Marmite norvégienne/en : Différence entre versions

(Page créée avec « *[ Report about experiments performed by students at ENS3 on the Norw... »)
(127 révisions intermédiaires par 3 utilisateurs non affichées)
Ligne 2 : Ligne 2 :
|Main_Picture=Marmite_norvégienne_Marmite Norvégienne.jpg
|Main_Picture=Marmite_norvégienne_Marmite Norvégienne.jpg
|Licences=Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
|Licences=Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
|Description=The Norwegian cooking pot allows for an extended period of passive cooking without supplying heat.
|Description=The Norwegian Kettle allows for an extended period of passive cooking without supplying heat.
Ligne 15 : Ligne 16 :
|Introduction=Cooking is an incredibly inefficient process. The thermal efficiency varies from 13% for electric hot plates to 23% for gas hot plates and from 5% to 25% for open fires and biomass ?stoves? Stoves also cause increased pollution levels in the interior air space, particularly in developing countries but also in modern kitchens with ?assisted? hearths.
|Introduction=Cooking is an incredibly inefficient process. The thermal efficiency varies from 13% for electric hot plates to 23% for gas hot plates and from 5% to 25% for open fires and biomass stoves. Stoves also cause increased pollution levels in the interior air space, particularly in developing countries but also in modern kitchens.
Low-tech solutions do exist  for the improvement of these problems. Whilst we can see clear improvements through the use of a pressure  cooker, these containers lose significant heat through their inner surfaces which are often poorly insulated or uninsulated.  And there is still the problem of losses from heat transfer  in the case where the low-tech insulating wrapper has not been used [insert link]. But if the food contents are brought to their boiling point and the container placed in a well-insulated box, the heat losses are minimised and the cooking can continue without the addition of further energy.
Low-tech solutions do exist  for the improvement of these problems. Whilst we can see clear improvements through the use of a pressure  cooker, these containers lose significant heat through their inner surfaces which are often poorly insulated or uninsulated.  And there is still the problem of losses from heat transfer  in the case where the low-tech insulating wrapper has not been used [ low-tech insulating skirt]. But if the food contents are brought to their boiling point and the container placed in a well-insulated box, the heat losses are minimised and the cooking can continue without the addition of further energy.
This is the principle of the Norwegian Cooker, also known as a hay box. By analogy, one can compare this type of  cooker with the concept of a passive house:  that is a well-insulated building that requires only a little energy for heating or cooling.
This is the principle of the Norwegian Cooker, also known as a hay box. By analogy, one can compare this type of  cooker with the concept of a passive house:  that is a well-insulated building that requires only a little energy for heating or cooling.
Ligne 26 : Ligne 27 :
Here we are going to integrate the Norwegian Cooker into a kitchen drawer
Here we are going to integrate the Norwegian Cooker into a kitchen drawer
Find in  [ this report] an analysis of the usage of the Norwegian Cooker as well as 11 other low tech. experiments throughout the project "In Search of a Sustainable Habitat''
'''Find in  [ this report] an analysis of the usage of the Norwegian Cooker as well as 11 other low tech. experiments throughout the project "In Search of a Sustainable Habitat" '''
Ligne 36 : Ligne 39 :
|Material=*Wooden planks from wine boxes, palettes, plywood off-cuts, etc. ....
|Material=*Wooden planks from wine boxes, palettes, plywood off-cuts, etc. ....
* 1 protective cover [?check]
* 1 foil blanket
* 1 duvet for insulation [?check]
* 1 duvet for insulation
*Pattes d'assemblages [?? ] and screws
*Assembly feet and screws
*A wooden box
*A wooden box
Ligne 69 : Ligne 72 :
|Tools='''Si vous avez déjà les contenants, nul besoin d'outils !'''
*Foil blanket (survival blanket)
*Straw, hay...
*Glass wool
*Banana leaves
|Tools='''If you already have containers, no need for tools!'''
Si vous souhaitez fabriquer une boîte à partir de plaques de bois par exemple, munissez-vous des classiques :
If you want to make a hay box from wooden planks for example, you will need the usual tools:
*Tape measure
*Scie à bois ou adapté au matériau choisi
*Wood saw or appropriate choice for the selected material
*Safety glasses
Autres outils éventuels
Other possible tools
*Colle à bois
*Wood glue
*Scotch double face
*Double sided Scotch tape
|Tuto_Attachments={{Tuto Attachments
|Tuto_Attachments={{Tuto Attachments
Ligne 94 : Ligne 104 :
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Etapes de fabrication
|Step_Title=Manufacturing stages
|Step_Content=1) Préparer l'installation
|Step_Content=1) Prepare the installation
2) Construire la petite caisse
2) Construct the small box
