Champignon Inoculation d'une culture liquide/en : Différence entre versions

(Page créée avec « (Liquid Mycelium syringe: Namekos, blue oyster mushroom, gray oyster mushroom, yellow oyster mushroom, pink oyster mushroom, shiitake mushrooms, red wine stropharia, etc.) »)
(141 révisions intermédiaires par 2 utilisateurs non affichées)
Ligne 15 : Ligne 15 :
|Introduction=In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use a mycelium syringe in liquid culture. One of the prerequisites is therefore to have a syringe of liquid culture of the mushroom variety of your choice. It is possible to provide it on the link [ following]. Tutorial produced in partnership with the company [ Breizh Bell], a company in myciculture and low-tech production of organic mushrooms, in France.
|Introduction=In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use a mycelium syringe in liquid culture. One of the prerequisites is therefore to have a syringe of liquid culture of the mushroom variety of your choice. It is possible to provide it on the link [ following]. Tutorial produced in partnership with the company [ Breizh Bell], a company in myciculture and low-tech production of organic mushrooms, in France.
'''Introduction to the mushroom cycle'''
'''Introduction to the mushroom cycle'''
Ligne 21 : Ligne 20 :
What is commonly called "mushroom" is in fact only the temporary and visible "fruiting body": the [ sporophore] (formerly called "carpophore").
What is commonly called "mushroom" is in fact only the temporary and visible "fruiting body": the [ sporophore] (formerly called "carpophore").
It is the result of an organism with a more durable and more discreet character, formed of filaments generally invisible to the naked eye when they are isolated: the [ A9lium mycelium.]
It is the result of an organism with a more durable and more discreet character, formed of filaments generally invisible to the naked eye when they are isolated: the [ mycelium.]
The sporophore is often in the form of a [ foot] wearing a [ hat] .
The sporophore is often in the form of a [ foot] wearing a [ hat] .
To cultivate a mushroom, we try to reproduce the natural external conditions. Mushroom cultivation is divided into three main stages.
To cultivate a mushroom, we try to reproduce the natural external conditions. Mushroom cultivation is divided into three main stages.
Ligne 31 : Ligne 29 :
#Incubation: the mycelium propagates in the substrate
#Incubation: the mycelium propagates in the substrate
#Fructification: the mycelium wants to reproduce by forming a sporophore
#Fructification: the mycelium wants to reproduce by forming a sporophore
'''Liquid inoculation?'''
'''Liquid inoculation?'''
In myciculture, inoculation by liquid culture consists of injecting mycelium contained in sterilized sugar water onto a substrate.
In myciculture, inoculation by liquid culture consists of injecting mycelium contained in sterilized sugar water onto a substrate.
'''Why is it awesome?'''
'''Why is it awesome?'''
There are several ways to start a mushroom crop. Liquid inoculation is one of the easiest because you just need to spray a substrate with a liquid culture. In addition, the risk of contamination is less than with other methods.
There are several ways to start a mushroom crop. Liquid inoculation is one of the easiest because you just need to spray a substrate with a liquid culture. In addition, the risk of contamination is less than with other methods.
'''Receiving the liquid inoculation syringe'''
'''Receiving the liquid inoculation syringe'''
Ligne 54 : Ligne 48 :
{{Info|When copying liquid culture, you can only make this copy once. The mycelium weakens with the copies and your crops will not produce correctly.}}
{{Info|When copying liquid culture, you can only make this copy once. The mycelium weakens with the copies and your crops will not produce correctly.}}
'''Glossary :'''
'''Glossary :'''
Ligne 78 : Ligne 71 :
(Liquid Mycelium syringe: Namekos, blue oyster mushroom, gray oyster mushroom, yellow oyster mushroom, pink oyster mushroom, shiitake mushrooms, red wine stropharia, etc.)
(Liquid Mycelium syringe: Namekos, blue oyster mushroom, gray oyster mushroom, yellow oyster mushroom, pink oyster mushroom, shiitake mushrooms, red wine stropharia, etc.)
[ '''Laboratory Kit''']
[ '''Kit Laborantin''']
* Pairs of talc-free gloves and masks.
* Clean cap or bonnet (swimming pool ones are great!).
– Paires de gants sans talc et masques.
* Tealight candles (Minimum 10 to 20)
* Sterile compresses
– Charlotte ou bonnet propre (ceux de piscine sont tops !).
– Bougies chauffe-plat (Minimum 10 à 20)
- Compresses stériles
'''Matériel labo'''
– Essuie-tout
– Alcool 70°
- [ Sacs de culture]
'''Matériel pour la culture liquide :'''
- Un bocal et son couvercle
- Une perceuse et des forets
[ - Un bouchon auto refermable & un bouchon filtrant]
- Tube de joint silicone transparent haute température
- Film aluminium
- eau et sucre de betterave
|Tools=– Thermomètre
– Verre doseur
– Paire de ciseaux
'''Lab equipment'''
– Pinces à linge (en bois recommandé)
* Paper towels
* Alcohol 70°
* [ Culture bags]
