Recherche par propriété

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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Tools » avec la valeur « *(scissors or pruning shears) *(gloves, especially for people with sensitive skin as ivy can be stinging) *saucepan or stew-pot '''(if possible dedicated to non-food uses to avoid any poisoning linked to poor cleaning of the utensils)''' *strainer or clean cloth to filter the infusion *a container for storing the washing powder produced (be sure to label the contents if you use a food container, and not to reuse it to store foodstuffs). <br/> ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 42 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Ivy liquid detergent  + ( *(scissors or pruning shears) *(gloves, e *(scissors or pruning shears) *(gloves, especially for people with sensitive skin as ivy can be stinging) *saucepan or stew-pot '''(if possible dedicated to non-food uses to avoid any poisoning linked to poor cleaning of the utensils)''' *strainer or clean cloth to filter the infusion *a container for storing the washing powder produced (be sure to label the contents if you use a food container, and not to reuse it to store foodstuffs).
      ot to reuse it to store foodstuffs). <br/> )
    • Semi-removable Mass Stove  + ('''Health and Safety:''' * Gloves, * Gogg'''Health and Safety:''' * Gloves, * Goggles, * Ear defenders/ earplugs, * Dust masks * First aid kit containing saline solution in case cements gets into eyes. '''For Marking/Measuring: ''' * Tape measure, * Pencil, * Marker * String (2 metres approx.), * Spirit level '''For the Metalwork:''' * Hammer/sledgehammer/chisel, * Pincers * Adjustable pliers * Tin snips (often more practical that using an electric device) * Jigsaw + metal blades * Clamp * Drill + metal drill bits * Wire brush for drill * Angle grinder + cutting, grinding and flap disks, * Sander (optional) '''Concrete:''' * Tarpaulin * 1 litre measuring cup, * Trowel * 2 x 10 litre buckets, mixing tray, container or bin for mixing concrete * Hand mixer * Power drill with paddle or manual mixer or cement mixer (optional) '''Casting:''' * Cutter, * Scissors, * Handsawting:''' * Cutter, * Scissors, * Handsaw)
    • Simple powerbank  + ( * Gloves and goggles. * Chisel / hammer * Wire stripper. * Soldering iron. '''Note''': Safety equipment is to be worn throughout the realization. )
    • Manual Pump (vertical)  + ( * Saw * Electric Drill * Screwdriver * PVC glue * Sandpaper * Cloth )
    • Solar coffee roaster  + ( *Paint brush, *Wire cutter, *Flat-nose pliers,   *Spanner, *(welding material), *(drill- screw-gun) * Protection equipment: glasses, gloves, ear defenders )
    • Manual pump (vertical)  + (- Saw - Drilling machine - Screwdriver - Pvc glue - Sandpaper - a cloth)
    • Worm Compost Bins  + (Drill with drill bit 2 scissors)
    • Insulated mattress  + (Scissors/utility knife Heating gun Gloves)
    • Small Recycled Bottle Boxes  + (<nowiki>*Scissors or cutter<br /><br />*Strong glue or hot glue gun</nowiki>)
    • The Norwegian Kettle (Hay Box)  + ('''If you already have containers, no need'''If you already have containers, no need for tools!''' If you want to make a hay box from wooden planks for example, you will need the usual tools: *Hammer *Screwdriver *Tape measure *Wood saw or appropriate choice for the selected material *Gloves *Safety glasses *Ruler *Scissors Other possible tools *Wood glue *Set-square *Double sided Scotch tape *Stapler-square *Double sided Scotch tape *Stapler)
    • Biodiesel  + ('''Transesterification''' * Used vegetabl'''Transesterification''' * Used vegetable oil [[:Modèle:For information]] * 250 mL of methanol/ litre of oil * If you are using new oil : 5,5g of NaOH or 7g of KOH / litre of oil. *If you are using used oil: Calculate the catalyst mass that must be added when you get to the titration stage. [[:Modèle:For information]] * 1 clean, dry container with a drain tube or a tap for when you want to carry out the reaction [[:Modèle:For information]] * 1 submersible pump so you can do the blending in the canister * 1 one hot plate or heating resistor * 1 temperature sensor * 1 precision balance * 1 funnel * 1 big glass jar shut or a stainless steel tank for the blending of the methanol and the catalyst * 1 measuring glass for the dosage of methanol * rubber gloves * safety glasses '''Filtration''' *1 canister of new oil *1 clean and empty oil canister * 1 funnel * 1 cotton sheet/ 1 sock * a 1 to 5µm filter bag '''Titration''' * 10ml of isopropyl alcohol or isopropanol. * 1ml of your used oil * 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein (indicator) * 1L [ of distilled water] * 1g of catalyst, sodium hydroxide NaOH or potassium hydroxide KOH.
