Vos dernières discussions
- 08:37, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:37, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:36, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:36, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:36, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:36, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:35, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:35, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+12) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:35, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+12) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:34, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:34, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:34, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:33, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « *[https://alizes.jimdo.com/monter-un-projet/eolienne-piggott/ Piggott wind turbine performance measurement] »)
- 08:33, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « *[https://eolienne.f4jr.org/eolienne_etude_theorique Theoretical study on wind energy] »)
- 08:32, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:31, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « *[http://www.tripalium.org/manuel Lien pour l'achat du manuel tripalium] for a complete construction from the wind turbine to the electrical distribution on the whole rang... »)
- 08:30, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-9) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « *Website of [http://www.tripalium.org/ Tripalium], to find information and construction courses, in French. »)
- 08:30, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « *Website [https://pureselfmade.com/ PureSelfMade] of Jonathan Schreiber, co-author of the book "[https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/wind-turbine-do-it-yourself-book-by-pu... »)
- 08:27, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Website of [http://scoraigwind.co.uk/ Hugh Piggott], inventor of the windmill, information in English. »)
- 08:24, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-2) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « *The wind mills developed by Hugh Piggott range from 200W to 2000W. »)
- 08:23, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Pack tutorials created by Camille Duband and Pierre-Alain Lévêque, Low-tech Lab team, September 2017. »)
- 08:22, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-31) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « You can download an educational file created by Low-tech lab in the "files" tab of the tutorial (tab under the section Tools & Materials) »)
- 08:22, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Educational content to download »)
- 08:15, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:15, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « "'Note"': It will be necessary to install a charge controller between the wind turbine and the battery. »)
- 08:12, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-11) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Protect the system in a waterproof box and fix it on the body of the windmill. »)
- 08:10, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder a single-phase cable on the 2 output terminals of the rectifier. »)
- 08:08, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-9) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder each phase of the output cable to each input terminal of the rectifier. »)
- 08:06, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-21) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Use a three-phase AC to single-phase DC voltage rectifier. »)
- 08:06, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-63) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « "'Note"': To charge the 12V battery, it is necessary to transform the AC produced by each phase into a DC. »)
- 07:33, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 12V DC rectifier installation »)
- 07:32, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Lubrication of the windmill »)
- 07:31, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Balancing of the blades. »)
- 07:27, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Install the rudder on the pivot. »)
- 07:26, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+153) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:21, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-56) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * With the help of a person, turn the generator at 1 turn/second. A metronome can be used. Set a voltmeter to AC and measure the voltage between each phase. The value shou... »)
- 07:18, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Position the nacelle on a test mast. »)
- 07:14, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « The final assembly and the production test. »)
- 07:14, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Adjust the gap between the rotor and the stator by adjusting the nuts of the stator. The gap should be about 1mm. »)
- 07:04, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-39) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Fit the bell hub onto the spindle, carefully repositioning the ball bearings and lock nuts (tighten to the maximum and then loosen a quarter turn). The system must turn... »)
- 06:56, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-13) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Fix the rotor on the bell hub with the 4 threaded rods and16 nuts. »)
- 06:51, 22 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-14) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare 4 threaded rods of12mm diameter, 140mm length . (See method: Step "Generator, stator: Preparation threaded stator rods"). »)
- 12:05, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 11:58, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Screw the stator on the cradle. »)
- 11:56, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Screw a bolt on every rod of the stator. »)
- 10:01, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Screw the spindle of the bell hub on the cradle of the nacelle »)
- 10:00, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Assembly, Generator »)
- 10:00, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Weld the angle '''support''' perpendicularly at the end of the '''Tail rudder''' »)
- 09:57, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-21) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Drill the angle '''support''' at 3 points to attach the '''rudder''' with bolts of 6mm diameter. »)
- 07:36, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:00, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * On the tube '''Tail rudder''', make a [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDD-EVj7zIc tube notch] with the help of a pattern allowing a 110° welding of the ''rudder pivot''. »)
- 06:45, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-8) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:23, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:22, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:22, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:20, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:19, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:19, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:19, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:19, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-11) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 5) A plywood cut according to the desires of each, thickness 6mm and ''0.1m ² of surface'' (for example a right-angled triangle of height 300mm and base 600mm): the ''Rud... »)
