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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « The boiler stove is a system designed for homes to heat a water tank with wood. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 45 résultats à partir du n°1.

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Liste de résultats

    • Boiler stove  + (The boiler stove is a system designed for homes to heat a water tank with wood.)
    • Urine-diverting dry toilets  + (''Eternal" urine-separating dry toilets, designed to compost dry matter directly under the toilet to avoid emptying. There are two main tools for achieving this: air circulation and vermicomposting.)
    • Tent heating stove  + (<span class="mw-translate-fuzzy">Simple wood stove to heat a tent or housing</span>)
    • Ceramic water filter  + (A ceramic water filter is a system for purifying unsanitary water. This tutorial aims to show how a ceramic water filter works and how to build one on a semi-industrial scale.)
    • Solar desalinator  + (A cloth impregnated with seawater is wedgeA cloth impregnated with seawater is wedged between two frames on which transparent sheets have been stretched. Thanks to the sun and two reflectors made with a cover of survival, the water of the fabric will evaporate then come to trickle on the baches, while the salt will remain trapped by the fabric. The desalinated water flows down the frames and is collected in a can with two pipes. At the bottom of the frames, waterproofness is essential to the proper functioning of the desalinator.the proper functioning of the desalinator.)
    • A wood-saving oven  + (An oven made with easily accessible materials to cook food and heat a room up with just a small amount of wood.)
    • Semi-underground cellar:  + (As the drawing shows, it is a semi-undergrAs the drawing shows, it is a semi-underground cellar used to store vegetables and fruit. Thanks to the difficulty of heat transfer in the underground, the cellar is able to have a constant temperature all year round, 0℃- 5℃. In addition, the tightness of the cellar ensures humidity. It is suitable for onions, garlic, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, etc. garlic, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, etc.)
    • Sunlight-luminosity measurement with a single board computer (raspberry-orangepi)  + (As you might not know, the meteorological As you might not know, the meteorological surface synoptic observations data (SYNOP, available here: does not take into account sunlight/luminosity.

      Sunlight/luminosity data can be interesting to gather for a diversity of uses (home well-being, photovoltaics production, plants care,...).

      For photovoltaics, although the technology is old, I did not manage to find reliable measurements for cloudy weather.

      We find videos of such a measurement, for example this one:
      that may suggest that solar pannels produce at 50% of their nominal capacity.

      My measurement instruments being subject to interferences, I dont really trust my measurements to be reliable, so i thought about producing simple code that other users less subject to interferences could reuse at their convenience.

      This tutorial will allow you, with only two commands (after installing operating system and docker), to use your single board computer like a weather station recording sunlight/luminosity every minute in a database and producing a web page where results can be retrieved with date filters options.
      the demo is available here:

      Note: dont trust the measurements displayed in the demo above: the ecoterrorist french police doctrine destroys the possibility to do science correctly in france with computers. I do not have the adequate financial and technical means, and I do not want to spend time playing cat and mouse again and again to dodge recurring cyber attacks and shackles. The logic integrity of the code is good. If the system changes, or if you are not targetted too much, this could be useful.