– Grande casserole/autocuiseur ou four.
'''Equipment for liquid culture:'''
– Vaporisateur
* A jar and its lid
* A drill and drill bits
* [ A self-closing cap & a filter cap]
* High temperature clear silicone seal tube
* Aluminum foil
* Water and beet sugar
|Tools=* Thermometer
* Measuring cup
* Pair of scissors
* Clothespins (wooden recommended)
* Large pot/pressure cooker or oven.
* Vaporizer
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|Step_Content=Il est très important d'avoir des conditions les plus stériles possible, tout au long des manipulations. En effet, il existe une lutte biologique entre les espèces vivantes. Si le milieu est contaminé, le champignon va se retrouver en compétition avec d'autres organismes, il sera donc trop fragile et perdra. On va chercher à créer des conditions de culture idéales pour favoriser le champignon.
|Step_Content=It is very important to have the most sterile conditions possible, throughout the manipulations. Indeed, there is a biological struggle between living species. If the environment is contaminated, the fungus will find itself in competition with other organisms, so it will be too fragile and will lose. We will seek to create ideal growing conditions to promote the fungus.
Nous vous conseillons de vous placer dans votre cuisine, sous votre hotte. Elle empêchera les poussières de se déposer sur vos cultures.
We advise you to place yourself in your kitchen, under your hood. It will prevent dust from settling on your crops.
- Nettoyez votre plan de travail et chaque zone de contact potentiel avec de l’alcool à 70° avant chaque manipulation.
* Clean your work surface and each potential contact area with 70° alcohol before each handling.
* Wash your hands and arms thoroughly with soap before each handling. You can also put on gloves and clean them with 70° alcohol.
* Tie your hair and/or put on your hat.
- Lavez vous soigneusement les mains et les bras au savon avant chaque manipulation. Vous pouvez également mettre des gants et nettoyez les à l'alcool à 70°.
We strongly advise you to handle your liquid mycelium out of sunlight, under a soft and weak light (night light for example).
- Attachez vous les cheveux et/ou mettez votre bonnet.
Nous vous conseillons vivement de manipuler votre mycélium liquide hors de la lumière du soleil, sous une lumière douce et faible (veilleuse de nuit par exemple).
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Optionnel, copie d'une culture liquide : fabrication du bocal pour inoculation
|Step_Title=Optional, copy of a liquid culture: manufacture of the jar for inoculation
|Step_Content=Dans cette étape, nous allons réaliser un bocal pour votre culture liquide.
|Step_Content=In this step, we will make a jar for your liquid culture.
Le couvercle du bocal va avoir deux orifices. Ils seront comblés par deux bouchons.
Le premier bouchon est auto refermable et permettra l'insertion de l'aiguille de la seringue. Le deuxième est un bouchon filtrant pour la respiration du mycélium dans le bocal.
- Prenez un bocal et réalisez les deux orifices à l'aide d'une perceuse (attention, le diamètre n'est pas le même !).
- Placez une légère dose de joint silicone tout autour de l'orifice du bouchon filtrant
- Disposez les bouchons dans les orifices aux diamètres adaptés.
The lid of the jar will have two holes. They will be filled with two plugs.
- Laissez le joint sécher pendant une journée
The first stopper is self-closing and will allow the insertion of the syringe needle. The second is a filter cap for the respiration of the mycelium in the jar.
* Take a jar and make the two holes using a drill (be careful, the diameter is not the same!).
* Place a light dose of silicone gasket all around the hole of the filter cap
* Arrange the plugs in the holes with the appropriate diameters.
* Let the seal dry for a day
Votre bocal est prêt pour l'inoculation liquide !
Your jar is ready for liquid inoculation!
{{Tuto Step
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|Step_Title=Optionnel, copie de culture liquide
|Step_Title=Optional, liquid culture copy
|Step_Content=- Suivez l'étape 1 de ce tutoriel.
|Step_Content=* Follow step 1 of this tutorial.
* Boil water in your pan.
- Faites bouillir de l'eau dans votre casserole.
* Take your previously prepared jar (see step 2), fill it with boiled water and unrefined beet sugar (volume 4% of the volume of water). Close your jar, cover it with aluminum foil, emphasizing the opening area of ​​the lid.
* Fill your pot with water again and boil it.
- Prenez votre bocal préparé au préalable (voir étape 2), remplissez le d'eau bouillie et de sucre de betterave non raffiné (volume de 4% du volume d'eau). Refermez votre bocal, recouvrez le de film d'aluminium en insistant sur la zone d'ouverture du couvercle.
* Place your wrapped jar in your saucepan and leave it covered for 2 hours (sterilization).
* In your kitchen, turn on your hood and clean your worktop with alcohol.
- Remplissez à nouveau votre casserole d'eau et faites la bouillir.
* Place tealights all around your work area.
* Light the candles and take your syringe of liquid mycelium out of the refrigerator, clean (alcohol 70°) and place it in the center of the work area.
