Translations:Culture de la spiruline/25/en


Natural food The components of the mineral food are found in ideal proportions in the urine [1]. By adding a solution of iron oxide or "juice of rusty nails" spirulina benefits from a local and organic food ideal for its productivity and resistance. The high pH and salinity of the culture medium reduces the risk of contamination. However, only "organic" urine should be used, from people with a healthy diet (non-smokers, without medication or contraceptives). Human urine is now widely used in agriculture and many studies exist on the subject [2]. For 1 litre of urine-based food:

  • Put 10cl of white vinegar in a 1 litre bottle. It eliminates odours, eliminates bacteria and preserves ammonia.
  • Complete with healthy urine
  • Label and keep away from the sun.