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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Material » avec la valeur « * 100g of ivy leaves freshly picked (around 50 leaves) * 1L of water <br/> ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 41 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Ivy liquid detergent  + ( * 100g of ivy leaves freshly picked (around 50 leaves) * 1L of water <br/> )
    • Dry Toilets For Family  + ("Notes" 1) Every measure in this tutorial"Notes" 1) Every measure in this tutorial are only for the stainless steel bucket below and for wood of a thickness of 1,2 in. It will be very simple to adapt the measure depending on the equipment of everyone. 2) It isn't recommended to use any other materials than stainless steel for the bucket. The other materials such as galvanized steel or plastic don't react well with urine through time. Furthermore, you have to make sure the bucket can support the weight of anybody. That's why stainless steel is recommended. * [ A stainless steel bucket]. * Classic toilet lid. * [ A plastic bucket] * A door hinge 4 inches large, preferably stainless steel. * Wood boards/shavings, here 1,2 in thick. * Screws, preferably stainless steel. * Wood glue. * Polyurethane glue. * A lag-screw 4,8 in long. * Sawdust (can be collected at a carpenter). * Dry vegetable matters like straw, dead leaves, etc. * Container allowing to stock sawdust, approximately 20 L. (bucket, bag, etc) * Container allowing to collect the sawdust (small shovel, pot, tin can, etc) * Reclaimed wood or palettes (creation of the composting area).alettes (creation of the composting area).)
    • Biodiesel  + ('''1.1 Oil''' Our approach being the most'''1.1 Oil''' Our approach being the most ecological possible, the oil used for making biodiesel is '''used cooking oil''' collected from all sorts of eating establishments. In order to collect the best sort of oil, talk to the owner of the restaurant as well as the chef so you can explain the purpose of your approach. Collecting oil without permission can be qualified as an offence. Furthermore, make sure you check the quality of the oil collected. Used oil contains free fatty acids. They appear when oil is left in the open air over a certain period of time and becomes rancid or when heated in the presence of water. Frying food (that contains water) therefore causes FFAs to appear in oil. During transesterification, these FFAs react with the catalyst (strong base) and create an unwanted soap. The soap stops the products of the reaction, biodiesel and glycerol, from separating correctly, which creates an emulsion that is difficult to work with. The more the cooking oil is used, the more the concentration in FFAs increases and becomes browner. '''Therefore, try to avoid collecting old, brown oil'''. The better the quality of the oil is, the easier the converting process will be. When making biodiesel, '''prefer''' using oil such as vegetable oil with a neutral pH or nearly neutral such as '''rapeseed, corn oil or sunflower oil'''. These oils have a low freezing point, which means they don't solidify if temperatures drop in winter (freezing temperatures for these oils range from -10°C to -2°C for rapeseed, -15°C for sunflower). '''Avoid peanut, coconut and palm oil or animal fats''' because the temperatures at which they solidify are too high (>10°C), even if biodiesel has a lower freezing point than the oil it originates from. Also ban olive oil that is too acidic, these acids could interfere during the reaction in the creating of biodiesel. '''1.2 Methanol''' Methanol, or wood alcohol, used to be obtained by wood pyrolysis. Nowadays, it is synthesized from natural gas and is mainly used as an antifreeze for coolants, as a solvent for the synthesis of other chemicals or as fuel in the racing field (dragsters, model engines). It can be purchased through suppliers who specialize in chemicals, some DIY stores and garages.
      To make biodiesel, it's important you use methanol that's practically pure (99%).
      It's very flammable and the slightest spark could cause burns or an explosion. It is also toxic and can cause blindness if inhaled or ingested.
