Translations:Savon à l'huile de coco/51/en

  • Pour the oil and the soda solution into a glass jar.
  • Place the jar in a bain-marie over medium heat and stir occasionally.

This step may take more than two hours. The two phases (oil and soda solution) will mix and then probably shift after giving a thick mixture. It's normal. Continue heating and stirring until the two phases mingle again.

  • Once the reaction is over the passage of the utensil used to stir (wooden spoon for example) leaves a trace. It is then possible to mold the soap. A coconut shell lined with a clean cloth does the trick. Let cool and rest at least 24h.
  • Unmould and cut the soap to the desired size.
  • Unlike cold saponification, the soap obtained here can be used after cooling. It is still necessary to test its pH.
  • Test the pH of the soap. To do this, take a small piece of soap and dissolve it in lukewarm fresh water. Dip a small piece of pH paper into the solution. The pH of the soap should be as low as possible. A pH below 10 is acceptable but it will be best to test the soap on a small area of ​​skin to ensure that it is supported. If the pH is above 10 it is possible to use the soap to wash the laundry but is to be avoided for the skin.