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Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Description » avec la valeur « Powerbank / single external battery for small independent lighting or smartphone charging. ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 17 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Simple powerbank  + (Powerbank / single external battery for small independent lighting or smartphone charging.)
    • A wood-saving oven  + (An oven made with easily accessible materials to cook food and heat a room up with just a small amount of wood.)
    • Sunlight-luminosity measurement with a single board computer (raspberry-orangepi)  + (As you might not know, the meteorological As you might not know, the meteorological surface synoptic observations data (SYNOP, available here: does not take into account sunlight/luminosity.

      Sunlight/luminosity data can be interesting to gather for a diversity of uses (home well-being, photovoltaics production, plants care,...).

      For photovoltaics, although the technology is old, I did not manage to find reliable measurements for cloudy weather.

      We find videos of such a measurement, for example this one:
      that may suggest that solar pannels produce at 50% of their nominal capacity.

      My measurement instruments being subject to interferences, I dont really trust my measurements to be reliable, so i thought about producing simple code that other users less subject to interferences could reuse at their convenience.

      This tutorial will allow you, with only two commands (after installing operating system and docker), to use your single board computer like a weather station recording sunlight/luminosity every minute in a database and producing a web page where results can be retrieved with date filters options.
      the demo is available here:

      Note: dont trust the measurements displayed in the demo above: the ecoterrorist french police doctrine destroys the possibility to do science correctly in france with computers. I do not have the adequate financial and technical means, and I do not want to spend time playing cat and mouse again and again to dodge recurring cyber attacks and shackles. The logic integrity of the code is good. If the system changes, or if you are not targetted too much, this could be useful.

      Publishing on lowtechlab is a signal to encourage you to do your own measurements with diy stuff, like a multimeter and an old offline camera to upload on youtube or peertube. If you read this tutorial and you are not yet an ecoterrorist, you have a superpower: the invisibility cape.
      old offline camera to upload on youtube or peertube. If you read this tutorial and you are not yet an ecoterrorist, you have a superpower: the invisibility cape.)
    • Functioning, maintenance and regeneration of lead-acid batteries  + (Batteries are essential and expensive elemBatteries are essential and expensive elements in off-grid installations. However, their operation and maintenance are not well known/not well understood by the general public. This tutorial, therefore, has several objectives: * Present/Explain how a lead-acid battery works. *Present/Explain the different types of lead acid batteries. * Present/Explain the major causes of degradation of lead batteries. * Present/Explain the rules for the use and maintenance of lead batteries. *Introduce the process of desulfation (or regeneration) of lead batteries.ation (or regeneration) of lead batteries.)
    • Tranformer un smart-phone en smart-ordi  + (Ce tutoriel présente les étapes de transfoCe tutoriel présente les étapes de transformation d'un smartphone en ordinateur, conçu pendant l'expédition Nomade des Mers et optimisé dans le cadre du projet expérimental [ "Biosphère, capsule en milieu aride"] porté par Corentin de Chatelperron et Caroline Pultz du [ Low-tech Lab]. Ce prototype a été fabriqué dans la Biosphère durant la période d'expérimentation dans le désert. période d'expérimentation dans le désert.)
    • Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC)  + (Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC) is Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC) is an insulated electrically-heated cooking chamber, allowing the user to cook over a long period with low power from a solar panel, from the grid or from a combination that includes any electrical sources. Energy can be stored thermally or in a battery. Low-power cooking saves money by reducing electrical bills (if grid connected) or reducing the number of solar panels purchased. The simplicity of ISECooking technology allows it to be manufactured in locations where it is used.anufactured in locations where it is used.)
    • Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC)  + (Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC) is Insulated Solar Electric Cooker (ISEC) is an insulated electrically-heated cooking chamber, allowing the user to cook over a long period with low power from a solar panel, from the grid or from a combination that includes any electrical sources. Energy can be stored thermally or in a battery. Low-power cooking saves money by reducing electrical bills (if grid connected) or reducing the number of solar panels purchased. The simplicity of ISECooking technology allows it to be manufactured in locations where it is used.anufactured in locations where it is used.)
    • Simple powerbank  +
    • Powerbank simple  + (Powerbank/batterie externe simple pour petit éclairage indépendant ou recharge de smartphones.)
    • Batteries recovery  + (Recycle computer battery cells to create a photovoltaic lamp.)
    • Small Recycled Bottle Boxes  + (Recycling plastic bottles to make small boRecycling plastic bottles to make small boxes is a great way to reuse materials and create useful objects. This tutorial provides a step-by-step breakdown of how to cut and assemble the bottles to create practical storage boxes. The tutorial covers the materials needed, the cutting technique and tips on how to ensure the boxes are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.oth functional and aesthetically pleasing.)
    • Solar lamp with reused lithium cells  + (This tutorial allows you to make a solar lamp equipped with a USB charger. It uses lithium cells that are reused from a old or damaged laptop. This system, with a day of sunlight, can fully charge a smartphone and have 4 hours of light.)
    • Orangepi-raspberry pi nextcloud server (photovoltaics powered)  + (Tutorial to setup a nextcloud server (equiTutorial to setup a nextcloud server (equivalent to google drive but free and adapted to collective organisations) on a single board computer (photovoltaics powered)