- Placez votre bocal filmé dans votre casserole et laissez le 2h à couvert (stérilisation).
* Take your syringe and needle out of their bag. Insert the needle.
* Take your jar of liquid culture, clean the outside of this jar with 70° alcohol and place it in your work area.
* Take two sterile compresses and soak them in alcohol.
* Place the needle of your syringe on the flame of one of the candles and wait for the tip to turn red.
* Then place it between the two compresses soaked in alcohol.
* Completely empty the mycelium from your syringe into your jar.
* Wrap your jar with aluminum foil, fabric or paper
* Place it in an environment at 20°C and wait about two weeks. You can shake your jar so that your mycelium spreads even more and take the opportunity to see its evolution
{{Warning|Watch out for the light! Do not expose the mycelium to light during the incubation phase}}
- Dans votre cuisine, allumez votre hotte et nettoyez votre plan de travail à l’alcool.
'''The mycelium will spread.'''
- Placez des bougies chauffe-plat tout autour de votre zone de travail.
Your culture is good when your jar is filled with a cloud of mycelium! The slightest green, blue or black stain in your jar is a sign of contamination and your culture will then be unusable.
- Allumez les bougies et sortez votre seringue de mycélium liquide du réfrigérateur, nettoyez (alcool 70°) et placez la au centre de la zone de travail.
When the mycelium has spread well, we invite you to carry out an inoculation on the grains. The steps are described below
- Sortez votre seringue et votre aiguille de leur sachet. Insérez l’aiguille.
- Prenez votre bocal de culture liquide, nettoyez l’extérieur de ce bocal à l’alcool 70° et placez le dans votre zone de travail.
- Prenez deux compresses stériles et imbibez les d’alcool.
- Placez l’aiguille de votre seringue sur la flamme d’une des bougies et attendez que la pointe devienne rouge.
- Placez la ensuite entre les deux compresses imbibées d’alcool.
- Videz entièrement le mycélium de votre seringue dans votre bocal.
- Filmer votre bocal avec du film aluminium, du tissu ou du papier
- Placez le dans un environnement à 20°C et patientez environ deux semaines. Vous pouvez secouer votre bocal pour que votre mycélium se propage encore plus et en profiter pour voir son évolution{{Warning|Attention à la lumière !}}
'''Le mycélium va se propager.'''
Votre culture est bonne lorsque votre bocal est rempli d'un nuage de mycélium ! La moindre tâche verte, bleue ou noir dans votre bocal est le signe d'une contamination et votre culture sera alors inutilisable.
Lorsque le mycélium s'est bien propagé, nous vous invitons à réaliser une inoculation sur grains. Les étapes sont décrites ci-dessous
Ligne 208 : Ligne 160 :
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Inoculation de grains : le rinçage, jour 1
|Step_Title=Grain inoculation: the rinse, day 1
|Step_Content=Si vous souhaitez inoculer des grains, il faudra les nettoyer le premier jour.
|Step_Content=If you want to inoculate grains, they will have to be cleaned on the first day.
- Sortez vos grains et rincez les abondamment à l’eau froide, jusqu’à obtention d’une eau claire .
* Take out your grains and rinse them thoroughly with cold water, until clear water is obtained.
* Place these grains in a container.
- Placez ces grains dans un contenant.
* Take calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and add 2-5% of the weight of your grains.
*Fill this bag with hot tap water, slightly above the level of the beans.
- Prenez du carbonate de calcium (CaCO3) et ajoutez 2 à 5% du poids de vos grains.
* Close your container and let stand overnight.
- Remplissez ce sac d’eau chaude du robinet, légèrement au dessus du niveau des grains.
- Fermez votre contenant et laissez reposer une nuit.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Inoculation de grains : la stérélisation, jour 2
|Step_Title=Grain inoculation: sterilization, day 2
|Step_Content=- Faites bouillir de l’eau dans votre casserole.
|Step_Content=* Boil water in your pan.
* Take out your container of beans and fill it with boiled water (below the level of the beans).
- Sortez votre contenant de grains et remplissez le d'eau bouillie (en dessous du niveau des grains).
* Fill your vaporizer with the rest of this cooled water.
* Fill your pot with water again and bring to a boil.
- Remplissez votre vaporisateur avec le restant de cette eau refroidie.
* Close the container of your grains and immerse it in your saucepan/pressure cooker.
* Let it boil for 3 hours in your pan, covered.
- Remplissez à nouveau votre casserole d’eau et faites bouillir.
* Take your container out of the pan and let it cool overnight.
- Fermez le contenant de vos grains et immergez le dans votre casserole/autocuiseur.
- Laissez le bouillir 3h dans votre casserole à couvert.
- Sortez votre contenant de la casserole et laissez le refroidir une nuit.
{{Tuto Step
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|Step_Title=Inoculation de grains : jour 3
|Step_Title=Grain inoculation: day 3