      '''1.3 Catalyst''' Either sodium hydroxide (NaOH, caustic soda) or potassium hydroxide (KOH, caustic potash) can be used as a catalyst. They are both corrosive and highly basic. These chemicals are quite common and can be found in DIY stores, on line or through chemical suppliers. KOH and NaOH are both hygroscopic, which means they absorb the humidity in the atmosphere quickly. They become less efficient catalysts in the presence of water: always keep them in sealed, airtight containers. '''NaOH vs KOH, different properties.''' * Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is less expensive and commonly used to make biodiesel on a small scale. However, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) contaminates the water used for cleaning biodiesel and must not be disposed of in nature. We therefore suggest you don't use it if you cannot ensure water treatment. * Potassium hydroxide (KOH) having higher catalysis properties, is gaining in popularity. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) dissolves easier in methanol and is less sensitive to water. Furthermore, the glycerin obtained through the reaction remains liquid and can be added to compost with more safety or used in small amounts as a supplement for animal feed.
      ed through the reaction remains liquid and can be added to compost with more safety or used in small amounts as a supplement for animal feed.)
    • Homemade deodorant  + ('''Deodorant balsam (Winter- liquid above '''Deodorant balsam (Winter- liquid above 25°C)''' *4 tablespoons / 50g coconut oil *2 tbsp / 25g sodium bicarbonate (as fine as possible) *2 tbsp / 25g cornstarch or arrowroot *10 drops of palmarosa essential oil '''
      ''' '''Solid deodorant (Summer)''' *3 tablespoons / 40g coconut oil *10g beeswax or 5g candelilla wax) *2 tbsp / 25g sodium bicarbonate (as fine as possible) *2 tablespoons / 25g cornstarch or arrowroot *10 drops of palmarosa essential oil For an even more moisturising solid deodorant, replace the 3 tablespoons of coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of shea butter. '''Bicarbonate liquid deodorant''' *Approximately 1/8th the volume of the bicarbonate spray bottle *Water to top it off *Optional: 4-8 drops of tea-tree or palmarosa essential oil '''Vinegar liquid deodorant''' *50% by volume cider vinegar (or 25% white vinegar) *50% water by volume (or 75% water) *Optional: 4-8 drops of tea-tree or palmarosa essential oil '''Roll-on deodorant''' *1 teaspoon very fine bicarbonate of soda *1/2 teaspoon clay *1 pinch cornflour or guar gum (for the gel effect) *50% lime water *50% water *Optional: 4-8 drops of tea-tree or palmarosa essential oil
      4-8 drops of tea-tree or palmarosa essential oil)
    • Coltivazione della spirulina  + ('''Spirumètre''' * Bouchon en plastique bl'''Spirumètre''' * Bouchon en plastique blanc * Vis * Tige en bois ou en plastique ou règle '''Milieu de culture''' * Eau potable * Sel marin * Bicarbonate de soude '''Alimentation minérale''' * Nitrate de Potassium * Phosphate Monoammoniaque * Sulfate de Fer * Sulfate de Potassium (facultatif) * Sulfate de Magnésium (facultatif) ou * [ Nourriture pré-pesée à la vente N50 et N250] '''Alimentation naturelle''' * Vinaigre blanc * 100g clous rouillés * 5 à 10 citrons ou acide citriqueouillés * 5 à 10 citrons ou acide citrique)
    • Culture de la spiruline  + ('''Spirumètre''' * Bouchon en plastique bl'''Spirumètre''' * Bouchon en plastique blanc * Vis * Tige en bois ou en plastique ou règle '''Milieu de culture''' * Eau potable * Sel marin * Bicarbonate de soude '''Alimentation minérale''' * Nitrate de Potassium * Phosphate Monoammoniaque * Sulfate de Fer * Sulfate de Potassium (facultatif) * Sulfate de Magnésium (facultatif) ou * [ Nourriture pré-pesée à la vente N50 et N250] '''Alimentation naturelle''' * Vinaigre blanc * 100g clous rouillés * 5 à 10 citrons ou acide citriqueouillés * 5 à 10 citrons ou acide citrique)
