiesel on a small scale. However, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) contaminates the water used for cleaning biodiesel and must not be disposed of in nature. We therefore suggest you don't use it if you cannot ensure water treatment. * Potassium hydroxide (KOH) having higher catalysis properties, is gaining in popularity. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) dissolves easier in methanol and is less sensitive to water. Furthermore, the glycerin obtained through the reaction remains liquid and can be added to compost with more safety or used in small amounts as a supplement for animal feed.
      ed through the reaction remains liquid and can be added to compost with more safety or used in small amounts as a supplement for animal feed.)
    • Ram pump  + ('''Do not use plastic material for the ram'''Do not use plastic material for the ram, whether valves or flaps, as they will wear out very quickly during operation..'''
      This is an example for the case of a ram pump dimensioned in 26/34mm, but it has to be adapted according to the results of the dimensioning (Step 2
      '''To buy:''' * Valve of 26/34mm * 1 Elbow of 26/34 * 3 Male plumbing nipples in 26/34 * 1 Tee of 26/34 * 1 Strainer in 26/34 or a plastic check valve inside (see step 5) * 1 Check valve in 26/34 with stainless steel/brass interior * 2 Valves in 20/27 or 1 valve with drain valve * 1 Cross of 20/27 * 1 Reduction from 26/34 to 20/27 * 1 or 2 Teflon rollers for sealing the entire assembly * Thread lock for fixing the threaded rod * 4 Rods with wing nuts * A dozen washers with an internal diameter of 6mm * 2 Nuts for M5 threaded rod '''To be recovered:''' * 1 Extinguisher of 7 or 9 litres * 1 Inner tube or other rubber to make a seal * Nails * 1 Wooden board * Flat iron 20 or 30 mm wide, about 60 cm * A torch (according to step 5)
      1 Wooden board * Flat iron 20 or 30 mm wide, about 60 cm * A torch (according to step 5))
    • Spirulina farming  + ('''Spirumeter'''. * White plastic cap * Sc'''Spirumeter'''. * White plastic cap * Screws * Wooden or plastic rod or ruler '''Medium of culture'''. * Drinking water * Sea salt * Bicarbonate of soda '''Mineral Food''' * Potassium Nitrate * Monoammonium phosphate * Iron Sulfate * Potassium Sulfate (optional) * Magnesium sulfate (optional) or *[ Pre-weighed food for sale N50 and N250] '''Natural food''' * White vinegar * 100g rusty nails * 5 to 10 lemons or citric acidusty nails * 5 to 10 lemons or citric acid)
    • The organic filter  + ( * 2 vats of 60L each, such as black bins * 2 vats of 60L each, such as black bins (strong inert plastic and preferably durable) * 1 lid * 1 basin of about 15L of the same diameter as the vats (strong inert plastic and preferably durable) * water pump or lift pump basin or aquarium min 300L / h at H = 1m * 50 cm garden hose (diameter adapted to the outlet of the pump) * ball of expanded clay or porous volcanic rock (microporosity will be the solid habitat of microorganisms): about 5L for the organic filter and 5L for the earthworm composter (draining litter) * straw / dry grass (degradable cellulosic habitat of microorganisms) about 5L for the organic filter and 5L for the earthworm composter * water: about 40L * fungi (Trichoderma or Streptomyces) (GHE - BM or Subculture) or decaying organic matter * earthworms (at least 50 earthworms of the correct variety) least 50 earthworms of the correct variety) )