|Step_Content=L'inoculation liquide se réalise sur le substrat propre. Soit le substrat est dans un bocal (comme sur les images), soit le substrat est contenu dans un sac de culture. Dans les deux cas, le mycélium doit pouvoir respirer.
|Step_Content=The liquid inoculation is carried out on the clean substrate. Either the substrate is in a jar (as in the pictures) or the substrate is contained in a grow bag. In both cases, the mycelium must be able to breathe.
* If you choose a jar, pierce its lid and clean it with 70° alcohol. Then place a sterile compress in the hole.
* In your kitchen, clean your worktop with alcohol.
* Turn on your hood and place tealights all around your work area.
* Light the candles and take your syringe of liquid mycelium out of the refrigerator, clean (alcohol 70°) and place it in the center of the work area.
* Take your syringe and needle out of their bag. Insert the needle.
* Take your bag/jar of sterilized grains, clean the outside of this bag/jar with 70° alcohol and place it in your work area.
En cas de choix d'un bocal, percez son couvercle et nettoyez le à l'alcool 70°. Placez ensuite une compresse stérile dans l'orifice.
(Be careful that the filter/compress does not touch alcohol)
- Dans votre cuisine, nettoyez votre plan de travail à l’alcool.
* Take two sterile compresses and soak them in alcohol.
* Place the needle of your syringe on the flame of one of the candles and wait for the tip to turn red.
* Then place it between the two compresses soaked in alcohol.
* Open your bag/jar in the work area and completely empty the mycelium from your syringe onto your seeds.
* Close the bag/jar immediately by folding the top and attaching your clothespins.
* Remove the air and place it in a non-transparent box at the incubation temperature adapted to the variety (information on the Breizh Bell website).
* Wait for the incubation time adapted to the variety (14 days of oyster mushrooms, other information on the Breizh Bell website). Write it down in your diary!
- Allumez votre hotte et placez des bougies chauffe-plat tout autour de votre zone de travail.
(you will be able to see if your mycelium is colonizing your grains correctly after a few days, but be careful with the light!).
- Allumez les bougies et sortez votre seringue de mycélium liquide du réfrigérateur, nettoyez (alcool 70°) et placez la au centre de la zone de travail.
'''The mycelium will spread.'''
- Sortez votre seringue et votre aiguille de leur sachet. Insérez l’aiguille.
Your crop is ready when your beans turn completely white. The slightest green, blue or black stain in your jar is a sign of contamination and your culture will then be unusable.
- Prenez votre sac/bocal de grains stérilisés, nettoyez l’extérieur de ce sac/bocal à l’alcool 70° et placez le dans votre zone de travail.
(Attention à ce que le filtre/compresse ne touche pas d’alcool)
- Prenez deux compresses stériles et imbibez les d’alcool.
- Placez l’aiguille de votre seringue sur la flamme d’une des bougies et attendez que la pointe devienne rouge.
- Placez la ensuite entre les deux compresses imbibées d’alcool.
- Ouvrez votre sac/bocal dans la zone de travail et videz entièrement le mycélium de votre seringue sur vos grains.
- Fermez le sac/bocal immédiatement en pliant le dessus et fixez vos pinces à linge.
- Chassez l’air et placez le dans une boite non transparente à la température d’incubation adaptée à la variété (informations sur le site de Breizh Bell).
- Patientez le temps d’incubation adapté à la variété (14jours pleurotes, autres informations sur le site de Breizh Bell). Notez le dans votre agenda !
(vous pourrez regarder si votre mycélium colonise correctement vos grains au bout de quelques jours mais attention à la lumière !).
'''Le mycélium va se propager.'''
Votre culture est prête lorsque vos grains deviennent complètement blancs. La moindre tâche verte, bleue ou noir dans votre bocal est le signe d'une contamination et votre culture sera alors inutilisable.
Ligne 284 : Ligne 213 :
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Transfert de grains : clonage ou fructification
|Step_Title=Seed transfer: cloning or fruiting
|Step_Content=Dès que vos grains sont colonisés, vous avez les deux possibilités suivantes :
|Step_Content=As soon as your grains are colonized, you have the following two options:
# Transférer vos grains colonisés vers d'autres grains pour copie
# Transfer your colonized grains to other grains for copy
# Transférer vos grains colonisés vers un substrat pour fructification
# Transfer your colonized seeds to a substrate for fruiting
<br />{{Info|Il est conseillé de ne copier le mycélium au maximum que trois fois. Comme pour la copie de culture liquide, le mycélium s'affaiblit avec le nombre de copies.}}<br />
<br />{{Info|It is advisable to copy the mycelium no more than three times. As with the liquid culture copy, the mycelium weakens with the number of copies.}}<br />
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{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Préparation de votre substrat (dès que vos grains sont bien colonisés)