    • Manual Pump (vertical)  + ( * The parts for the pump mentioned here * The parts for the pump mentioned here are all made of PVC: * 3 adapters 50mm-25mm * 2 couplings 50mm diameter * 1 tee 50mm-25mm * 1 or 2 elbows 25mm (in accordance with requirements for water outlet) * 1 - 2 metres of 25mm diameter tubing (in accordance with requirements for water outlet) * 1 - 2 metres tubing 50mm diameter * 2 (glass) marbles with a diameter greater than 25mm, * 2 screws 50mm long (minimum) For the piston: * 1 - 2 metres of tubing 40mm, * 1 Tee XXmm-40mm * 1 x tube cap 40mm (or preferably slightly larger) * acetone (or similar solvent) tly larger) * acetone (or similar solvent) )
    • Fiche d'Animation : Nettoyage Complet d'un Four  + ( * '''Gants de protection (Protective glov * '''Gants de protection (Protective gloves)''' * '''Masque (Mask, if necessary)''' * '''Produit dégraissant spécial four (Special oven degreaser)''' * '''Bicarbonate de soude (Baking soda)''' * '''Vinaigre blanc (White vinegar)''' * '''Eau chaude (Hot water)''' * '''[ Chiffons en microfibre] (Microfiber cloths)''' ffons en microfibre] (Microfiber cloths)''' )
    • Desert fridge  + ( * - 1 clay pot of 50 x 46 cm, preferably * - 1 clay pot of 50 x 46 cm, preferably round ( 50cm diameter ) *1 clay pot of 30 x 40 cm, preferably round ( 30cm diameter ) *About 45 kg of fine sand * About 15 litres of drinking water* *1 breathable fabric or cover Adaptability : The dimensions of the two jars vary according to the quantity of food you wish to be able to preserve. Here we propose to build a Zeer Pot that can contain 12 kg of food. This will require an outer pot 50 cm in diameter and an inner pot 30 cm in diameter. The size can be adapted according to the needs provided that the proportions are respected. Health precautions : Attention : *Using contaminated water could contaminate the food deposited in the inner pot. The same will apply if the sand contains harmful elements such as hydrocarbons. ains harmful elements such as hydrocarbons. )
    • Ivy liquid detergent  +
    • The organic filter  + ( * 2 vats of 60L each, such as black bins * 2 vats of 60L each, such as black bins (strong inert plastic and preferably durable) * 1 lid * 1 basin of about 15L of the same diameter as the vats (strong inert plastic and preferably durable) * water pump or lift pump basin or aquarium min 300L / h at H = 1m * 50 cm garden hose (diameter adapted to the outlet of the pump) * ball of expanded clay or porous volcanic rock (microporosity will be the solid habitat of microorganisms): about 5L for the organic filter and 5L for the earthworm composter (draining litter) * straw / dry grass (degradable cellulosic habitat of microorganisms) about 5L for the organic filter and 5L for the earthworm composter * water: about 40L * fungi (Trichoderma or Streptomyces) (GHE - BM or Subculture) or decaying organic matter * earthworms (at least 50 earthworms of the correct variety) least 50 earthworms of the correct variety) )
    • Boiler stove  + ( * 2 x 208L barrels * Water heater (diameter < 55cm) * Safety group for water heater * 1 pair of stainless steel water supply connection hoses * Slabs * Vermiculite concrete insulation * Smoke evacuation pipe (a wood stove pipe) )