3) Construire la grande caisse
3) Construct the large box
4) Tapisser la petite caisse de la couverture de survie
4) Line the small box with the small blanket
5) Tapisser la grande caisse de l'isolant
5) Line the large box with insulation
6) Imbriquer le tout
6) Fit everything together
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Préparer l'installation
|Step_Title=Prepare the installation
|Step_Content='''Le plat'''
|Step_Content='''The pot'''
1) Déterminer quel plat vous dédierez à vos cuissons à la marmite norvégienne.
1) Decide which cooking pot or casserole dish you will use for cooking in the Norwegian kettle
2) Prendre les mesures du plat en hauteur, en longueur et en profondeur.
Measure the length, width and depth of the cooking pot
'''Le lieu d'installation'''
'''The location of the installation'''
3) Déterminer l'emplacement de votre marmite norvégienne. S'il s'agit d'un tiroir de cuisine ou d'un placard, mesurer la hauteur, la longueur et la profondeur de l'emplacement.
3) Determine the location of your Norwegian kettle. If it is to be a kitchen drawer or a cupboard, measure the height, width and depth.
4) Vérifier que l'écart entre vos deux boites soit de minimum 10 cm afin que celles ci puissent s'emboiter et que l'épaisseur de l'isolation soit suffisante.
4) Confirm that the space between the two boxes is at least 10 cm so that they can be placed inside each other and that the thickness of the insulation will be sufficient.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Construire la petite caisse
|Step_Title=Construct the small box
|Step_Content='''Remarque :''' Votre petite boite doit être plus haute que le plat d'au minimum 1 cm et être plus large de 4 cm.
|Step_Content='''Note''': The small box must be at least 1 cm higher than the cooking pot and at least 4 cm wider or longer
1) Découper à l'aide d'une scie à bois ou d'une scie sauteuse les planches en fonction des mesures précédemment calculées.
1) Using either a wood saw or a jig saw cut the wooden planks using the measurements taken previously
2) Assembler les planches ensembles à l'aide de clous et d'un marteau.
2) Assemble the wooden planks using nails and a hammer
'''Planches obtenues pour la petite caisse''' :
'''Planks for the small box'''
- 2 planches (hauteur du plat+1cm)x (longueur du plat+4cm)
- 2 planks (1 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (4 cm longer than the cooking pot)
- 2 planches (hauteur du plat+1cm)x (largeur du plat+4cm)
-2 planks (1 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (4 cm wider than the cooking pot)
- 1 ou plusieurs planches (largeur du plat + 4cm)x(longueur du plat+4cm)
- 1 or several planks (4 cm wider than the pot) x (4cm longer than the pot)
Ligne 147 : Ligne 157 :
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Construire la grander caisse
|Step_Title=Construct the larger box
|Step_Content=1) Prendre les mesures de votre emplacement.
|Step_Content=1) Take measurements of the location
2) Retirer 1 cm à ces mesures pour s'assurer de pouvoir placer la caisse simplement.
2) Take 1 cm off these measurements to ensure that the outer box can easily fit
3) Découper les planches à l'aide d'une scie à bois ou d'une scie sauteuse.
3) Cut the planks using either  a wood-saw or a jigsaw
'''Remarque''' :
La grande boite doit être adaptée à l'emplacement où va être disposer la marmite norvégienne, être plus grande (en largeur, hauteur et longueur) que la petite caisse d'au moins 10 cm pour permettre la mise en place d'une couche d'isolant d'au moins 5 cm de chaque côté.
The large box must be adapted to the proposed location for the Hay Box, be larger (in length, height and width) than the small box by at least 10 cm to allow the fitting of an insulating blanket at least 5 cm thick on all sides
Le fond du tiroir peut faire office de fond de caisse.
The bottom of the drawer can be used as the bottom of the box
4) Assembler les planches ensemble à l'aide de clous et d'un marteau
4) Assemble the wooden planks using nails and a hammer
'''Planches obtenues pour la grande caisse''':
'''Planks for the large box'''
- 2 planches (hauteur du plat+10cm) x (longueur du plat + 10cm)
-2 planks (10 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (10 cm longer than the cooking pot)
- 2 planches (hauteur du plat+10cm) x (largeur du plat+10cm)
- 2 planks (10 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (10 cm wider than the cooking pot)
-Si besoin pour le fond de caisse : 1 ou plusieurs planches (largeur de la petite boite + 10cm) x (longueur de la petite boite+10cm)
- If you need a bottom for the box: one or more planks (10 cm wider than the the small box) x (10 cm longer than the small box)
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Tapisser la petite caisse de la couverture de survie
|Step_Title=Line the small box with the foil blanket
|Step_Content=1) Déplier la couverture de survie et tapisser la petite boite avec la face argentée vers l'extérieur car c'est elle qui réfléchit la chaleur.
|Step_Content=1) Unfold the foil blanket and line the the small box with the silvered side of the blanket facing outwards because this reflects heat