|Step_Title=Preparation of your substrate (as soon as your grains are well colonized)
|Step_Content='''Attention, les étapes suivantes ne sont valables que pour les pleurotes !'''
|Step_Content='''Attention, the following steps are only valid for oyster mushrooms!'''
Cette étape va permettre au mycélium, déjà plus fort, de se faire la dent sur un substrat plus dur. Les pleurotes sont friands de sciure de bois feuillus ou de paille. Vous pouvez également associer les deux.
This step will allow the already stronger mycelium to settle on a harder substrate. Oyster mushrooms are fond of sawdust from hardwoods or straw. You can also combine the two.
La litière naturelle (non odorisée) pour lapin est un substrat idéal et facile à trouver en magasins !
Natural (non-odorized) rabbit litter is an ideal substrate and easy to find in stores!
- Faites chauffer de l’eau dans votre casserole à feu doux, vous pouvez ajouter du marc de café (maximum 1/3 du volume du substrat et de maximum trois jours) à cette eau !
* Heat water in your saucepan over low heat, you can add coffee grounds (maximum 1/3 of the volume of the substrate and maximum three days) to this water!
* Take a container and fill it with hardwood sawdust and/or straw.
- Prenez un contenant et remplissez le avec de la sciure de bois feuillus et/ou de paille.
* Take your thermometer and wait for the hot water to reach 75°C (pasteurization).
* Fill your substrate bag with this water and reheat water on low heat.
- Munissez vous de votre thermomètre et attendez que l’eau chaude atteigne 75°C (pasteurisation).
* Preheat your oven to 75° if you find that your container of substrate is too large for your pan!
* Take your thermometer and measure the water temperature, it should never exceed 93°C!
- Remplissez votre sac de substrat avec cette eau et refaites chauffer de l’eau à feu doux.
* To know if your substrate is well moistened, take a good handful of it in your hand and squeeze it. It should come off on its own and not stay in a ball. For a better understanding, we invite you to watch the tutorial video “[ Wet your substrate well!]
* Close your container (using wooden clothespins in the case of a bag).
- Préchauffez votre four à 75° si vous constatez que votre contenant de substrat est trop volumineux pour votre casserole !
* Immerse your container in water, leave it covered for 2 hours and take the water temperature every half hour (<93°C) // Place your container in your oven at 75°C for two hours !
* Let them cool overnight and keep them closed.
- Prenez votre thermomètre, et mesurez la température de l’eau., elle ne doit jamais dépasser les 93°C !
- Pour savoir si votre substrat est bien humidifié, prenez-en une bonne poignée dans la main et pressez-le. Il doit se détacher tout seul et ne pas rester en boule. Pour une meilleure compréhension, nous vous invitons à regarder la vidéo tuto « [ Bien mouiller son substrat !] »
- Fermez votre contenant (à l’aide de pinces à linge en bois en cas de sac).
- Plongez votre contenant dans l’eau, laissez-le pendant 2 heures à couvert et prenez la température de l'eau chaque demi-heure (<93°C) // Placez votre contenant dans votre four à 75°C pendant deux heures !
- Laissez-les refroidir une nuit et conservez-les fermés.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Transfert des grains
|Step_Title=Grain transfer
|Step_Content=Dans votre cuisine, nettoyez votre plan de travail à l’alcool.
|Step_Content=In your kitchen, clean your worktop with alcohol.
- Allumez votre hotte et placez des bougies chauffe-plat tout autour de votre zone de travail.
- Prenez votre contenant de grains inoculés, le mycélium doit avoir coloniser l’ensemble des grains !
- Nettoyez l’extérieur du contenant de grains inoculés et le contenant de substrat refroidi avec de l’alcool.
- Ouvrez vos contenants au centre de la zone de travail.
- Cassez vos grains colonisés pour en faire des grumeaux, attention à ce que chaque instrument en contact soit nettoyé !
- Remplissez votre contenant de substrat avec vos grains inoculés. Fermez-le immédiatement (avec les pinces à linge, en chassant l’air en cas de sac).
- Replacez les contenants dans une pièce à une température comprise entre 20 et 23°C pendant trois semaines. Prêt d’un radiateur dans votre salle de bain est une solution astucieuse !
* Turn on your hood and place tealights all around your work area.
* Take your container of inoculated grains, the mycelium must have colonized all the grains!
* Clean the outside of the inoculated grain container and the chilled substrate container with alcohol.
* Open your containers in the center of the work area.
* Break your colonized grains to make lumps, be careful that each instrument in contact is cleaned!
* Fill your substrate container with your inoculated seeds. Close it immediately (with the clothespins, expelling the air in the case of a bag).
* Replace the containers in a room at a temperature between 20 and 23°C for three weeks. Loan of a radiator in your bathroom is a clever solution!
En cas de sac, placez le dans une boite isolée de la lumière.
If there is a bag, place it in a box isolated from light.