    • Biofilter  + ( * 2 x 60L containers, e.g. plastic rubbi * 2 x 60L containers, e.g. plastic rubbish bins (preferably made of solid, durable inert plastic) * 1 x lid * 1 x 15L (approx.) bowl of an equal diameter to the container (preferably made of solid durable inert plastic) * Water pump/airlift pump for pond or aquarium min. 300 L/hour to a height of 1m * 50cm hose pipe (with a diameter which will fit the pump output) * Expanded clay ball or porous volcanic rock (microporous materials are good for making a solid habitat for mirco-organisms): approximately 5L for the biofilter and 5L for the worm composter (bedding material for drainage) * Straw/dried vegetation (habitat made of materials high in cellulose for micro-organisms), approximately 5L for the biofilter and 5 L for the worm composter * Water: approximately 40L * Fungi (Trichoderma or Strepomyces) (GHE - BM or Subculture) or rotting organic matter, * A good selection of earthworms (min. 50) * A good selection of earthworms (min. 50) )
    • Extinguisher  + ( * A plastic bottle of 2L * A fine plastic * A plastic bottle of 2L * A fine plastic bag (for fruits for example) * A big nail (100 mm x 4 mm) * A BIC pencil spring * A cork * Paperclips or pieces of metal (drilling drops for example) * Masking tape (for painting) * 750 mL of alcohol vinegar * 750 mL of water * 105 g of baking soda * One tablespoon of dishwashing liquid soda * One tablespoon of dishwashing liquid )
    • Recycling shower  + ( * A tank or a plastic container with a mi * A tank or a plastic container with a minimum capacity of 10L * A bunghole with overflow system and closing system * One 1/2" male gland * An instantaneous water-heater (Electrical with fuse or gas depending on context) * A self-priming pump type camping car, 12V, minimum 10L/min ([ example]) + 220V>12V power supply adapted (about 4A in 12V) * An accumulator adapted to the pump ([ example]) * A filtration station with associated cartridges ( 50 microns, 20 microns, activated carbon) ([ example]) * Male to male adapters 3/4>1/2 for filter holders and possibly wall passageways * A 3-way valve * Flexible female / female 1/2 * Teflon coil * Optional: a shower tray * Optional: UV lamp on coil * Optional: a shower tray * Optional: UV lamp )
    • Ash detergent  + ( * Ash * Water )
    • Fermented drinks - Meads  + ( * Honey (liquid or solid) * Non-chlorinated water (aerated for a few hours) * Aromatics of your choice (flowers, leaves, spices, syrups, etc.) )
    • Ceramic water filter  + ( * Materials * Sawdust * Clay * Clean water: for mixing with the clay and the flow tests colloidal silver * Container with tap (ceramic, plastic, metal) * Plastic bags for the pressing process * Fuel for the oven )
    • Bio-sand filter for drinking water  + ( * One meter of PVC pipe for drinking wate * One meter of PVC pipe for drinking water adduction, 100mm diameter. * One PVC plug, adapted to the pipe. * One cover * PVC glue. * Sand, if possible from crushed stones, diameter 0-1mm, in order to fill 60 of the pipe. * Gravel zone, 6-10 mm, in order to fill 10cm of the pipe. * Flexible plastic pipe intented for food. * 3 bends, adapted to the flexible pipe. * Silicone s, adapted to the flexible pipe. * Silicone )
    • Pasteurisation of Fruit and Vegetables  + ( * Surplus fruit and vegetables * Water )
    • Enhanced cooker  + ( * rocks * clay *salt *pig hair * donkey's dung which has previously fermented for 5 days in plastic tarpaulin * straw * water * sheet metal / iron armatures for the chimney )
    • Homemade toothpaste  + ( *2 tablespoons of '''coconut oil (or any *2 tablespoons of '''coconut oil (or any local oil)''' *2 heaped tablespoons of white clay '''Kaolin (or white or green clay)''': antibacterial, protects enamel, absorbs toxins, gentle abrasive that removes plaque without scratching enamel. *1/2 teaspoon '''bicarbonate of soda (dissolved in water or hydrolat to avoid scratching teeth)''' *''Optional: 3-5 drops of '''Tea Tree''' essential oil: antibacterial'' *''Optional: 3-5 drops of '''peppermint or lemon''' essential oil: for a refreshing taste'' Remember: before using essential oils, check that they are not contraindicated for you, especially if ingested or in contact with the mucous membranes (mouth). Other fragrance options exist that are more suitable for everyone: hydrolats and plant powders. for everyone: hydrolats and plant powders. )
