This tutorial shows you how to make a flower pot from a plastic bottle. The idea came from a broken flower pot, whose plant needs a suitable environment in which to grow.
This tutorial shows you how to make a flower pot from a plastic bottle. The idea came from a broken flower pot, whose plant needs a suitable environment in which to grow.
Plastic bottles, which are widely used, are ubiquitous waste products that have a damaging impact on the environment and human health. Their decomposition, spread over several centuries, leads to the pollution of soil, waterways and oceans. Faced with these harmful consequences, recycling plastic containers is emerging as a crucial solution. This approach facilitates the transformation of this waste into new products, such as articles of clothing, furniture, brooms, carpets, bags, containers, clotheslines, rafts and plant receptacles.) With this in mind, we've opted for up-cycling as a more environmentally-friendly approach. In fact, making flower pots from plastic bottles is a project that is both simple and accessible to everyone. All you need to do is use basic tools such as scissors (especially with children) or a cutter, as well as a dose of imagination, to help reduce the environmental footprint associated with this widespread plastic waste.
1 pair of scissors and 1 knife
Step 1 - Washing the bottle
Step 2 - Cutting the bottle
Using a cutter or scissors, cut the plastic bottle to the desired height for the pot. You can adjust the height according to the size of the plant you wish to place in it.
Step 3 - Decoration (additional)
If you like, you can decorate the plastic pot with paint, stickers or other decorative materials. Let your creativity run wild.
It's best not to paint it, so that you can see the roots and prevent the plant from suffocating.
Step 4 - Drilling the cap
Step 5 - Assembly
Assemble the two parts and tighten with the plug
Step 6 - Filling with soil and potting the plant
Put in a little soil, then place the plant and add more soil so that the roots are completely buried in the soil.
Notes and references
-We can see the roots, which means we can prevent the plant from suffocating and consider using a larger bottle to ensure the plant grows smoothly.
- The pot is very stable thanks to its even weight distribution.
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