      Always keep these products in a sealed, airtight container
      * - 1 scale* - 1 small container/glass jar * - 3 measuring cylinders/tubes * - Two 1mL graduated syringes or cruets. Please take note that one syringe is for the oil and the other one is for the soda-water blend. * - Rubber gloves * - Safety glasses- Breathing mask '''Distillation of glycerol''' * 1 pressure cooker * a 5m copper pipe * a 50cm heat-resistant flexible tube (silicone, Teflon) * Conventional pipe clamps for plumbing
      5m copper pipe * a 50cm heat-resistant flexible tube (silicone, Teflon) * Conventional pipe clamps for plumbing)
    • Plastic bottle cutter  + ( * A drill * A 5 mm drill bit * Two carpenter's clamps * A clamp * A flat screwdriver * A socket wrench * Scissors )
    • Ram pump  + ( * A plier * A claw to open the strainer * Scissors * Hammer * A drill bit (here 6, 7mm) * A tap ( here M5) )
    • Coffee sticks  + ( * Cutter * Markers * Scissors * Saw )
    • Water tank  + ( * DIY tools and protective equipment (circular saw, screwdriver/drill, gloves, goggles) * mastic to seal joints )
    • Hydroponics  + ( * Drill/driver or screwdriver * Saw * Stapler * Hole saw * Cutter or scissors )
    • Bio-sand filter for drinking water  + ( * Gloves and protection glasses * Hacksaw * A basin * Sandpaper * A driller )
    • Pasteurisation of Fruit and Vegetables  + ( * Jars with screw-on or sealed lids * Saucepans * Kitchen thermometer reaching 100°C * Kitchen gloves * Wide neck funnel )
    • Fermented drinks - Meads  + ( * Large glass jar * Glass bottle with mechanical closure (lemonade type) * Scales (optional) * Soup spoon * Cloth * Strainer or fine sieve )
    • Warmer  + ( * Saucepan * Scales * Spoon * Funnel * Glass * Measuring glass )
    • Desert fridge - light version  + ( * Scissors * Sewing needle * Thread )
    • Solar Oven (box-type oven)  + ( * Screwer/ drill * Jigsaw * Hacksaw * Glass cutter (if needed) * Tape * Lighter * Stall * Clamp * Tape measure * Cutter * Scissors * Sandpaper * Square, ruler, protractor * Helmet and safety glasses * [[:Fichier:Plans cuiseur solaire.jpg|Plans]] )
    • Autonomous solar watermaker  + ( * Screws * Drills * Saw * Scissors * Measuring tape * Wood glue * Strong glue for all materials * Pencil * Screwdrivers * Welding machine * Hacksaw )
    • Made-to-measure mosquito net  + ( * Sewing machine * Sewing equipment (spools of thread, scissors, pins, ruler, pencil) * Sewing tape measure * Wall stapler * Brush or cloth )
    • Thermal curtain - prototype 2  + ( * Thread and needle or sewing machine. * scissors and stapler * tape )
    • Solar water heater  + ( * cutter and blades * pipe cutter * screwdriver and bits * hacksaw and/or grinder * blowtorch * handsaw and/or circular saw * sandpaper * solid iron tube (diameter 12mm) * protective equipment (goggles, gloves, brazing protection glasses) )
    • Rug  + ( * scissors * thread and needle )
    • Lessive au lierre  + ( *(ciseau ou sécateur) *(gants, surtout po *(ciseau ou sécateur) *(gants, surtout pour les personnes à la peau sensible car le lierre peu être urticant) *casserole ou fait tout '''(si possible dédié à des usages non alimentaire pour éviter toute intoxication liée à un mauvais nettoyage des ustensile utilisé)''' *passoire ou linge propre pour filtrer l'infusion *un contenant dédié au stockage de la lessive réalisée (attention à bien signaler le contenu si vous utilisez un contenant alimentaire, et à ne pas le réutiliser pour stocker des denrées alimentaire).
