Garde-Manger/en : Différence entre versions

(Page créée avec « "'Causes of Food Waste'" »)
(166 révisions intermédiaires par 3 utilisateurs non affichées)
Ligne 2 : Ligne 2 :
|Licences=Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
|Licences=Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA)
|Description=Kitchen Food Storage Enabling Proper Environments for Different Food Types
|Description=Garde-Manger, or pantry storage, enabling optimal environmental conditions by food type
|Area=Habitat, Food
|Area=Habitat, Food
Ligne 13 : Ligne 13 :
|Introduction=A Quick Survey of the Situation of Food Waste
|Introduction='''A Quick Survey of the Food Waste Situation'''
In the world, 1/3 of the total of food production is thrown away.
Worldwide, 1/3 of total food production is thrown away.
In France, this constitutes 10 billion kilograms (22 billion pounds) of wasted food each year, the carbon impact of which is equivalent to 5 times the country's domestic air traffic per year.
In France, this constitutes 10 billion kilograms (22 billion pounds) of food waste each year. The carbon impact of this is equivalent to 5 times the country's domestic air traffic per year.
The analysis of food waste data shows that 33% of this is made on the last link of the chain: the consumer.
The analysis of food waste shows that 33% happens on the last link of the chain: the consumer.
The losses amount to a global cost of 160€ ($189 USD) /year per person.
The losses amount to a global cost of 160€ ($189 USD)/year per person.
Quantitatively, fruits and vegetables  constitute the most substantial losses (50%).
Quantitatively, fruits and vegetables  constitute the most substantial losses (50%).
However, even though they represent just 6% of all food waste, it is animal products (meat, fish, dairy) that represent the most significant financial loss.
However, animal products (meat, fish, dairy), while representing just 6% of all food waste, represent the most significant financial loss.
"'Causes of Food Waste'"
'''Causes of Food Waste'''
Afin de concevoir les bonnes solutions à mettre en œuvre pour réduire le gaspillage, une analyse des causes de celui-ci est intéressante :
Analyzing the causes of waste is relevant if we are to design the appropriate solutions to put in place to reduce it:
•Causes sociologique : Nos rythmes de vie, les structures familiales, les modes d’organisation de nos journées et de nos repas évoluent. Nous sommes plus pressés et moins attentifs, ce qui amène un gaspillage alimentaire.
•Sociological causes: Our pace of living; family structures; the ways of organizing our days and our meals shifting over time. We are more hurried and less attentive, which brings about food waste.
•Causes culturelles : Nos perceptions des aliments, nos critères esthétiques et notre façon de nous alimenter nous amène à écarter des produits pourtant consommables.
•Cultural causes: Our perceptions of food, our aesthetic criteria, how we supply our food leads to a dismissal of products that are nonetheless consumable.
•Une mauvaise connaissance de la conservation  des aliments : Conserver n’est pas synonyme de faire du froid, un réfrigérateur n’est donc pas fait pour accueillir tous les aliments. De plus des confusions sont réalisées entre date limite de consommation (DLC) et date limite d’utilisation optimale (DLUO).
•Poor knowledge of conserving foods: conserving is not synonymous with making cold--a refrigerator is not made to accommodate all types of food. In addition, confusions arise between terms such as "Use by," "Best-Before," and "Expired by."
•Des problèmes d’organisation : Nous manquons d’organisation avant de faire nos courses, pour questionner les besoins et acheter la quantité juste. Les réfrigérateurs et placards sont également la source de nombreuses pertes dues à un mauvais rangement favorisant l’empilement d’aliments neufs devant les plus anciens.
•Organizational problems: We lack organization before doing our grocery shopping, to question our needs and to buy the appropriate quantities. Refrigerators and cabinets are equally sources of numerous losses due to storage space that encourages stacking new food in front of older food.
Il est important de noter qu’une bonne partie des causes peut être corrigée par de bonnes pratiques que chacun peut mettre en œuvre. Des solutions techniques pourront venir en appui, principalement pour :
It's important to note that a good number of these causes can be remedied by better practices that anyone can put into place. Technical solutions can support us, mainly by:
•Créer les bonnes ambiances de conservation par type d’aliment
•Creating the right environmental conditions for conserving food according to food type
•Favoriser la bonne visibilité des produits
•Promoting better visibility of produce
•Les rendre plus facilement accessible.
•Making products more easily accessible.
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'''Retrouvez dans [ ce rapport] une analyse à l'usage de ce garde manger, ainsi que des 11 autres low-techs expérimentées lors du projet En Quête d'un Habitat Durable.'''
'''See  [ this report] for an analysis of the use of this food storage system, as well as 11 other low-tech experiments throughout the project "En Quête d'un Habitat Durable"'''
Ligne 56 : Ligne 56 :
{{Tuto Step
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|Step_Title=La démarche "0 Waste"
|Step_Title=The "Zero Waste" Approach
|Step_Content=La première étape pour l’utilisateur dans l’utilisation d’un meuble de conservation tel que nous le proposons est de questionner sa manière d’acheter et de consommer.
|Step_Content=The first step in using a food-storage system, such as the one proposed here, is for the user to question the ways in which they buy and consume.
En effet, les modules de conservations que nous allons proposer par la suite sont pensés pour des aliments principalement bruts et frais. Par exemple, il sera compliqué pour l’utilisateur se nourrissant de plats préparés d’être en adéquation avec les propositions techniques.
Given that food storage modules that we're going to propose below are mainly designed for raw and fresh foods, it would be complicated for the user feeding themselves with ready-made meals to benefit from the technical suggestions provided, for example.