    • Bokashi “Kitchen compost”  + ( * 3 food grade buckets of 5L (gatherable * 3 food grade buckets of 5L (gatherable in restaurants) and a lid which enables a hermetical sealing. One is the compost box. One is the elevator . One is the receiver. * One tap adaptable for plastic buckets (with seal and tightening nut) * 1L of approx. 3mm diameter pumice * Organic waste * 1 Flask of EM A (available at [ Bertrand Grevet, Synbiovie], French specialist) and/or 1 bag of his EM inseminated wheat bran. , Synbiovie], French specialist) and/or 1 bag of his EM inseminated wheat bran. )
    • Spirulina-growing pond  + ( * 50 to 100 mm long wood screws * 18mm lath * Half-rafter * Leveling feet * Geotextile * Waterproof tarpaulin * Staples * Greenhouse tarpaulin or food film * Polycarbonate plate 3x1 m * Cardboards * Silicone )
    • Recycling shower  + ( * A tank or a plastic container with a mi * A tank or a plastic container with a minimum capacity of 10L * A bunghole with overflow system and closing system * One 1/2" male gland * An instantaneous water-heater (Electrical with fuse or gas depending on context) * A self-priming pump type camping car, 12V, minimum 10L/min ([ example]) + 220V>12V power supply adapted (about 4A in 12V) * An accumulator adapted to the pump ([ example]) * A filtration station with associated cartridges ( 50 microns, 20 microns, activated carbon) ([ example]) * Male to male adapters 3/4>1/2 for filter holders and possibly wall passageways * A 3-way valve * Flexible female / female 1/2 * Teflon coil * Optional: a shower tray * Optional: UV lamp on coil * Optional: a shower tray * Optional: UV lamp )
    • Plastic bottle cutter  + ( * A wood board ep. 10mm x L. 20cm x l. 15cm * A cutter blade * Two bolts L. 50mm x D. 5mm * 12 washers diameter 5mm )
    • Desert fridge - light version  + ( * Can of the desired size, made of plastic or any other sand-proof material * Fabric with a thin stitch * Board, either in wood or in any other material * Little plastic hose with a tap * Bottle of 5 or 6 litters * Sand )
    • Ceramic water filter  + ( * Materials * Sawdust * Clay * Clean water: for mixing with the clay and the flow tests colloidal silver * Container with tap (ceramic, plastic, metal) * Plastic bags for the pressing process * Fuel for the oven )
    • Bio-sand filter for drinking water  + ( * One meter of PVC pipe for drinking wate * One meter of PVC pipe for drinking water adduction, 100mm diameter. * One PVC plug, adapted to the pipe. * One cover * PVC glue. * Sand, if possible from crushed stones, diameter 0-1mm, in order to fill 60 of the pipe. * Gravel zone, 6-10 mm, in order to fill 10cm of the pipe. * Flexible plastic pipe intented for food. * 3 bends, adapted to the flexible pipe. * Silicone s, adapted to the flexible pipe. * Silicone )
    • Rideau thermique - prototype 1  + ( * Partie bleue du masque : - Waterproof * Partie bleue du masque : - Waterproof * Partie Inter-couche du masque (partie blanche) : - Contient du polypropylène (High durability - excellent insulation- recyclable …) * Paquet de chips vide (contient de l’aluminium): - Couche réfléchissante de la chaleur * Sponge: - Pour séparer les douches de l’aluminium, pour créer un espace vacant entre deux couches d’aluminium pour augmenter isolation thermique (R-value). * Carton: - Plus spécifiquement dans les places ou passe la couture, pour que les deux couches d’aluminium ne se colle par entre eux, comme ça on évite la transmission thermique. omme ça on évite la transmission thermique. )
    • Solar water heater  + ( * fridge doors of similar size (support) * fridge doors of similar size (support) * grilles on the back of fridge of similar size (sensor) * rot-resistant wooden battens (douglas, larch ...) * 16mm-diameter copper tubes (plumbing) * double-glazed window panel * wood screw or self-drilling screw * washers * polyurethane sealant * corks * brass solder rods and paint stripper (?? - should this be flux?) paint stripper (?? - should this be flux?) )