    • All-surface degreasing cleaner  + ( *White vinegar *Sodium bicarbonate *Water )
    • The Norwegian Kettle (Hay Box)  + ( *Wooden planks from wine boxes, palettes, *Wooden planks from wine boxes, palettes, plywood off-cuts, etc. .... *Nails * 1 foil blanket * 1 duvet for insulation *Assembly feet and screws *A wooden box *A box * A cardboard box * A chest *An old polystyrene fish box * A basket * A bucket with a lid *A cooler *An insulated bag *A toy box *A washing tub *A trunk or a suitcase *A kitchen cupboard or draw * A hole in the ground *...... You get the idea Other options for the insulating material * Blanket *Duvet *Eiderdown *Sleeping bag *Wool *Textiles (old pullovers, anoraks, towels, curtains...); *Cushions *Jute sacs *Hemp *Sawdust *Bark *Cork *Polystyrene *Foil blanket (survival blanket) *Straw, hay... *Glass wool *Banana leaves *... raw, hay... *Glass wool *Banana leaves *... )
    • DIY heater  + (- 500 ml White vinegar - 35 Baking soda -500 ml Boiling water)
    • Hydroponics  + (1. Crop gutters * Cleats (minimum width 11. Crop gutters * Cleats (minimum width 10cm) * Plastic sheeting * Staples * Clay beads
      Prefer the small clay balls, they are heavier and will allow a better maintenance of the roots
      * Brackets * Wood screws * Young shoots and cuttings 2. Irrigation system * 1 Submersible pump (aquarium pump) * 5 m of thin plastic pipe (pump outlet) * 1 End cap with 4 outlets for fine pipe * 50 cm of wide plastic tube (Link between the filter and the bio-filter) * 1 Wide pipe end cap (to be fixed on the filter tank) * 1 Blower 3. Filter and bio-filter * 2 plastic bins of 60L * Large gravel * Sand * 10L Clay beads * 40L of water [[:Modèle:In order to ensure homogeneity of the water in terms of nutrients and temperature, we recommend using about 40L of water per square meter of cultivation.]] 4. Control system * Socket outlet with programmable timer or Arduino
      [[:Modèle:In order to ensure homogeneity of the water in terms of nutrients and temperature, we recommend using about 40L of water per square meter of cultivation.]] 4. Control system * Socket outlet with programmable timer or Arduino)
    • Fermented drinks - Homemade sodas  + (<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> *Fruit peels or rinds (orange, lemon, ginger, kiwi, mango, pineapple...) *Sugar (white, brown) *Water </div>)
    • Worm Compost Bins  + (Large plastic or iron container with lid, Large plastic or iron container with lid, 100 – 200 l Stainless ball or butterfly valvetap (1/2” inch or 3/4” inch) with hydraulic fittings Teflon Rocks, peppels, gravel, or expanded clay balls Sand. Not salty sand from sea! Good loamy soil to 30/40 cm height Cow or horses manure, several big handfuls, broken up Kitchen wastes, a bit. To be added to the system after 10 days Worms (100/ 200, depending on the dimension of the barrel). Better the red worm, they are more active and efficient, even if not local! Dry leaves or straw 2/3 ventilation filter in plastic of 10/12 cm diameter [ Mosquito net can be used instead of the ventilation filters.] silicon Bricks or other material 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanketrial 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanket)
