Research de Low-tech Lab | Catégories : Habitat, Eau, Énergie
Staying under shower without wasting water
Staying under shower without wasting water
douche, recyclage, shower, loop, eau, water, Low-tech Tour France, LTTFrance en fr 1
This shower prototype have been realized with Jonathan Benabed, auto-constructor o f his tiny-house
Ce prototype de douche a été réalisé avec Jonathan Benabed, autoconstructeur de sa tiny house.
This system is largely inspired by the recycling shower project of Jason Selvarajan.
"A few figures:
"The recycling shower:
La douche à recyclage:
The objective of this shower prototype is to divide by 7 the water consumption of a shower without impacting the comfort of the user who want to stay under hot water for a while.
The shower is currently in the test phase in order to know its real environmental and economic impact. Indeed, depending on the purchase of new or second-hand equipment, the realization of this shower can very quickly become too expensive for real profitability (not to mention the ecological cost of new equipment).
In our case, we bought a maximum of second-hand equipment for a total cost of 150€.
According to the ShowerloopCalculator, this type of recycling shower is cost effective in less than a year of operation for a 4-person home.
The pictures presented come from a demonstration prototype, without housing integration for a better visibility of the system. However, it's relatively simple to adapt to a classic shower. Great care must be taken to ensure that the connections are watertight.
Principle of operation:
The principle of the recycling shower is to be able to fill a water tank of about 10L located under the shower tray.
When the user use the water from the shower to relax and enjoy, he can operate a valve to shut off the water supply to pump, filtrate, reheat and supply the shower head with water of the tank.
Estimates suggest a 7-fold reduction in the consumption of a conventional shower.
Any contribution that simplifies the system is welcome.
Sanitary Aspect:
The system permit a 20 microns water filtration then an activated carbon filtration to remove the last particles and smells
However, filters are not designed to eliminate potential bacteria.
It's possible to add a UV lamp ensuring the elimination of potential pathogens.
By comparing the use of the shower to a bath where user stay in his water, we have made the choice not to install UV lamp in view of the cost. We have not yet conducted a health test to determine whether or not such a lamp is useful.
The tank is to be installed under the shower tray. According to the availability of each one:
With the flexible female/female flexible
This is one of the possible utilization. Other tests have to be done like using of the recycling with well soapy water or even using of the tank for multiple showers.
voici une version mobile minimaliste (en essais , le filtre est en commande)
une simple bassine est remplie lors du début de la douche avec le circuit classique,
une fois pleine on change de circuit, il suffit d'actionner l'interrupteur pour mettre en route une pompe de circulation (avec une crépine sur l'aspiration pour les impuretés grossières)
une fois la douche terminée, on vide simplement la bassine
ce projet n'est pas équipé d'un réchauffeur en ligne, le brassage rend très vite l'eau froide, mais suffit pour 1 à 2 personnes se lavant rapidement... (il peut-être ajouter)
le projet dans cette configuration n'est pas intrusif et permet une installation presque partout (ici en appartement )
la batterie est rechargée par un vélo modifié
tout le matériel présent est issus de récupération
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It seems Sam Smith (fellow creator/hacker) also made a fork of Showerloop — you can see it documented here:
I'd love to learn about the differences between this version of the Showerloop and the one Sam documented, in terms of construction and performance.