'''Cutting Out'''
2) Placer le plat dans la petite caisse
2) Place the cooking pot in the small box
3) Refermer la couverture de survie sur votre plat
3) Cover the cooking pot with the foil blanket
4) Anticiper le surplus et découper la couverture de survie afin de ne pas être encombré par un surplus trop important lors de l'utilisation.
4) Determine the surplus amount of the foil blanket and cut  so that there is not too great an excess
5) Si besoin agrafer ou scotcher la couverture de survie à la petite caisse.
5) If necessary, staple or sellotape the foil blanket to the small box
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Tapisser la grande caisse de l'isolant.
|Step_Title=Line the large box with the insulation
|Step_Content='''Remarque''' : Le but est de faire un foyer douillet à votre marmite pour qu'elle ne prenne pas froid. Plus il y a d'épaisseur d'isolant, plus la marmite conservera la chaleur.
|Step_Content='''Note''' : The goal is to make a cozy home for your pot so that it does not catch cold. The more insulation there is, the more heat the pot will retain.
'''Cutting Out'''
1) Placer la couette dans le fond de la grande caisse
1) Place the duvet (or other insulating material) in the bottom of the large drawer
2) Placer la petite caisse dedans
2) Place the small box inside
3) Replier la couette sur la petite boite afin d'estimer le surplus
3) Fold the insulation on to the small box to estimate how much extra there is
4) Découper le surplus.
4) Cut off the surplus insulation
'''Remarque''' Pour faire office de couvercle il est possible de découper dans la chute de l'isolant un carré de la surface de la grande caisse pour optimiser l'isolation.
'''Note''' To make a cover, it's possible to cut  a square of insulation which is the size of the larger box
Prévoir dans le design de la marmite de pouvoir refermer complètement l'enceinte, de façon à ne pas laisser d'espace sans isolant.
Make sure that the cooking pot is designed to allow complete closure so that there is no space in the insulation
Ne pas hésiter à essayer différents isolants afin de déterminer lequel sera le plus performant.
Don't hesitate to try different insulating materials to assess which one performs the best
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Imbriquer le tout
|Step_Title=Fit everything together
|Step_Content=1) Sortir le tiroir qui accueillera la marmite norvégienne.
|Step_Content=1) Pull out the drawer that will accommodate the cooking pot
2) Y imbriquer le tout.
2) Nest everything together
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Conseil d'utilisation
|Step_Title=Advice for use
|Step_Content=L'utilisation de la marmite est très simple :
|Step_Content=Using the Norwegian cooking bot (Hay-box) is very simple
* Portez votre plat à ébullition ou à température souhaitée sur une plaque classique;
* Bring your dish to boiling or the desired temperature on a normal hot-plate
* Placez le dans la marmite et refermez la;
*Place it in the cooking pot and close it
* La cuisson dans une marmite norvégienne est en moyenne 1/3 plus longue que sur le feu : cela peut passer comme une contrainte, mais imaginez tout ce que vous pouvez faire en attendant, en sachant que vous n'avez pas à surveiller votre plat de peur qu'il cuise trop ou brûle...
*The cooking time in the pot is on average 1/3 longer than on the stove; that might seem like a constraint but imagine all the things you can do whilst waiting, knowing that now you won't have to keep an eye on your pot in order to to stop over-cooking or burning
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Contenu pédagogique à télécharger
|Step_Title=Educational content to download
|Step_Content=Vous pouvez télécharger une fiche pédagogique créée par le Low-tech Lab  dans la partie "Fichiers" du tutoriel (onglet au niveau de la section "Outils-Matériaux")
|Step_Content=You can download an educational file created by Low-tech lab in the "files" tab of the tutorial (tab under the section Tools & Materials)
|Notes=*[ Un blog spécialisé sur la Marmite Norvégienne]
|Notes=*[ A blog specialising in Norwegian Marmite]
*[ A group specialising in Norwegian Marmite]
*[ Autre vidéo tutoriel intéressante]
*[ Another interesting tutorial video]
*[ Rapport d'expérimentation des étudiants de l'ENS3 sur la Marmite Norvégienne]
*[ Report about experiments performed by students at ENS3 on the Norwegian cooking pot]
*[ If We Insulate Our Houses, Why Not Our Cooking Pots?] : Article du Low-tech Magazine sur les techniques alternatives de cuisson. On retrouve quelques chiffres sur les performances énergétiques de la cuisson sans feu.
*[ If We Insulate Our Houses, Why Not Our Cooking Pots?] : Article from Low-tech Magazine about alternative cooking techniques. Some data is provided regarding the energy performance  of cooking without external heat.
*[ Hay boxes or Fireless Cookers]
*[ Hay boxes or Fireless Cookers]
*[ The Wonderbag]
Traducción al español: Andrea Hernándiz López
Translation in English: Matthew Bowman
<br />
{{Tuto Status
{{Tuto Status