    • Worm Compost Bins  + (Large plastic or iron container with lid, Large plastic or iron container with lid, 100 – 200 l Stainless ball or butterfly valvetap (1/2” inch or 3/4” inch) with hydraulic fittings Teflon Rocks, peppels, gravel, or expanded clay balls Sand. Not salty sand from sea! Good loamy soil to 30/40 cm height Cow or horses manure, several big handfuls, broken up Kitchen wastes, a bit. To be added to the system after 10 days Worms (100/ 200, depending on the dimension of the barrel). Better the red worm, they are more active and efficient, even if not local! Dry leaves or straw 2/3 ventilation filter in plastic of 10/12 cm diameter [ Mosquito net can be used instead of the ventilation filters.] silicon Bricks or other material 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanketrial 2 old big T-shit Non-woven blanket)
    • Electrically-assisted bicycle  + (Motor + 6" hoverboard wheel: 36v 36V 4.4AMotor + 6" hoverboard wheel: 36v 36V 4.4Ah battery 36V charger All these elements can be found on a second-hand or used hoverboard. A second-hand hoverboard can be found for between €50 and €100. 24V/36V 250w e-bike controller : ~€26 (Available on Aliexpress for less) [ Voir ce lien] '''PAS sensor''' '''Warning:''' Before starting/ordering anything, make sure that the gap between the frame and the crankset is at least 4.5mm, otherwise you won't be able to fit the sensor. Hall-effect sensor to be mounted on the pedalboard + disc with magnets (usually supplied): 2 options depending on the bottom bracket : *with square axes ("universal"): [ Voir ce lien] ~8€ *with latest generation square axes ("integrated"): [ See this link] ~€8 '''Note:''' unfortunately for bottom brackets with external bearings there are no PAS sensors sold individually, suitable for our tutorial. They are always adapted to the much more expensive VAE kits. '''Ebike''' '''Brake sensor'''(to be mounted on the brake levers): ~4-7€ can be found on Ali express '''Transistor''' (allows you to obtain the correct signal from the pedalling sensor if it sends an inverted signal), may not be necessary depending on the PAS sensor, Reference: BS170 :~3-5€ (per 10 pieces or more) [ __mk_fr_FR=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=BS170+transistor&qid=1611046875&sr=8-2- spons&psc=1&smid=A28H9IBTRCSCN9&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExNVBFQ0xKVk9PMkhNJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDE2Njc0MUk4UzVGMU1FQ08xRiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzgzODMxWEhaRllYODNIUVBBJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ== View this link] '''XT60 connectors''' to secure the battery connection: ~€10 per 25 pairs '''Open metal tube''' '''Metal square''' '''Clamps''' to secure the various components to the bike '''Heat-shrink tubing''' (optional, to insulate against water) Fasteners for controller, battery and''' '''Clamps''' to secure the various components to the bike '''Heat-shrink tubing''' (optional, to insulate against water) Fasteners for controller, battery and wheel.)
    • Solar coffee roaster  + (Roaster: *Cement mixer, *Black painting, Roaster: *Cement mixer, *Black painting, *Aluminum sheets, *Isolating material (fiberglass, rock wool, foam,..) Parabola: *Stainless steel or aluminum bars, *Metal frame, sheets of metal, *Wires Mechanical par: *Belt or chain, *Gears (toothed wheels), *Handle or motor or water wheeld wheels), *Handle or motor or water wheel)
    • Water - Biosand Filter  + ('''Construction of one wooden OHorizons mo'''Construction of one wooden OHorizons mold:''' *4x8 ft. Plywood 3/4 inches thick *Lumber 1.5x1.5 inches (8 pieces 46 cm long, 4 pieces 40 cm long, 4 pieces 35 cm long) *16 Bolts with hex heads and fully threaded *12 hinges with screws about 2.5 inches long *17 nuts *33 washers *75 wood screws, each 4cm long *60 wood screws, each 3cm long *1 Bolt 4-5 inches long '''Construction of the concrete filter body''' *Plastic tubes (polyethylene or vinyl) 6mm (1/4") ID and 9mm (3/8") OD *Sturdy tape *Oil (food grade) *Brush or cloth to apply the oil *12 liters of cement *24 liters of 1mm (0.04") sand *12 liters of 12mm (1/2 ) gravel *12 liters of 6mm (1/4 ) gravel *Water - about 7-10 liters *Soap