    • Water tank  + ( * wooden pallets (3-4 depending on the si * wooden pallets (3-4 depending on the size of the crates), ours were 160cm*280cm * gutter connection / bracket * a plastic valve * pipes, we used diameters 25-27 * watertight barrel with lid * screws, we used 160cm screws Here are a few tips to help you find the equipment you need: * the wooden pallets were found in a company near our school * the barrel was given to us by a car garage, but we had also found one at a recycling centre * the hose was found at a recycling centre * the screws and tap were bought in a Mr Bricolage/Brico Dépôt store bought in a Mr Bricolage/Brico Dépôt store )
    • Plastic pyrolyzer  + ( *1 large stainless steel tank with lid *3 small stainless steel tanks *copper pipes (diameter 6mm) *7 copper uniseal joint (for watertightness of joints) *O-ring (for watertightness of tanks) *Plastic waste PP and/or HDPE/LDPE )
    • Oyas  + ( *2 terracotta pots (unpainted) **1 large: *2 terracotta pots (unpainted) **1 large: diameter = 23 cm (measured on the outside of the high rim) **1 small: diameter = 21 cm *saucer adapted to the small pot: diameter = 16 cm *tile shards (approx. 5 cm x 5 cm) *Tile glue (allow ~50 g per oya) *white paint *1 skewer (or 1 nail + 2 plastic straws) *~30 cm of wire *1 cork stopper tic straws) *~30 cm of wire *1 cork stopper )
    • Culture de pleurotes  + ( *Boite de Pétri *Alcool *Carton *Bouteilles plastiques *Pleurotes fraîches *Coton *Substrat (copeaux de bois, marc de café, sciure de bois, paille,...) )
    • Water Ceramic Filter  + ( *Clay, * Wood fines, *Silver, *Plastic container with a tap, )
    • Cultivation of oyster mushrooms  +
    • Solar water heater  + ( *Pipe pvc 20mm *Elbow pipe pvc 20mm *T pvc 20mm *Adhesive tape for plumbing *Plastic bottle *Reservoir )
    • Cultivo de hongos ostra  + ( *Placas de Petri *Alcohol *Cartón *Botellas de plástico *hongos frescos* *Algodón *Sustrato (astillas de madera, posos de café, aserrín, paja,...) )
    • Farming of edible crickets  + ( *Waterproof box * Cartons: egg tray type *A plastic glass *2 containers (dish) * A tray *Fine mesh *Coconut fibre or ground dry matter *Food for crickets (here finely crushed wheat) )
    • Preservation module  + ( *Wood boards *Threaded steel rods *Nuts *Clay pots (2 different sizes) *Moskito net *Tarp *Sand )
    • The Norwegian Kettle (Hay Box)  + ( *Wooden planks from wine boxes, palettes, *Wooden planks from wine boxes, palettes, plywood off-cuts, etc. .... *Nails * 1 foil blanket * 1 duvet for insulation *Assembly feet and screws *A wooden box *A box * A cardboard box * A chest *An old polystyrene fish box * A basket * A bucket with a lid *A cooler *An insulated bag *A toy box *A washing tub *A trunk or a suitcase *A kitchen cupboard or draw * A hole in the ground *...... You get the idea Other options for the insulating material * Blanket *Duvet *Eiderdown *Sleeping bag *Wool *Textiles (old pullovers, anoraks, towels, curtains...); *Cushions *Jute sacs *Hemp *Sawdust *Bark *Cork *Polystyrene *Foil blanket (survival blanket) *Straw, hay... *Glass wool *Banana leaves *... raw, hay... *Glass wool *Banana leaves *... )
    • Wooden bicycle trailer  + (- 2 herringbone pallets - 2 bicycle wheels - wood screws - 4 decks - 1 air chamber)
    • Thrifty and stand-alone water point  + (1 wooden box 1 plastic bottle 1 wooden b1 wooden box 1 plastic bottle 1 wooden batten 1 small wooden plank (6x8 cm - 2,37x3,15 inch) 1 piece of iron wire 1 thin silicone tube (ex : baby nose cleaner, breast pump ...) 1 elastic 1 big nail (7 to 8 cm - 2,75 to 3,14 inch) A few screws 1 staple2,75 to 3,14 inch) A few screws 1 staple)