Version du 29 avril 2022 à 11:08

Tutorial de avatarLow Tech Developer | Catégories : Alimentation, Eau

Discover how easy it is to grow mushrooms! Easy and quick to set up, liquid inoculation consists of depositing a liquid culture on a substrate. The mycelium will propagate during the incubation phase. It is then possible to move on to the fruiting phase to pick the mushrooms.

Licence : Attribution (CC BY)


In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to use a mycelium syringe in liquid culture. One of the prerequisites is therefore to have a syringe of liquid culture of the mushroom variety of your choice. It is possible to provide it on the link following. Tutorial produced in partnership with the company Breizh Bell, a company in myciculture and low-tech production of organic mushrooms, in France.

Introduction to the mushroom cycle

What is commonly called "mushroom" is in fact only the temporary and visible "fruiting body": the sporophore (formerly called "carpophore").

It is the result of an organism with a more durable and more discreet character, formed of filaments generally invisible to the naked eye when they are isolated: the mycelium.

The sporophore is often in the form of a foot wearing a hat .

To cultivate a mushroom, we try to reproduce the natural external conditions. Mushroom cultivation is divided into three main stages.

  1. Inoculation: addition of mycelium (in the form of spores or in liquid or agar culture) in the substrate
  2. Incubation: the mycelium propagates in the substrate
  3. Fructification: the mycelium wants to reproduce by forming a sporophore

Liquid inoculation?

In myciculture, inoculation by liquid culture consists of injecting mycelium contained in sterilized sugar water onto a substrate.

Why is it awesome?

There are several ways to start a mushroom crop. Liquid inoculation is one of the easiest because you just need to spray a substrate with a liquid culture. In addition, the risk of contamination is less than with other methods.

Receiving the liquid inoculation syringe

Upon receipt of the syringe containing the mycelium, place it immediately in the refrigerator, it must be used within two weeks!

You have two choices :

  1. Liquid culture copy: The goal is to copy the liquid culture to achieve even more culture! The liquid culture copy is optional!
  2. Grain inoculation: This consists of depositing a liquid culture on a substrate. Seed inoculation can be done in a jar or in a bag
When copying liquid culture, you can only make this copy once. The mycelium weakens with the copies and your crops will not produce correctly.