Version actuelle datée du 9 août 2024 à 12:45

Prototype de avatarLow-tech Lab | Catégories : Alimentation

The Norwegian Kettle allows for an extended period of passive cooking without supplying heat. THIS TUTORIAL IS A PROTOTYPE AND NEEDS TO BE GREATLY IMPROVED.

Licence : Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)


Cooking is an incredibly inefficient process. The thermal efficiency varies from 13% for electric hot plates to 23% for gas hot plates and from 5% to 25% for open fires and biomass stoves. Stoves also cause increased pollution levels in the interior air space, particularly in developing countries but also in modern kitchens.

Low-tech solutions do exist for the improvement of these problems. Whilst we can see clear improvements through the use of a pressure cooker, these containers lose significant heat through their inner surfaces which are often poorly insulated or uninsulated. And there is still the problem of losses from heat transfer in the case where the low-tech insulating wrapper has not been used low-tech insulating skirt. But if the food contents are brought to their boiling point and the container placed in a well-insulated box, the heat losses are minimised and the cooking can continue without the addition of further energy.

This is the principle of the Norwegian Cooker, also known as a hay box. By analogy, one can compare this type of cooker with the concept of a passive house: that is a well-insulated building that requires only a little energy for heating or cooling.

Of course the energy economics depend on several factors: the material used for the insulation, the overall design of the cooking pot, the time required to cook the dish, the food and the speed with which it is transferred from the gas cooker to the cooking pot. According to the Partnership for Clean Indoor Air and their comparative test of 18 types of solid fuel stoves, there would be on average a 50% energy-saving from using a Norwegian Cooker.

Here we are going to integrate the Norwegian Cooker into a kitchen drawer


Find in this report an analysis of the usage of the Norwegian Cooker as well as 11 other low tech. experiments throughout the project "In Search of a Sustainable Habitat"

Video d'introduction


  • Wooden planks from wine boxes, palettes, plywood off-cuts, etc. ....
  • Nails
  • 1 foil blanket
  • 1 duvet for insulation
  • Assembly feet and screws
  • A wooden box
  • A box
  • A cardboard box
  • A chest
  • An old polystyrene fish box
  • A basket
  • A bucket with a lid
  • A cooler
  • An insulated bag
  • A toy box
  • A washing tub
  • A trunk or a suitcase
  • A kitchen cupboard or draw
  • A hole in the ground
  • ......