      Publishing on lowtechlab is a signal to encourage you to do your own measurements with diy stuff, like a multimeter and an old offline camera to upload on youtube or peertube. If you read this tutorial and you are not yet an ecoterrorist, you have a superpower: the invisibility cape.
      old offline camera to upload on youtube or peertube. If you read this tutorial and you are not yet an ecoterrorist, you have a superpower: the invisibility cape.)
    • FILTER suitable for a pump  + (Biodegradable filter assembly that retains the contaminants present in the water as it passes through.)
    • Solar water heater  + (Capturing solar energy for domestic hot water or high-efficiency heating)
    • Fog collector  + (Cloud nets that catch water suspended in fog!)
    • Wüstenkühlschank leichte Version  + (Ein traditioneller Zeerpot (oder WüstenkühEin traditioneller Zeerpot (oder Wüstenkühlschrank) aus Tontöpfen wird schnell schwer und schwierig zu transportieren. Die hier vorgestellte Version ist eine leichtere und kostengünstigere Variante, die mit Materialien möglich ist, die leichter verfügbar sind. Die Hülle ist aus Stoff, und der innere Tank kann aus Kunststoff, Metall oder einem anderen sanddichten Material bestehen. Dieser interne Tank wird mit einer Kappe oder einem Tuch verschlossen. einer Kappe oder einem Tuch verschlossen.)
    • Bio-sand filter for drinking water  + (Filter for drinking water using sand and a bacterial layer.)
    • Haybox or fireless cooker made of a wool blanket  + (Fireless cooker made of a woollen blanket Fireless cooker made of a woollen blanket for steaming food. The principle of the fireless cooker or Norwegian pot is to place a stewpot in an insulating receptacle after boiling for slow cooking without using a heat source. This specific space-saving model is perfectly suited to nomadic life, especially in a van, but not only, and can be adapted to various sizes of stewpot or saucepan.d to various sizes of stewpot or saucepan.)
    • Energy use in households  + (How to have energy-efficient homes)
    • Micro-gasifier Cooking Stove  + (How to make an inexpensive portable wood cooking system.)
    • Kivuli cha jadi (au friji ya jangwa) kilichofanywa na sufuria za terracotta inakuwa nzito na vigumu kusafirisha. Toleo iliyotolewa hapa ni laini nyepesi na chini ya gharama kubwa, inayowezekana na vifaa vinavyoweza kupatikana kwa urahisi zaidi. Bahasha ni ya kitambaa, na tank ya ndani inaweza kuwa plastiki, chuma, au nyenzo yoyote ya mchanga-ushahidi. Tank hii ya ndani itafungwa na kuziba au nguo.  + (Kivuli cha jadi (au friji ya jangwa) kilicKivuli cha jadi (au friji ya jangwa) kilichofanywa na sufuria za terracotta inakuwa nzito na vigumu kusafirisha. Toleo iliyotolewa hapa ni laini nyepesi na chini ya gharama kubwa, inayowezekana na vifaa vinavyoweza kupatikana kwa urahisi zaidi. Bahasha ni ya kitambaa, na tank ya ndani inaweza kuwa plastiki, chuma, au nyenzo yoyote ya mchanga-ushahidi. Tank hii ya ndani itafungwa na kuziba au nguo. hii ya ndani itafungwa na kuziba au nguo.)
    • Simple wooden bike trolley - hand tools only - back wheel attachment  + (Method to create a simple bike trolley, usMethod to create a simple bike trolley, using up-cycled materials. Easily fixated to every bike (adult size). Holes on the board help attach any kind of cargo. It’s made out of wood and simple hand tools, no welding required! Dimensions are detailed and can easily be adapted to the material available. (price depends of what materials you use, of course!).ds of what materials you use, of course!).)
    • Water tank  + (Rainwater harvesting system. The system is simple and sober. Connected to a gutter, the tank installed on a wooden structure contains the recovered water.)
    • Oyas  + (Semi-buried micro-irrigation system.)
    • Recycling shower  + (Staying under shower without wasting water)
    • The Norwegian Kettle (Hay Box)  + (The Norwegian Kettle allows for an extended period of passive cooking without supplying heat. THIS TUTORIAL IS A PROTOTYPE AND NEEDS TO BE GREATLY IMPROVED.)
    • Children's bikes  + (The aim of the project is to design and deThe aim of the project is to design and develop an adapted bicycle designed to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for autistic children when out and about. The adapted bike will be attached to the back of a standard bicycle. The bike is specially designed to accommodate a child with severe accommodate a child with severe autism.)
    • 3D filament extruder  + (The aim of this system is to recycle plastic bottles into filament for a 3D printer. (not yet finished))
    • Boiler stove  +
    • Manual Pump (vertical)  + (The objective of this tutorial is to make a manual pump which can be used for getting water out of a tank.)
    • Ram pump  + (The purpose of this tutorial is to facilitate the understanding, design, manufacture and installation of a water elevation system called "Ram pump".)
    • Solar oven - inner tube  + (This solar cooker has been designed by SurThis solar cooker has been designed by Suresh Vaidyarajan - an architect, who has found a simple solution for a tough problem. This design can be made from items that people no longer need (rubbish) making it potentially free. There are no tools needed to create this cooker. It will be cooking for you in no time!r. It will be cooking for you in no time!)
    • Hydroponics  + (This tutorial aims to introduce hydroponicThis tutorial aims to introduce hydroponics and how to build an individual system. This technology was documented during a stopover in Singapore of the "Nomade des Mers" expedition. We met Comcrop, a company that grows aromatic plants (basil, mint...) on an area that is usually unused and worthless: the roofs of buildings!sed and worthless: the roofs of buildings!)
    • Solar lamp with reused lithium cells  + (This tutorial allows you to make a solar lamp equipped with a USB charger. It uses lithium cells that are reused from a old or damaged laptop. This system, with a day of sunlight, can fully charge a smartphone and have 4 hours of light.)
    • Orangepi-raspberry pi nextcloud server (photovoltaics powered)  + (Tutorial to setup a nextcloud server (equiTutorial to setup a nextcloud server (equivalent to google drive but free and adapted to collective organisations) on a single board computer (photovoltaics powered)

      This tutorial is not really "lowtech" at first look because we talk about computers and photovoltaics

      However it is as didactic as possible and follows a lowtech philosophy to share knowledge, avoid unreachable tech by information rentention, complexification by design, or proprietary dependance by design.