Glossary :

Mycelium: filamentous body of the fungus

Inoculation: injection of the mycelium into the substrate

Liquid culture: mixture of sterilized sugar water with mycelium

Substrate: Food of the fungus (grains, straw, wood...), the mycelium attaches to the substrate

Video d'introduction


Liquid culture

(Liquid Mycelium syringe: Namekos, blue oyster mushroom, gray oyster mushroom, yellow oyster mushroom, pink oyster mushroom, shiitake mushrooms, red wine stropharia, etc.)

Laboratory Kit

  • Pairs of talc-free gloves and masks.
  • Clean cap or bonnet (swimming pool ones are great!).
  • Tealight candles (Minimum 10 to 20)
  • Sterile compresses

Lab equipment

Equipment for liquid culture:


  • Thermometer
  • Measuring cup
  • Pair of scissors
  • Clothespins (wooden recommended)
  • Large pot/pressure cooker or oven.
  • Vaporizer

Étape 1 - Preparation

It is very important to have the most sterile conditions possible, throughout the manipulations. Indeed, there is a biological struggle between living species. If the environment is contaminated, the fungus will find itself in competition with other organisms, so it will be too fragile and will lose. We will seek to create ideal growing conditions to promote the fungus.

We advise you to place yourself in your kitchen, under your hood. It will prevent dust from settling on your crops.

  • Clean your work surface and each potential contact area with 70° alcohol before each handling.
  • Wash your hands and arms thoroughly with soap before each handling. You can also put on gloves and clean them with 70° alcohol.
  • Tie your hair and/or put on your hat.

We strongly advise you to handle your liquid mycelium out of sunlight, under a soft and weak light (night light for example).

Étape 2 - Optional, copy of a liquid culture: manufacture of the jar for inoculation

In this step, we will make a jar for your liquid culture.

The lid of the jar will have two holes. They will be filled with two plugs.

The first stopper is self-closing and will allow the insertion of the syringe needle. The second is a filter cap for the respiration of the mycelium in the jar.

  • Take a jar and make the two holes using a drill (be careful, the diameter is not the same!).
  • Place a light dose of silicone gasket all around the hole of the filter cap
  • Arrange the plugs in the holes with the appropriate diameters.
  • Let the seal dry for a day

Your jar is ready for liquid inoculation!

Étape 3 - Optional, liquid culture copy

  • Follow step 1 of this tutorial.
  • Boil water in your pan.
  • Take your previously prepared jar (see step 2), fill it with boiled water and unrefined beet sugar (volume 4% of the volume of water). Close your jar, cover it with aluminum foil, emphasizing the opening area of the lid.
  • Fill your pot with water again and boil it.
  • Place your wrapped jar in your saucepan and leave it covered for 2 hours (sterilization).
  • In your kitchen, turn on your hood and clean your worktop with alcohol.
  • Place tealights all around your work area.
  • Light the candles and take your syringe of liquid mycelium out of the refrigerator, clean (alcohol 70°) and place it in the center of the work area.
  • Take your syringe and needle out of their bag. Insert the needle.
  • Take your jar of liquid culture, clean the outside of this jar with 70° alcohol and place it in your work area.
  • Take two sterile compresses and soak them in alcohol.
  • Place the needle of your syringe on the flame of one of the candles and wait for the tip to turn red.
  • Then place it between the two compresses soaked in alcohol.
  • Completely empty the mycelium from your syringe into your jar.
  • Wrap your jar with aluminum foil, fabric or paper
  • Place it in an environment at 20°C and wait about two weeks. You can shake your jar so that your mycelium spreads even more and take the opportunity to see its evolution
Watch out for the light! Do not expose the mycelium to light during the incubation phase

The mycelium will spread.

Your culture is good when your jar is filled with a cloud of mycelium! The slightest green, blue or black stain in your jar is a sign of contamination and your culture will then be unusable.

When the mycelium has spread well, we invite you to carry out an inoculation on the grains. The steps are described below

Étape 4 - Grain inoculation: the rinse, day 1

If you want to inoculate grains, they will have to be cleaned on the first day.

  • Take out your grains and rinse them thoroughly with cold water, until clear water is obtained.
  • Place these grains in a container.
  • Take calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and add 2-5% of the weight of your grains.
  • Fill this bag with hot tap water, slightly above the level of the beans.
  • Close your container and let stand overnight.