    • Batteries recovery  + (1- Computer battery 2 - Solar panel (e.g.1- Computer battery 2 - Solar panel (e.g. 5V-6V mini solar panel) 3 - Charge and discharge controller (e.g. 4-8V 1A Charging Module Mini Li-ion USB Arduino) 4 - Tension regulator : DC/DC booster MT3608 (electrical component which transforms the 3.7 V current from the batteries to 12 V) 5 - LED Lamp (e.g. 2 strips of 5 SMD 5050 LEDs) 6 - Light switch (to open the circuit and cut off the light) 7 - Box (cardboard, wood, 3D printed...) with 2 openings to fit the solar panel and the light diffuser (plan to also fit the light switch and USB output) 8 - Light diffuser (for diffusing light from LEDs) 9 - Tape (for diffusing light from LEDs) 9 - Tape)
    • Hydroponics  + (1. Crop gutters * Cleats (minimum width 11. Crop gutters * Cleats (minimum width 10cm) * Plastic sheeting * Staples * Clay beads
      Prefer the small clay balls, they are heavier and will allow a better maintenance of the roots
      * Brackets * Wood screws * Young shoots and cuttings 2. Irrigation system * 1 Submersible pump (aquarium pump) * 5 m of thin plastic pipe (pump outlet) * 1 End cap with 4 outlets for fine pipe * 50 cm of wide plastic tube (Link between the filter and the bio-filter) * 1 Wide pipe end cap (to be fixed on the filter tank) * 1 Blower 3. Filter and bio-filter * 2 plastic bins of 60L * Large gravel * Sand * 10L Clay beads * 40L of water [[:Modèle:In order to ensure homogeneity of the water in terms of nutrients and temperature, we recommend using about 40L of water per square meter of cultivation.]] 4. Control system * Socket outlet with programmable timer or Arduino
      [[:Modèle:In order to ensure homogeneity of the water in terms of nutrients and temperature, we recommend using about 40L of water per square meter of cultivation.]] 4. Control system * Socket outlet with programmable timer or Arduino)
    • Wtl  + (1x couvercle de la chasse d'eau modifier e1x couvercle de la chasse d'eau modifier en plastic recycler avec bague en polyester et un etonnoir en plastic récupérer. 2 à 8 x seaux (arrosoirs) en caoutchouc souple, marque Red Gorilla, chacun sa bague en '''S''' 1 x bac de 14l caoutchouc souple, marque Red Gorilla, la dedans en prendre notre douche. Après 2 minutes il est plein. Écope avec la grande Becprès 2 minutes il est plein. Écope avec la grande Bec)
    • Multifunctional Crankset  + (<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> *Bi
      *Bike with derailleur gears *Belts of different sizes (to be measured depending on your mounting. They can be found in lawnmowers, or in garages) *Fasteners, eye straps and metal corner braces *Wood (battens, plywood, pallet boards) *Pulleys around 60mm in diameter (can be found in hardware stores)
      iameter (can be found in hardware stores) </div>)
    • Wind turbine  + (<u>Wind turbine</u> 1- A woodWind turbine 1- A wooden plank (minimum 10mm thick) 2- A piece of flat steel (minimum 2mm thick) 3- A stepper motor from a printer (with it's connectors) 4- A PVC tube (diameter between 55mm and 100mm; wall thickness minimum 3mm) 5- A bicycle inner tube 6- Some wood screws Electric circuit : 3- Stepper motor from a printer 8- A support made from plastic, to take the different system components (you could e.g. use a flat part of the printer housing) 9- Two rectifier diodes or bridge rectifiers 10- One capacitor, 1000µF 16V 11- A voltage stabilizer LM7805 for fixing the voltage at 5V or LM7812 for fixing the voltage at 12V 11'- Instead of the tension stabilizer you could also use a voltage amplifier or a DC/DC booster or even more advance it by supplying the USB connector with a voltage between 0,9 and 5 Volts. 12- An USB connector 13- solder 14- wire Also take a look at global 3D model of this wind turbine after reading. []a82e9ecb8f5/w/cd00be7c7cf2b2a8cc586f3c/e/b08da6447db094a9319da5fe])