      ur stocker des denrées alimentaire). <br/> )
    • Lessive au lierre  + ( *(ciseau ou sécateur) *(gants, surtout po *(ciseau ou sécateur) *(gants, surtout pour les personnes à la peau sensible car le lierre peu être urticant) *casserole ou fait tout '''(si possible dédié à des usages non alimentaire pour éviter toute intoxication liée à un mauvais nettoyage des ustensile utilisé)''' *passoire ou linge propre pour filtrer l'infusion *un contenant dédié au stockage de la lessive réalisée (attention à bien signaler le contenu si vous utilisez un contenant alimentaire, et à ne pas le réutiliser pour stocker des denrées alimentaire).
      ur stocker des denrées alimentaire). <br/> )
    • Bio-Coal  + ( *200L metal barrel turned pyrolyzer (for carbonisation) *Shovel *Rake *Mask and safety gloves *Big container for mixing *Tarpaulin *Pestle *Sieve *Press machine *Drying racks *Metal mould for standardising the size of the briquettes )
    • Homemade deodorant  + ( *Glass jars for storing ingredients *Salad bowl for mixing *Soup spoon *Coffee spoon *Small glass jar for storing deodorant *Scale )
    • Face mask for coronavirus - Quick version  + ( *sewing machine, but possible by hand if *sewing machine, but possible by hand if you are patient *needle *triple-centimeter ruler, or sewing/craft tape measure *set square (triangle) *pencil (special sewing pencils are available and won't stain the fabric) *sewing scissors *3 small drawing clips, or clothespins, or sewing pins
      . Tips and tricks: *having the right needles for the different types of fabric you're sewing really makes it easier *Prepare colored threads for each part of the mask. *You can use an iron to mark creases. Tips and tricks to sew Jersey fabric: *limit the number of jersey layers to just 1, and choose the other layers with little or no stretch to hold them together. *A special jersey or stitch needle makes machine sewing easier. *Before seaming or zig-zag stitching, you can make a line in straight stitch, it's easier. *put the jersey fabric underneath for machine sewing.
      the jersey fabric underneath for machine sewing. )
    • Brick wallet  + (- 1 pair of scissors)
    • DIY heater  + (-Coffee filter -Spoon -Saucepan -Sachet -Funnel -Trombone)
    • Parabolic solar cooker  + (<br/> *Wireless drill *Scissors *Hammer *Wrench *Pliers *Measuring tools *Vice *Spacers *Copper wire)
    • Coco soap  + (<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> *A pot *A pan *A glass jar *Some clean tea towels *A kitchen scale *A stove *A mixer </div>)
    • Batteries recovery  + (<u> For extracting the battery cells For extracting the battery cells : a- Gloves (to avoid cutting yourself with the battery's plastic parts or with the nickel strips between the cells) b - Hammer c - Chisel Power Bank (Power Bank Battery Case Box Charger Flashlight) e - imax B6 charger f - 2 neodymium magnets g - Wire cutter For making the lamp : h - Soldering iron i - Tin j - Glue gun (and glue sticks) g - Wire cuttering iron i - Tin j - Glue gun (and glue sticks) g - Wire cutter)
    • Solar lamp with reused lithium cells  + (Cells extraction * Gloves (to avoid cuttiCells extraction * Gloves (to avoid cutting with the plastic of the computer battery or with the nickel ribbons that connect the cells) * Hammer * Chisel * Cutting pliers For the lamp fabrication : * Glue gun (and glue sticks) * Heating gun or small torch * Wood saw * Screw driver* Heating gun or small torch * Wood saw * Screw driver)
    • Worm Compost Bins  + (Drill with drill bit 2 scissors)
    • Bait for Melipona bees  + (Scissors)
    • 200W Wind Turbine  + ('''List indicative of equipment, refer to '''List indicative of equipment, refer to the chapters for details''' * Saws (hand, jigsaw, circular). * Pencils, markers. * Measuring tape, ruler, try-square, compass. * Clamps * Palm plane, wood chisels, spokeshave, hand planes. * Drill, screwdriver, metal and wood drill up to 14mm, a Hole Cutter of diameter 60mm. * Grinding machine, cutting blades, grinding discs, gloves and safety glasses. * Welding station. * Soldering iron, tin. * electronic scale. * graduated syringes. * Latex gloves. * Plastic trays, * Pair of scissors. * Voltmeterc trays, * Pair of scissors. * Voltmeter)
    • Haybox or fireless cooker made of a wool blanket  + (• A pair of scissors • Needles • Pins • A sewing machine optionally)