      '''Preparation of gravel and sand:''' *Protection (e.g. a tarp or plastic sheets), a roof or building to prevent the sand from getting wet and being contaminated *Clean Water *12mm (1/2") Gravel *6mm (1/4") Gravel *0.7 mm (0.03") Sand   n/a '''Filter Installation''': *Approximately 3 liters of 12mm (1/2") washed gravel (drainage layer) *Approximately 3 1/4 liters of 6mm (1/4") washed gravel (separating layer) *Approximately 25 liters of washed 0.7mm (0.03 ) sand 40-80 liters (10-20 gallons) of water *Chlorine
      40-80 liters (10-20 gallons) of water *Chlorine)
    • Domestic biodigestor  + ('''Matter circuit''' * 1 60 L can * 1 160'''Matter circuit''' * 1 60 L can * 1 160 mm plug * 1 160-100 mm reducer * 1 100-50 mm reducer * 1 meter PVC 50 mm tube * 4 45° 50 mm PVC MF bends * 2 50 mm separable connections * 2 50 mm through wall connectors * 2 MM 50 mm sleeves * 1 50 mm PVC plug * PVC glue * Etchant * Joint compound for plumbing '''Gas circuit''' * 2 planar nuts 1/2’ for through wall gas connector * 1 batch of planar joints * 1 threaded tube of 1/2’ * 1 brass MF 1/2’ bend * 1 connector FF 1/2’ gland nut * 1 gas valve 15x21 MM * 1 batch of hose clamps * 1 gas pin 1/2’ F * 5 m gas pipe * 1 water filter * 1 sulfur filter made of clay balls * 2 gas valves * 3 T gas pipes * 1 compressed air dismountable connector * 1 manometer * 1 flexible 150L water tank * 1 gas compressor * 1 gas cooker * 1 heat matas compressor * 1 gas cooker * 1 heat mat)
    • Spirulina farming  + ('''Spirumeter'''. * White plastic cap * Sc'''Spirumeter'''. * White plastic cap * Screws * Wooden or plastic rod or ruler '''Medium of culture'''. * Drinking water * Sea salt * Bicarbonate of soda '''Mineral Food''' * Potassium Nitrate * Monoammonium phosphate * Iron Sulfate * Potassium Sulfate (optional) * Magnesium sulfate (optional) or *[ Pre-weighed food for sale N50 and N250] '''Natural food''' * White vinegar * 100g rusty nails * 5 to 10 lemons or citric acidusty nails * 5 to 10 lemons or citric acid)
    • Culture de la spiruline  + ('''Spirumètre''' * Bouchon en plastique bl'''Spirumètre''' * Bouchon en plastique blanc * Vis * Tige en bois ou en plastique ou règle '''Milieu de culture''' * Eau potable * Sel marin * Bicarbonate de soude '''Alimentation minérale''' * Nitrate de Potassium * Phosphate Monoammoniaque * Sulfate de Fer * Sulfate de Potassium (facultatif) * Sulfate de Magnésium (facultatif) ou * [ Nourriture pré-pesée à la vente N50 et N250] '''Alimentation naturelle''' * Vinaigre blanc * 100g clous rouillés * 5 à 10 citrons ou acide citriqueouillés * 5 à 10 citrons ou acide citrique)
    • Lacto-Fermented Preserves  + ( * Vegetables which are usually eaten raw * Table salt * Water )
    • Bio-Coal  + ( *Agricultural residue : straws For 50 kilo of straws *100L water *5.5kg clay *15 kg crushed peanut shells )
    • Manual pump (vertical)  + (All these pieces are here in PVC for the All these pieces are here in PVC for the pump : - 3 adapter 50mm-25mm - 2 couplings 50mm - 1 T 50mm-25mm - 1 or 2 25mm elbows (depending on water outlet requirements) - between 1 and 2 metres of 25mm tube (depending on water outlet requirements) - between 1 and 2 meters of 50mm tube - two balls over 25mm in diameter (glass balls) - 2 screws at least 50 mm long for the piston : - between 1 and 2 meters of 40mm tube - 1 T XXmm-40mm - 1 tube cap of 40mm, if possible a little wider paint stripper (acetone type)ittle wider paint stripper (acetone type))
    • Black Soldier Fly breeding  + (The materials used will depend on the suppThe materials used will depend on the support used to build the living space of your larvae. This can be done in a wooden box, a drum cut in half, a large plastic box...