      This tutorial is not really "lowtech" at first look because we talk about computers and photovoltaics

      However it is as didactic as possible and follows a lowtech philosophy to share knowledge, avoid unreachable tech by information rentention, complexification by design, or proprietary dependance by design.

      We also give sizign tools for photovoltaics with a few explanation. It's up to to you to size your computer working hours on a sun schedule, ie respecting human temporalities.

      Nextcloud (framasoft offers a service here: ) is a cool service to organise collectively and allows to share files, have a directory, a chat, work cooperatively on libreoffice files, and even do visios. We can also imagine mobile infokisosks on this principle.

      The tutorial puts into question the vpn market, the phtovoltaics with brand new and expensive batteries (in reality photovoltaics has become too competitive compared to petrleum and even more compared to nuclear power!), and the gafam market and their surveillance design is damaging trust and social links. The commands are those for a debian system

      Finally, the tutorial is made iwth 4G modem (and a wired connection to orange pi which has no wifi card by default), and is updated on this 10th of april for a raspberry pi connected to a "shared wifi" of your telephone (see stage 6 for a wifi in wpa3 and stage 16 for a wifi in wpa2)
      pi connected to a "shared wifi" of your telephone (see stage 6 for a wifi in wpa3 and stage 16 for a wifi in wpa2))
    • Tchat - de 1 à N personnes LowTech et cybersecure  + ('''IDEE DE DEPART :''' Et s’il était possi'''IDEE DE DEPART :''' Et s’il était possible de s’écrire en live (de tchater via ordi, tablette, ou smartphone de toutes marques) de manière très rudimentaire certes mais avec l’immense avantage d’une très faible consommation d’énergie électrique ?

      Et j’ajoute à cela, qu'on ne passe pas par des serveurs tiers (cloud) mais bien par des machines de très faible puissance ou de vieilles générations … qui nous appartiennent de surcroît. Tout cela avec un chiffrement (une protection) de nos échanges à l’état de l’art !

      '''INFO DU TUTO :''' Ce tuto présente l'utilisation du service de Tchat Low Tech (et non pas l'installation du service qui fera l'objet d'un autre tutoriel bien plus complexe).

      fera l'objet d'un autre tutoriel bien plus complexe). <br/> <br/>)
    • Tranformer un smart-phone en smart-ordi  + (Ce tutoriel présente les étapes de transfoCe tutoriel présente les étapes de transformation d'un smartphone en ordinateur, conçu pendant l'expédition Nomade des Mers et optimisé dans le cadre du projet expérimental [ "Biosphère, capsule en milieu aride"] porté par Corentin de Chatelperron et Caroline Pultz du [ Low-tech Lab]. Ce prototype a été fabriqué dans la Biosphère durant la période d'expérimentation dans le désert. période d'expérimentation dans le désert.)
    • Einfache Powerbank  + (Powerbank / einfache externe Batterie für ein kleines unabhängiges Licht oder zum Aufladen eines Smartphones.)
    • Powerbank simple  + (Powerbank/batterie externe simple pour petit éclairage indépendant ou recharge de smartphones.)