- 06:18, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * On the '''rudder pivot''' open one notch according to the diagram. »)
- 06:18, 21 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder the '''cover''' on the outside, opposite to the notch of the '''rudder pivot'''. »)
- 11:43, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 4) An angle of 30 x 30 x 5, length 250mm: '''Support safran'''. »)
- 11:42, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+11) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 3) A tube of external diameter of 33.4mm, length 700mm: '''Queue of the safran'''. »)
- 11:35, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 2) An iron plat of 50 x 50 x 6mm: '''Cover of the pivot safran'''. »)
- 11:34, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 1) A tube of external diameter of 42.2, length 130mm: '''Pivot safran'''. »)
- 11:33, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Equip yourself with: »)
- 11:32, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-59) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Note''': The heat released by the solder have a tendency to work the metal, deform the pieces and their positions. To avoid this problem, make a few weld points at a fe... »)
- 10:46, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+118) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 10:43, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-100) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder the cradle at the end of the angle by centering the center of the cradle on the point A. For the soldering, it is necessary to sacrifice one of the four hole »)
- 10:34, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder the pivot safran tube at the back of the angle (See photo) »)
- 10:31, 17 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder the windmill pivot tube under the angle, centered with the 14mm hole and perpendicular to the angle. »)
- 12:49, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare the angle according to the diagram. »)
- 12:48, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-9) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 4) The '''cradle''' previously made. »)
- 12:40, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 3) A tube of external diameter of 33.4mm, length 150mm: '''Pivot Safran'''. »)
- 12:38, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 2) A tube of external diameter of 42.2, length 100mm: '''Pivot windmill'''. »)
- 12:29, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * An angle of 206mm (50x50x6mm). »)
- 12:28, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Equip yourself with: »)
- 08:49, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:48, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Let it harden, demold, deburr and varnish or paint. »)
- 08:46, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-35) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Position the cover and put heavy metal parts on it (angles, tubes, etc.) the attraction force of the magnets will press the excess resin. »)
- 08:43, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-19) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare and pour the last container of resin. It is better to have extra resin that overflows. »)
- 08:41, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Position the fiber circle and let it soak properly. »)
- 08:38, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-9) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * In the same way, prepare and pour the resin + talc. »)
- 08:37, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Pour this resin in the mold. »)
- 08:36, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Pour the associated syringe into the 150g resin container et mix vigorously. »)
- 08:35, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, rotor: Molding. »)
- 08:29, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-15) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Position the steel disk in the mold, place the isle on the top and screw the assembly with the greased bolts. »)
- 08:27, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-13) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare a container of 300g of mixed resin with 150g of talc also a syringe of 4.5ml of catalyst. »)
- 08:27, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Prepare two 150g container of polyester resin and two 2.25ml syringes of the associated catalyst. »)
- 08:24, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-22) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Using mold release wax/wax, wax the entire mold, inside/outside, the internal/external cover and also the two 12mm bolts which are long enough to pass through the mold c... »)
- 08:17, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-11) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare 1 disk of glass fiber of the shape of the mold then keep it aside. »)
- 08:13, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:13, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-5) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Notes''': This step includes use of dangerous elements (resin, fibers, etc. ) Make sure to put on the latex gloves and safety glasses till the end of the molding. »)
- 08:09, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, rotor: Preparation of the mounting. »)
- 08:08, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:07, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Screw/paste the base and the border together. »)
- 08:06, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-39) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Make a rotor mold out of a 16mm thick plywood for the base and the border, the cover can be thinner. The diameter of the holes in the cover should allow the passage of... »)
- 07:58, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, rotor: Preparation of the mold. »)
- 07:58, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Let it dry then remove the template. »)
- 07:56, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-26) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Apply the same procedure with all the magnets. Once finished, the faces visible of the magnets will be alternate as follows: 1) North, 2)South,3)North, 4)South 5)North,... »)
- 07:53, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 2) If there is attraction, turn it over in your hand, check if there is repulsion now and then stick it in the adjacent notch. »)
- 07:02, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-10) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 1) If there is repulsion, stick it in the adjacent notch keeping this direction: the 2 magnets have the polarities positioned in an opposite way. »)
- 07:00, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-11) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Take the second magnet in your hand and place it on top of the first. »)
- 06:55, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-27) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Apply a dot of super glue on the first notch and stick the first magnet. Make sure that the magnet is perfectly locked in the notch. »)
- 06:48, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-97) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Note''': Be very carefully during the manipulation of these magnets. Being very powerful, they can damage electronic devices, attract all kinds of metal objects and squ... »)
- 06:39, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 06:38, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Have the [https://www.supermagnete.fr/aimants-bloc-neodyme/parallelepipede-magnetique-46mm-x-30mm-x-10mm-neodyme-n40-nickele_Q-46-30-10-N 8 aimants néodymes] 46mm x 30... »)