      For the boat, we chose a wooden box because we had recovery boards
      For an order of size, our box will allow to treat waste (food and from dry toilets) produced by 3 persons. For the box (120/65/30cm):
      *120/65cm x2 wood boards *120/30cm x2 wood boards *65/30cm x2 wood boards *Iron angles *Hinges *Screw *Paint and varnish *Plastic tray of 100/60/15cm *Plank and pieces of wood to make the ramp *Inner tube *Staples *Plastic box to collect larvae
      For the aviary (80/50/45cm): * Wood bars of 80/5/2cm x4 * Wood bars of 41/5/2cm x2 * Wood bars of 40/5/2cm x2 *50/45cm plywood board (for the bottom) *Hinges *Screw *Angles *Mosquito net *50/10cm board (for opening) For pupae and egg laying: *Cardboard or wooden plates separated by pins *A box to put some waste *A box to put the pupae *Dry substrate (coconut fiber...) *A box for the hydration of flies
      Don't forget to protect the living space from the water. The eggs will burst with water!
      b-o"></i></div> <div class="icon-instructions-text">Don't forget to protect the living space from the water. The eggs will burst with water!</div> </div>)
    • Peinture à l'argile  + (Voici la liste des matériaux pour 1 volumeVoici la liste des matériaux pour 1 volume de peinture. Les quantités indiquées permettent de peindre environ 10m². '''1 – '''300g d’argile blanche kaolin (dans notre cas, nous avons choisi d’acheter un sac de de 25kg, plus économique en vu des surfaces à recouvrir) : le liant '''2 – '''100g de blanc de Meudon disponible dans magasin bio ou magasin de bricolage : la charge avec un bon pouvoir couvrant. '''3 – '''0,5L de lait (alternative : caséine) : le liant. '''4 – '''10cL de vinaigre blanc pour son effet anti-bactérien. '''5 – '''10cL d’huile de lin (disponible dans magasin de jardinage et bricolage en bidon de 5L) : donner de la souplesse à la préparation et une couleur blanc crème à la peinture. '''6 –''' 12,5cL d’eau : le solvant. '''7 – '''Optionnel : des pigments. La proportion de pigment peut varier de 5 à 20 %. En fonction de l’intensité de la couleur souhaitée, il faut calculer la quantité de pigments puis enlever, proportionnellement, de l’argile et du blanc de Meudon (calcul dans la rubrique « Conseils d’utilisation et remarques »). « Conseils d’utilisation et remarques »).)
    • Autonomous solar watermaker  + (1. Solar concentrator 1.1. Frame *Strong1. Solar concentrator 1.1. Frame *Strong wooden board, minimum size 1x2m 1.2 Main reflector 1.2.1. Main reflector support *Wooden board minimum size 0.9x2m 1.2.2. Mirrors *Around 35 sheets of mirrors measuring 10x80cm OR *Around 35 aluminium sheets, minimum size 10x80cm *A self-adhesive mirror to cut out, approx. 0.1x1m (if possible) 1.3. Secondary reflector 1.3.1. Copper pipe and reflector support *2 wooden battens, 2.4m long and 27x27mm in cross-section *Wooden board (thickness: approx. 5mm, surface: enough to make two slabs approx. 8x8cm) *2 clamps diameter 28mm *6 screws *28mm diameter copper pipe, 1m long *2mm thick sheet metal 1.3.2. Secondary reflector and copper pipe *PVC tube: 1m long and 10cm in diameter *Soda cans *Black paint 2. Watermaker 2.1. Evaporation tank 2.1.1. Frame *6 stainless steel sheets 2mm thick (2 sheets 15cmx4cm, 2 sheets 1mx1cm, 1 sheet 1mx1cm, 1 sheet 1.02mx6cm) 2.1.2. Stages *2 stainless steel sheets 2mm thick: 1mx3.6cm 2.1.3. Copper pipe *14mm diameter copper tube 1m long 2.2 Condensation tank 2.2.1. Frame *2mm-thick stainless steel sheet measuring at least 200x2100mm 2.2.2. Copper pipe *14mm diameter copper tube 2,5m long Copper condensing coil Copper water inlet pipe Copper water outlet pipe 2.2.3. Cover *8 screws 6mm diameter with washers and nuts *2mm thick stainless steel sheet: 250x250mm 3. Total circuit 3.1 Circuit-closing pipes *20 rubber seals *Valve *5 flexible tubes 1m or 50 cm to close the circuit *Any fittings 3.2. Pump *Oil pump *Vegetable oiltings 3.2. Pump *Oil pump *Vegetable oil)