      We also give sizign tools for photovoltaics with a few explanation. It's up to to you to size your computer working hours on a sun schedule, ie respecting human temporalities.

      Nextcloud (framasoft offers a service here: ) is a cool service to organise collectively and allows to share files, have a directory, a chat, work cooperatively on libreoffice files, and even do visios. We can also imagine mobile infokisosks on this principle.

      The tutorial puts into question the vpn market, the phtovoltaics with brand new and expensive batteries (in reality photovoltaics has become too competitive compared to petrleum and even more compared to nuclear power!), and the gafam market and their surveillance design is damaging trust and social links. The commands are those for a debian system

      Finally, the tutorial is made iwth 4G modem (and a wired connection to orange pi which has no wifi card by default), and is updated on this 10th of april for a raspberry pi connected to a "shared wifi" of your telephone (see stage 6 for a wifi in wpa3 and stage 16 for a wifi in wpa2)
      pi connected to a "shared wifi" of your telephone (see stage 6 for a wifi in wpa3 and stage 16 for a wifi in wpa2))
    • Thermosyphon Solar Water Heater  + (A very simple system for heating water using solar energy. This system works, without a pump, using only the thermosiphon effect.)
    • Micro gasifier stove  + (Build an economical and transportable wood cooking system.)
    • Improved Stove - Patsari Model  + (Patsari is a wood-saving stove which was dPatsari is a wood-saving stove which was developed in Mexico by the organisation GIRA (Interdisciplinary Group of Rural-Appropriate Technology) during the 2000s. Easy to build, low-cost and safe with regards to its impact on human health, the Patsari has since been rolled out to many different rural communities across Mexico.different rural communities across Mexico.)
    • Rocket stove  + (Rocket stove simple à partir de boîtes de conserve (dimensions totales : 45x25 cm))
    • Semi-removable Mass Stove  + (Semi-removable inertia mass stove. A massSemi-removable inertia mass stove. A mass storage stove or ‘heat storage stove’ is a primary heating device. Its mass, which is made up of heavy material (stone, brick and concrete), stores energy from a fire that burns once during the day (lasting between 1 and 3 hours). Once the fire has gone out, it then continues to give out heat over a prolonged period (for up to 24 hours). Its mass provides thermal inertia which helps to keep an even temperature inside a building (which is why these stoves are often also called “inertia stoves”). The whole of the quantity of wood needed to heat the dwelling is burnt in one go, making it burn hotter which allows complete and more environmentally-friendly combustion. It is a storage device which is designed to absorb the bulk of the energy that is generated from combustion and exhaust gases, which cool down considerably once out of the stove. Accumulated heat is mainly diffused by radiation and, in a few cases, by convection. This particular type of heating, i.e. that uses radiation, is best located in the centre of the dwelling and therefore, most mass stoves these days are positioned in the main room which opens out onto the lounge, dining room and kitchen. As yield tends tend to be in the majority of cases higher than 80%, these stoves are considered to be one of the most efficient wood-fuelled heating devices. Watch the tutorial video here []tps://])
    • Solar multicooker  + (Solar oven + Heat saving slow cooker+ dryer.)
    • Water - Biosand Filter  + (The biosand filter is a household water filter that makes dirty water drinkable.)
    • Manual pump (vertical)  + (The objective is to make a manual pump to draw water from a tank for exemple.)
    • Solar water heater  + (This technology allow to heat water thanks to solar energy)
    • Solar Generator Trailer- Electrical System  + (This tutorial presents the sizing and consThis tutorial presents the sizing and construction of an electrical system for a solar generator (1 kWp or ‘kilowatt peak’) which can be moved by bicycle. This structure was designed to fit on the CHARRETTE, an assisted trailer designed by the Véloma association, whose plans are freely available.ciation, whose plans are freely available.)
    • Thrifty and stand-alone water point  + (Thrifty water point to make your children love washing their hands)
    • Water Ceramic Filter  + (Water ceramic filter: case study of the filter FILTRON made by MERINSA Company in Lima, Peru.)
    • Closed-loop hydroelectric generator  + (The aim of this prototype is to generate electricity from water. The system operates in a closed loop, meaning that no water is lost and that it can be reused.)
    • Weather-stripping curtains  + (When you don't have double glazing (as is the case in our motorhome), there are several ways to reduce heat loss through the windows... Here's an easy and inexpensive one: curtains made from survival blankets!)