- 06:30, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-12) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Note''': This step consists of gluing together strong magnets on the steel disk by '''alternating the poles of the magnets'''. If the alternation is not respected, the... »)
- 06:24, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, rotor: Gluing of magnets »)
- 06:21, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Screw the template onto the steel disk by inserting the washers. »)
- 06:12, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-12) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Take two bolts of 12mm with washers. »)
- 06:01, 16 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-10) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Degrease the steel disk using a degreaser. »)
- 10:27, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-2) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * On a piece of thin plywood, make the template according to the diagram »)
- 10:17, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 10:17, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, stator: Preparation of the template. »)
- 10:16, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-43) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Cut the bell in a way that the steel disk fits perfectly flat on the 4 drilled supports. »)
- 10:13, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+8) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 10:10, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Cut the bell with a grinding machine, keeping only the platinum plate with holes. »)
- 10:06, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-7) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 10:06, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-11) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Use the bell hub which was previously kept aside. ( See step: Generator, stator: Preparation of the cradle) »)
- 09:42, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, rotor: Preparation of the dome of the hub. »)
- 09:31, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-41) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 2) Il can be easier to get the disk prepared from craftsmen who have precise cutting tools (plasma, laser) »)
- 09:24, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-21) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 1) It is '''important''' that the disk is made of '''steel''' so that it can conduct the magnetic fields. It will not work with aluminum or stainless steel. »)
- 09:21, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Notes''': »)
- 09:21, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+95) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 09:18, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-107) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Use a 6mm thick steel disk, if possible galvanized, of diameter 230mm and prepare it according to the diagram. »)
- 09:14, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+85) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 09:11, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, rotor: Preparation of the metallic disk. »)
- 09:10, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-14) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Allow to harden (it might take several hours). Then demold, deburr and varnish or paint. »)
- 09:05, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * If necessary, use a clamp to secure the three-phase cable so that it exits the stator correctly. »)
- 08:44, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Position the threaded rods attached to the cradle delicately, the part split in the resin. Use the drill bit as the center piece between the isle and the cradle. »)
- 08:35, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+9) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:33, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Position the cover with the help of the detractors and secure them with the waxed screws. »)
- 08:30, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:26, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-24) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare and pour the last container of resin. It is better to have extra resin. »)
- 08:24, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-8) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Position the second disk of glass fiber and soak it well. »)
- 08:19, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:19, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:18, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:18, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:18, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:16, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Place the mounting of the coil in the mold carefully. Every coil must be placed correctly in its place and no wire should come out of the mold. '''It's a delicate step''... »)
- 08:15, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:15, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:08, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Pour the associated syringe into the 300g resin tray + talc. Mix vigorously. »)
- 07:17, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:16, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:16, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-8) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:15, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare the complete mounting of the bobine, unbridled template so that it will ready to be installed in the mold. »)
- 07:04, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:03, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-2) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:03, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-21) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare 2 disks of glass fiber of the shape of the mold and keep them aside. Provide a diameter margin at the isle level. (See photo) »)
- 06:27, 15 June 2022 (diff | hist) . . (-36) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Notes''': the talc not only charges the resin using a cheaper material but also diffuses the heat during the drying of the resin and also during the future operation of... »)
- 08:41, 7 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Notes''': This step includes use of dangerous elements (resin,fibers, etc) Make sure to put on the latex gloves and glasses for protection till the end of the molding. »)
- 08:40, 7 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-31) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Mark the location of every coil in the mould. The previously made template can be used. »)
- 06:53, 7 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-19) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare a bag of 300g of mixed resin with 150g of talc also a syringe of 4.5ml of catalyst. »)
- 06:52, 7 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-11) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare 2 bags of 150g of polyester resin and 2 syringes of 2.25ml of the catalyst. »)
- 06:52, 7 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-40) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * With the help of the wax, polish the entire mold, interior/exterior, the interior/exterior of the cover, all the screws which keeps the cover fixed and the 3 pawns of t... »)
- 08:30, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-12) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * In 10 mm thick plywood, make the mold according to the diagram. It is divided into 4 parts: the base, the border, the central island and the lid. Make sure to drill in 3... »)