Étape 5 - Grain inoculation: sterilization, day 2

  • Boil water in your pan.
  • Take out your container of beans and fill it with boiled water (below the level of the beans).
  • Fill your vaporizer with the rest of this cooled water.
  • Fill your pot with water again and bring to a boil.
  • Close the container of your grains and immerse it in your saucepan/pressure cooker.
  • Let it boil for 3 hours in your pan, covered.
  • Take your container out of the pan and let it cool overnight.

Étape 6 - Grain inoculation: day 3

The liquid inoculation is carried out on the clean substrate. Either the substrate is in a jar (as in the pictures) or the substrate is contained in a grow bag. In both cases, the mycelium must be able to breathe.

  • If you choose a jar, pierce its lid and clean it with 70° alcohol. Then place a sterile compress in the hole.
  • In your kitchen, clean your worktop with alcohol.
  • Turn on your hood and place tealights all around your work area.
  • Light the candles and take your syringe of liquid mycelium out of the refrigerator, clean (alcohol 70°) and place it in the center of the work area.
  • Take your syringe and needle out of their bag. Insert the needle.
  • Take your bag/jar of sterilized grains, clean the outside of this bag/jar with 70° alcohol and place it in your work area.

(Be careful that the filter/compress does not touch alcohol)

  • Take two sterile compresses and soak them in alcohol.
  • Place the needle of your syringe on the flame of one of the candles and wait for the tip to turn red.
  • Then place it between the two compresses soaked in alcohol.
  • Open your bag/jar in the work area and completely empty the mycelium from your syringe onto your seeds.
  • Close the bag/jar immediately by folding the top and attaching your clothespins.
  • Remove the air and place it in a non-transparent box at the incubation temperature adapted to the variety (information on the Breizh Bell website).
  • Wait for the incubation time adapted to the variety (14 days of oyster mushrooms, other information on the Breizh Bell website). Write it down in your diary!

(you will be able to see if your mycelium is colonizing your grains correctly after a few days, but be careful with the light!).

The mycelium will spread.

Your crop is ready when your beans turn completely white. The slightest green, blue or black stain in your jar is a sign of contamination and your culture will then be unusable.

Étape 7 - Seed transfer: cloning or fruiting

As soon as your grains are colonized, you have the following two options:

  1. Transfer your colonized grains to other grains for copy
  2. Transfer your colonized seeds to a substrate for fruiting

It is advisable to copy the mycelium no more than three times. As with the liquid culture copy, the mycelium weakens with the number of copies.

Étape 8 - Preparation of your substrate (as soon as your grains are well colonized)

Attention, the following steps are only valid for oyster mushrooms!

This step will allow the already stronger mycelium to settle on a harder substrate. Oyster mushrooms are fond of sawdust from hardwoods or straw. You can also combine the two.

Natural (non-odorized) rabbit litter is an ideal substrate and easy to find in stores!

  • Heat water in your saucepan over low heat, you can add coffee grounds (maximum 1/3 of the volume of the substrate and maximum three days) to this water!
  • Take a container and fill it with hardwood sawdust and/or straw.
  • Take your thermometer and wait for the hot water to reach 75°C (pasteurization).
  • Fill your substrate bag with this water and reheat water on low heat.
  • Preheat your oven to 75° if you find that your container of substrate is too large for your pan!
  • Take your thermometer and measure the water temperature, it should never exceed 93°C!
  • To know if your substrate is well moistened, take a good handful of it in your hand and squeeze it. It should come off on its own and not stay in a ball. For a better understanding, we invite you to watch the tutorial video “Wet your substrate well!
  • Close your container (using wooden clothespins in the case of a bag).
  • Immerse your container in water, leave it covered for 2 hours and take the water temperature every half hour (<93°C) // Place your container in your oven at 75°C for two hours !
  • Let them cool overnight and keep them closed.

Étape 9 - Grain transfer

In your kitchen, clean your worktop with alcohol.

  • Turn on your hood and place tealights all around your work area.
  • Take your container of inoculated grains, the mycelium must have colonized all the grains!
  • Clean the outside of the inoculated grain container and the chilled substrate container with alcohol.
  • Open your containers in the center of the work area.
  • Break your colonized grains to make lumps, be careful that each instrument in contact is cleaned!
  • Fill your substrate container with your inoculated seeds. Close it immediately (with the clothespins, expelling the air in the case of a bag).
  • Replace the containers in a room at a temperature between 20 and 23°C for three weeks. Loan of a radiator in your bathroom is a clever solution!

If there is a bag, place it in a box isolated from light.

