(Page créée avec « *Pour in the powdered clay (3 parts) and bicarbonate (1 or 0.5 parts). *Mix with the essential oils (3 to 5 drops) or plant powders by shaking the jar or with a wooden too... »)
dentifrice, maison, diy, zero-waste, zéro déchet, Nomade des Mers
We suggest you make your own toothpaste.
By making this simple gesture, you are helping to :
• Avoid plastic microbeads, which can contain toxic substances such as phthalates and bisphenol-A (BPA), which can leach into the water AND be ingested by fish and birds.
• Avoid triclosan (an antibacterial), which can disrupt the endocrine system, promote antibiotic resistance in certain bacteria AND harm fish and other fauna and flora.
• Avoid sodium lauryl sulphate (SDS), a foaming agent found in many commercial toothpastes that may also be contaminated with 1,4-dioxane, a carcinogen. Avoid a new scandal in the world of cosmetics, like that of microbeads or baby talc, which are carcinogenic.
• Save money, because toxic substance-free toothpaste generally costs around 5 euros a tube!
Important: advice from the dentist
This toothpaste does not contain fluoride, but is suitable for adults; fluoride-enriched toothpastes are intended for children. A balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables provides sufficient fluoride once the enamel has stabilised.
This toothpaste contains no surfactants or foaming agents, which are not essential for good cleaning (they may even be too abrasive and destabilise the oral flora). You can add some if it's important to you. For a local product, you can use saponified sunflower oil (no taste).
It is recommended that you brush your teeth for about 3 minutes, at least once a day, but an unbalanced diet (especially one rich in acid, fat and sugar) will never be compensated for by the best toothpaste/brush.
You may want to add whitening or antibacterial ingredients such as activated charcoal or bicarbonate. Be careful, though, as crystals can scratch enamel if used daily (bicarbonate is still useful and harmless when dissolved in water/salt).
This recipe contains peppermint essential oil, which some aromatherapists and doctors advise against ingesting, especially for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women and people suffering from epilepsy. Be careful to check the risks associated with the essential oils you use, and opt for less aggressive aromas (e.g. hydrolats, plant powders).
Video d'introduction
2 tablespoons of coconut oil (or any local oil)
2 heaped tablespoons of white clay Kaolin (or white or green clay): antibacterial, protects enamel, absorbs toxins, gentle abrasive that removes plaque without scratching enamel.
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda (dissolved in water or hydrolat to avoid scratching teeth)
Optional: 3-5 drops of Tea Tree essential oil: antibacterial
Optional: 3-5 drops of peppermint or lemon essential oil: for a refreshing taste
Remember: before using essential oils, check that they are not contraindicated for you, especially if ingested or in contact with the mucous membranes (mouth). Other fragrance options exist that are more suitable for everyone: hydrolats and plant powders.
A 30 cl glass jar
A plastic funnel
A standard soup spoon (for the coconut oil)
A wooden or bamboo spoon (not metal) for the kaolin clay
A wooden or bamboo (not metal) stirring rod
Étape 1 - Details of ingredients
Coconut oil: Used here for its moisturising and antibacterial properties.
Use sparingly! This product comes from far away (France) and therefore has a significant carbon footprint. What's more, coconuts are often harvested by monkeys, who are then held captive and mistreated. (See linked article)
Sodium bicarbonatefood grade: Used here for its whitening, abrasive action. It can be used for a multitude of purposes (cleaning product, deodorant, heartburn remover, teeth whitening...). Made from limestone and salt. May cause irritation in some people. Can be dissolved or replaced with white clay in this case. Expect to pay ~3-4 euros/kg
Essential oils (Tea Tree, lemon, peppermint, etc.) for their antibacterial and refreshing properties. However, use them sparingly, as their manufacture consumes a lot of natural resources.
White Kaolin clay : widely used in oral care products, particularly for its abrasive properties, which help to eliminate bacteria. It will clean teeth while providing a whitening action. White kaolin clay is renowned for its purifying properties in mouth care products. It reduces inflammation and soothes sensitive gums. Approximately 10 euros/kg
Étape 2 - Toothpaste manufacture
Powder version :
Pour in the powdered clay (3 parts) and bicarbonate (1 or 0.5 parts).
Mix with the essential oils (3 to 5 drops) or plant powders by shaking the jar or with a wooden tool (metal reacts with clay).
Water & oil version :
Diluer le bicarbonate dans un peu d'eau ou un hydrolat (pour parfumer)
Verser l'argile et mélanger doucement à l'eau/l'hydrolat en remuant avec un outil en bois (le métal réagit avec l'argile)
Ajouter en mélangeant doucement de l'huile, si vous cherchez une texture "douce" et moins "compacte" en bouche
Optionnel : si vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser de poudre de plante ou d'hydrolat ajoutez les huiles essentielles en dernier et bien mélanger.
Bien respecter l'ordre eau-huile sinon obtientent des grumeaux.
Version 100% huile :
Verser deux cuillères à soupe d’huile de coco dans un bocal en verre de 30 cc. Le bocal est environ rempli à un peu moins de la mi-hauteur.
Si l'huile de coco est solide, la faire fondre au bain-marie au préalable
Verser 3-5 gouttes d’HE de Tea Tree
Verser 3-5 gouttes d’HE de menthe poivrée ou de citron
Ajouter une demi-cuillère à café de bicarbonate de soude. Pas plus, car le bicarbonate a des propriétés abrasives qui peuvent ne pas être agréable dans le dentifrice.
Ajouter une grosse cuillère à soupe de terre de kaolin. Pour cela, utiliser une cuillère en bois ou en bambou, car le métal annule les effets bénéfiques de l’argile. On peut utiliser un entonnoir pour faciliter l’insertion de l’argile dans le bocal.
Remuer le tout à l’aide d’une baguette en bois, pour bien mélanger les ingrédients.
Si la texture est trop liquide, ajouter de la terre de kaolin. Si la texture est trop sèche, ajouter quelques gouttes d’huile de coco.
Remarques :
L’utilisation de l’argile / terre de kaolin n’est pas obligatoire, mais elle permet d’apporter une texture pâteuse au dentifrice. Sinon, ce dernier aurait la texture de l’huile de coco, c’est-à-dire liquide en été et solide en hiver.
Il est conseillé d’utiliser ce dentifrice dans un délai d'un mois. On peut en faire de petites quantités et varier le goût (par exemple menthe poivrée la première fois, citron la deuxième fois)
On peut utiliser d’autres huiles essentielles (girofle, orange, sauge), mais il faut toujours vérifier que l’huile essentielle que l’on utilise est propre à la consommation.
Les 3 sources portant des avis différents mais complémentaires et ne parlant pas des mêmes huiles essentielles je vous conseille de lire les trois avant de prendre une décision en automédication, le plus sûr restant de demander à un médecin et de n’utiliser que les produits adaptés, dans les conditions prescrites.
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