You get the idea

Other options for the insulating material

  • Blanket
  • Duvet
  • Eiderdown
  • Sleeping bag
  • Wool
  • Textiles (old pullovers, anoraks, towels, curtains...);
  • Cushions
  • Jute sacs
  • Hemp
  • Sawdust
  • Bark
  • Cork
  • Polystyrene
  • Foil blanket (survival blanket)
  • Straw, hay...
  • Glass wool
  • Banana leaves
  • ...


If you already have containers, no need for tools!

If you want to make a hay box from wooden planks for example, you will need the usual tools:

  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Tape measure
  • Wood saw or appropriate choice for the selected material
  • Gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

Other possible tools

  • Wood glue
  • Set-square
  • Double sided Scotch tape
  • Stapler

Étape 1 - Manufacturing stages

1) Prepare the installation

2) Construct the small box

3) Construct the large box

4) Line the small box with the small blanket

5) Line the large box with insulation

6) Fit everything together

Étape 2 - Prepare the installation

The pot

1) Decide which cooking pot or casserole dish you will use for cooking in the Norwegian kettle

Measure the length, width and depth of the cooking pot

The location of the installation

3) Determine the location of your Norwegian kettle. If it is to be a kitchen drawer or a cupboard, measure the height, width and depth.


4) Confirm that the space between the two boxes is at least 10 cm so that they can be placed inside each other and that the thickness of the insulation will be sufficient.

Étape 3 - Construct the small box

Note: The small box must be at least 1 cm higher than the cooking pot and at least 4 cm wider or longer

1) Using either a wood saw or a jig saw cut the wooden planks using the measurements taken previously

2) Assemble the wooden planks using nails and a hammer

Planks for the small box

- 2 planks (1 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (4 cm longer than the cooking pot)

-2 planks (1 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (4 cm wider than the cooking pot)

- 1 or several planks (4 cm wider than the pot) x (4cm longer than the pot)

Étape 4 - Construct the larger box

1) Take measurements of the location

2) Take 1 cm off these measurements to ensure that the outer box can easily fit

3) Cut the planks using either a wood-saw or a jigsaw


The large box must be adapted to the proposed location for the Hay Box, be larger (in length, height and width) than the small box by at least 10 cm to allow the fitting of an insulating blanket at least 5 cm thick on all sides

The bottom of the drawer can be used as the bottom of the box

4) Assemble the wooden planks using nails and a hammer

Planks for the large box

-2 planks (10 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (10 cm longer than the cooking pot)

- 2 planks (10 cm taller than the cooking pot) x (10 cm wider than the cooking pot)

- If you need a bottom for the box: one or more planks (10 cm wider than the the small box) x (10 cm longer than the small box)

Étape 5 - Line the small box with the foil blanket

1) Unfold the foil blanket and line the the small box with the silvered side of the blanket facing outwards because this reflects heat

Cutting Out

2) Place the cooking pot in the small box

3) Cover the cooking pot with the foil blanket

4) Determine the surplus amount of the foil blanket and cut so that there is not too great an excess

5) If necessary, staple or sellotape the foil blanket to the small box

Étape 6 - Line the large box with the insulation

Note : The goal is to make a cozy home for your pot so that it does not catch cold. The more insulation there is, the more heat the pot will retain.

Cutting Out

1) Place the duvet (or other insulating material) in the bottom of the large drawer

2) Place the small box inside

3) Fold the insulation on to the small box to estimate how much extra there is

4) Cut off the surplus insulation

Note To make a cover, it's possible to cut a square of insulation which is the size of the larger box

Make sure that the cooking pot is designed to allow complete closure so that there is no space in the insulation

Don't hesitate to try different insulating materials to assess which one performs the best

Étape 7 - Fit everything together

1) Pull out the drawer that will accommodate the cooking pot

2) Nest everything together

Étape 8 - Advice for use

Using the Norwegian cooking bot (Hay-box) is very simple

  • Bring your dish to boiling or the desired temperature on a normal hot-plate
  • Place it in the cooking pot and close it
  • The cooking time in the pot is on average 1/3 longer than on the stove; that might seem like a constraint but imagine all the things you can do whilst waiting, knowing that now you won't have to keep an eye on your pot in order to to stop over-cooking or burning

Étape 9 - Educational content to download

You can download an educational file created by Low-tech lab in the "files" tab of the tutorial (tab under the section Tools & Materials)

Notes et références

Traducción al español: Andrea Hernándiz López

Translation in English: Matthew Bowman