- 08:27, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-16) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder de the ends of the coil 4,5, and 6 forming the 3 phases then protect them with the heat shrinking sleeves. Special attention need to paid to the insulation, the w... »)
- 08:19, 4 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-39) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Solder the connections with a soldering iron. For a good solder, heat the area to be soldered then put the tin on the wire so that it melts and fills the gaps. »)
- 07:42, 3 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:37, 3 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-16) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Notes''': It is '''important''' that each coil is positioned with '''the windings turn in the same direction''', either clockwise or anti-clockwise. If this instruction... »)
- 07:30, 3 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-39) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Make the template from the diagram on the scrap plywood. Mark the position for the 3 threaded rods at the center and also mark for the centers of the coils. There are 6... »)
- 07:22, 3 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-2) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 07:16, 3 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+23) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:47, 2 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-45) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Before unmolding, seal the coil with an electrical tape. A ruler can be use to pass the tape between the spacer and the coil, the large slots on the ears were created fo... »)
- 08:35, 2 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Leave a margin of 60cm of the wire before starting to coil the wire and the end as well. »)
- 08:19, 2 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-16) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * With the help of one person and a coiler, windup a coil. 1 person can wind up the wire and count the turns precisely, one person can create tension in the wire and assur... »)
- 08:08, 2 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 14:38, 1 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-62) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Notes''': For the easy slippage of the wire, you can bevel the inner edges of the ears. Make markings with a marker on the edge of both ears to count the turns more eas... »)
- 14:30, 1 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-62) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * After completing the metal “base” structure of the coil, cut out both ears and the spacer as shown. Make with drills with precision. Cut a small notch on one of the... »)
- 14:27, 1 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+10) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 14:26, 1 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-56) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Notes''': The coils will be wound between the 2 discs of the plywood (thickness minimum 15mm), which are known as "ears". The small plywood rectangle between the two ea... »)
- 14:10, 1 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-6) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * With the help of 6 plywood scraps of approximate 50mm x 25mm, attach each coil to its position on the template. Number each coil from 1 to 6 as shown in the template. »)
- 14:07, 1 September 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-24) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Make the coil with the help of the angle, metallic tube, threaded rod/nuts of 10mm diameter, 4 big nuts of diameter of 6mm and plywood scraps. Follow the dimensions from... »)
- 09:45, 28 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-8) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Make slits to form cross of 10mm deep on one end of each threaded rod. »)
- 09:41, 28 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 09:41, 28 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 2) Before cutting the rod, screw a nut on the part of the rod that will be cut in order to reform the pitch of the screw at the level where it is been cut with the repeat... »)
- 08:58, 28 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+2) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 10:27, 21 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-27) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « 1) If a clamp is used to maintain the threaded rod while cutting, wrap the threaded rod in a cloth at the jaws before tightening to avoid damaging the screw pitch. »)
- 08:15, 21 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+5) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « *Drill the center of the cradle with a small drill (approx 3mm). This drilling will be used when the stator is cast. »)
- 08:12, 21 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:11, 21 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Set aside the cradle and the 3 threaded rods, they will be useful during the molding later. »)
- 08:05, 21 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-24) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « '''Note''': If the 4 initial screws of the spindle are in good condition, they can be recovered by drilling only the cradle and screwing directly into the base. In this ca... »)
- 07:45, 21 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-40) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Draw a circle of radius slightly greater than 40mm on the metallic disc to center the spindle's base on the cradle. Fix the two part temporarily with a few soldering poi... »)
- 07:21, 21 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+3) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:37, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (0) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Pour the content on the assembly. »)
- 08:36, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-17) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Pour the associated syringe into the 300g resin tray + talc. Mix vigorously. »)
- 08:33, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-4) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Put one of the two glass fiber discs to the bottom of the mold and soak well with resin. »)
- 08:28, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Pour some of this resin into the bottom of the mold. »)
- 08:27, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Prepare the 3 threaded rods by screwing them on the cradle. Adjust the parallelism of the rod well. »)
- 08:23, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-1) . . Eolienne 200W/en
- 08:23, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, stator: Molding. »)
- 08:19, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (+1) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, stator: Preparation of the moulding. »)
- 08:18, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-7) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Screw/glue the border and central block to the base. »)
- 08:10, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-12) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, stator: Making the stator mould »)
- 08:10, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-5) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « * Take 60cm of flexible 3-wire cable, 2.5mm². »)
- 08:08, 17 August 2021 (diff | hist) . . (-3) . . Eolienne 200W/en (Page créée avec « Generator, stator: Three-phase cable »)