Tutorial de L'Atelier Low Tech | Categories : Food, Water, Materials
Water ceramic filter: case study of the filter FILTRON made by MERINSA Company in Lima, Peru.
Water ceramic filter: case study of the filter FILTRON made by MERINSA Company in Lima, Peru.
filtre, eau, familles, bidonvilles, céramique en fr 1
The ceramic filter FILTRON was made by the company Merinsa, in partnership with the American association Potters For Peace, for families living in the slums around Lima and who do not have access to drinkable water. A study was undertaken to see the influence of the filters on the reduction of stomach diseases: a filter was given to 60 families in a slum of Lima and they were studied compared to 60 other families without filter. The FILTRON proved to be very efficient in the reduction of stomach diseases. At the end of the experiment, a filter was given to all the 120 families.
The FILTRON filters 2L of water per hour and eliminates particles and bacteria. Depending on the size of the plastic container, it is possible to store 10L of clean water. The filter is thus suitable for a family.
Avantages :
Inconvénients :
L’eau est un réel problème au Pérou, dans la montagne, la forêt, sur la côte…En ville, l’eau est chlorée pour être désinfectée. L’eau qui se trouve dans les tuyaux du réseau de la ville est en théorie potable mais cette même eau est souvent stockée dans des tanks. Ces tanks ne sont pas toujours fermés et l’eau se fait ainsi re-contaminer. Les gens achètent donc de l’eau en bouteille ou alors investissent dans des filtres. C’est là qu’intervient Merinsa, l'entreprise étant spécialisée dans la fabrication de filtres. Il y a encore beaucoup à faire au Pérou pour purifier l’eau.
A Lima, les bidonvilles s'étendent sur les montagnes alentours. L'eau est stockée dans des énormes containers et est accessible (mais contaminée) pour les habitations situées en aval. Les nouvelles habitations construites au fur et à mesure de l'expansion du bidonville se retrouvent en amont de ces containers et n'ont donc pas accès à l'eau.
According to Ricardo, at the head of Merinsac , the economical problems are not the only reason why the people from the slums do not buy a Filtron; there is also an educational issue. The families seem not to know that their stomach diseases are coming from the water they drink and thus do not understand why it could be necessary to own such filters. Some families to which a Filtron was given have "taken the ceramic pot off" in order to only retrieve the pmlastic container, whose use appear more obvious to them. The charities should really work on the education and the integration of the filters in the every day life of the families if they want their donation to be useful.
The ceramic filters can filter the water using a system of pores: while making the pot wood fines are incorporated in the clay. When the pot is brought to 1000°C in the oven, the woodfines will burn, leaving tiny pores in the pot.
The ceramic pot is put in a plastic container. The size of the plastic container could be chosen according to the amount of clean water you will need to store.
The Filtron filters use a 20L plastic container which can store 10L of clean water.
Find the origin of Merinsa's Filtron in Lima, Peru here: http://www.merinsa.com/resp_social.html
The American association Potters For Peace aims to help the potters all around the world to develop ceramic filters: http://pottersforpeace.org/?page_id=63. You can find their tutorial to build an oven or a press here: http://pottersforpeace.org/?page_id=487
More information about ceramic filters on the Canadian charity CAST's website: https://www.hwts.info/products-technologies/d25e3821/ceramic-pot-filter/technical-information
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