Research de Anouk | Categories : Housing, Hygiene
How to open dialogues on collective laundry practices in shared houses? This tutorial suggests a methodology for shared houses, to shift the individual use of their washing machine to a collective one.
How to open dialogues on collective laundry practices in shared houses? This tutorial suggests a methodology for shared houses, to shift the individual use of their washing machine to a collective one.
The individual reflection:
Take a pen and a paper, and try to answer to these questions. The goal is to define the habits and needs of each laundry practice.
1. How often do you do the laundry?
2. Do you sort your clothes?
3. If yes, how?
4. Which machine programs do you use?
5. What do you like about your practice?
6. What would you change in your practice?
The duo reflection:
Now, meet and try to compare your individual reflections. You can see the pints following to define your contract and schedule together.
It can be necessary in the process to be creative for some solutions. You could need to materialise for problem solving. It will depend on your needs.
Here examples we arrived to during our own experimentation.
The collective dirty laundry basket :
We realised that our main laundry were a colored clothes, 40degrees Eco mode. We created a basket to put directly the clothes that could be washed on this mode. It helped us gaining time when sharing the clothes.
The Excel document:
We needed to realise our water and energy consumption. An Excel sheet that could be shared and modified by the both of us was a great solution. It is a nice way to archive the number of machines you do per month, and the programs you do the most. I will share here a screenshot on what ours looked like.
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