    • Worm Compost Bins  + (Large plastic or iron container with lid, Large plastic or iron container with lid, 100 – 200 l Stainless ball or butterfly valvetap (1/2” inch or 3/4” inch) with hydraulic fittings Teflon Rocks, peppels, gravel, or expanded clay balls Sand. Not salty sand from sea! Good loamy soil to 30/40 cm height Cow or horses manure, several big handfuls, broken up Kitchen wastes, a bit. To be added to the system after 10 days Worms (100/ 200, depending on the dimension of the barrel). Better the red worm, they are more active and efficient, even if not local! Dry leaves or straw 2/3 ventilation filter in plastic of 10/12 cm diameter [ Mosquito net can be used instead of the ventilation filters.] silicon Bricks or other material 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanketrial 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanket)
    • Solar Oven (box-type oven)  + (The box: * 9 plywood panels of 500x500mm The box: * 9 plywood panels of 500x500mm and around 10mm of thickness (not too thick to not overweight the box) * Isolator of around 40mm of thickness (4 panels of 500x500mm): polystyrene (available at the fishmonger/ at the and of the market or in electric shop), cork panel, vermiculite... * 4 meters of stick (same thickness of the isolator) * Aluminium paper or black tape (more expensive) * Casing assembly 4x40 (around 80) * Nails 1,5x25mm (around 10) Glass, cadre and ears: * Glass of 410x470mm, not too thick, 2 to 3mm (available in carpenters' trashes) * Chipboard panel of the same thickness of the winder, one of 500x500mm and another one of 500x550mm * Wood pallet or wooden board (8 boards of around 500x60mm and not to thick (around 20mm) * 1 meter of thin hinge with flat head screws OR 6 hinges * 3 meters of string (4mm of diameter) * Sealmeters of string (4mm of diameter) * Seal)
    • Black Soldier Fly breeding  + (The materials used will depend on the suppThe materials used will depend on the support used to build the living space of your larvae. This can be done in a wooden box, a drum cut in half, a large plastic box...
      For the boat, we chose a wooden box because we had recovery boards
      For an order of size, our box will allow to treat waste (food and from dry toilets) produced by 3 persons. For the box (120/65/30cm):
      *120/65cm x2 wood boards *120/30cm x2 wood boards *65/30cm x2 wood boards *Iron angles *Hinges *Screw *Paint and varnish *Plastic tray of 100/60/15cm *Plank and pieces of wood to make the ramp *Inner tube *Staples *Plastic box to collect larvae
      For the aviary (80/50/45cm): * Wood bars of 80/5/2cm x4 * Wood bars of 41/5/2cm x2 * Wood bars of 40/5/2cm x2 *50/45cm plywood board (for the bottom) *Hinges *Screw *Angles *Mosquito net *50/10cm board (for opening) For pupae and egg laying: *Cardboard or wooden plates separated by pins *A box to put some waste *A box to put the pupae *Dry substrate (coconut fiber...) *A box for the hydration of flies
      Don't forget to protect the living space from the water. The eggs will burst with water!
      b-o"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">Don't forget to protect the living space from the water. The eggs will burst with water!</div> </div>)
    • Enceinte passive  + (Une ou deux boite(s) de chips tuile.)
    • Enceinte passive  + (Une ou deux boite(s) de chips tuile.)
    • Bait for Melipona bees  + (• Two 2-3 litre plastic bottles • Newspaper • Black plastic bags • Adhesive tape • Iron wire • 90° Alcohol • Bee propolis from the target species)