La démarche « 0 waste » née de la Franco-Américaine Béa Jonhson est une excellente démarche à mettre en œuvre qui permet par la même occasion de réduire de manière significative la production globale de déchets (emballages, plastiques, etc)
The "Zero Waste" approach, originating from Franco-American Béa Johnson, is an excellent method to put into practice. It enables, at the same time, a significant reduction of waste produced globally (packaging, plastic, etc).
[ Zero Waste France] est un très bon support d’informations complémentaires pour aider le consommateur à passer à l’action.
[ Zero Waste France] is a very good resource for complementary information on helping consumers take action.
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|Step_Title=Généralité sur le meuble de conservation
|Step_Title=General Information on the Food Storage System
|Step_Content=A  la vue du gaspillage que représentent les fruits et légumes et les produits animaux, c’est principalement sur ces types d’aliments qu’il faut travailler, donc sur de la conservation courte.
|Step_Content=Since we mainly need to work on waste consisting of fruit, vegetables, and animal products, the focus is on short-term conservation.
Conserver ne veut pas dire faire du froid mais conserver la qualité nutritionnelle, gustative des aliments.
Food conservation does not mean keeping cold but rather conserving the nutritional quality and taste of the foods.
A ce titre, plusieurs ambiances de conservation sont intéressantes à retenir pour une solution de meuble de conservation.
For this reason, several storage environments are worth adopting for a built food storage solution.
De manière général, pour toutes les ambiances de conservation courte, la proposition technique de base la plus intéressante selon notre expérience est le tiroir à claies.
Generally, for all short-term storage environments, the most interesting and basic technical offering, in our experience, is the grated drawer.
C’est une solution technique qui s’intègre facilement dans une cuisine, permet une visibilité directe sur tout ce qu’il contient et qui rend l’accès facile à tous les aliments en opposition à un placard ou un réfrigérateur.
It's a technical solution that can be easily integrated into a kitchen, permits direct visibility of all contents, and facilitates easy access to all the food, as opposed to a cupboard or a refrigerator.
L'usage du principe de claies permet une bonne aération, paramètre très important pour la bonne conservation des fruits et légumes. Il peut être réalisé par l’usage de latte de bois (de 2cm  à 3 cm de large) ou l’usage de grillage à garde-manger.
The main use of the drawers is to allow for good air circulation, a very important factor for keeping fruits and vegetables fresh. It can be made using wooden battens (between 2 and 3 cm wide each) or using wire netting or screen.
Sur l’ensemble du meuble de conservation, une lame d’air de 3 à 4cm est à intégrer sur toute la face arrière pour que l’air « vicié » et l’humidité ne stagnent pas au fond au risque de faire pourrir plus rapidement les aliments.
For the assembly of the food storage furniture, an air gap of 3-4cm is to be integrated into back side in order for "exhaust" air and humidity to flow and not stagnate, risking quicker spoilage.
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{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Ambiance 1: Sec, Aéré, à la lumière de la pièce
|Step_Title=Environment 1: Dry, Ventilated, In Room Light
|Step_Content=On va y retrouver à titre d’exemple : Abricot, aubergine, avocat, banane, agrumes, tomates mais également les œufs ou le beurre en beurrier s’il ne fait pas trop chaud.
|Step_Content=We'll find our way around here by use of example: Apricot, eggplant, avocado, banana, citrus, tomatoes, as well as eggs or butter in a butter dish if it's not too hot.
Dans une cuisine pour 2 personnes, nous proposons 2 à 3 tiroirs en claies, de 15 cm de haut par 40 à 50 cm de profondeur par 50 cm de large.
In a kitchen for 2 people, we propose 2-3 grated drawers, measuring 15cm height by 40-50cm depth by 50cm width.
Il est pensé pour que l’avant et l’arrière du tiroir laisse circuler l’air.
It is designed so that the front and back of the drawer allow for air circulation.
{{Tuto Step
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|Step_Title=Ambiance 2: Sec, Aéré, Sombre
|Step_Title=Environment 2: Dry, Ventilated, Dark
|Step_Content=Cette ambiance de conservation est intéressante notamment pour les pommes de terres, les oignons, l’ail, les courges, etc. L’ambiance noire évite la germination des tubercules, racines et limite la maturation de certains fruits.
|Step_Content=This food-keeping environment is useful notably for potatoes, onions, garlic, squashes, etc. The dark atmosphere prevents the germination of tubers and roots and limits the ripening of certain fruits.
Dans une cuisine pour 2 personnes, nous proposons 2 tiroirs en claies tapissées d’un tissu tel que toile de lin ou jute pour créer à la fois le noir et assurer la ventilation.
In a kitchen for 2 people, we propose 2 grated drawers lined with a fabric such as linen or jute, to create darkness while ensuring ventilation.
Environ 25 cm de haut, 40 à 50cm de profondeur et 50 cm de large. Il est nécessaire de les faire un peu plus haut que l’ambiance précédente pour pouvoir conserver des carotte en verticale dans un bac à sable légèrement humide qui sera à prévoir dans l’un des tiroirs.
About 25cm height, 40-50cm depth, and 50cm width. They must be made a bit taller than the previous environment to be able to store carrots. They will be kept vertically in a box of slightly moistened sand in one of the drawers.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Ambiance 3: Sombre, Frais, Humide
|Step_Title=Environment 3: Dark, Cold, Humid
|Step_Content='''Pour un habitat existant:'''
|Step_Content='''For an existing living space:'''
Cette ambiance est la plus difficile à créer dans un habitat existant cependant est très intéressante car peut permettre l’arrêt du réfrigérateur une partie de l’année.
This environment is the most difficult to create in an existing space; however, it is very useful as it can allow you to keep the refrigerator off for a part of the year.
Sur de l’existant, Il est possible, en intérieur, de s’inspirer du frigo du désert ou « zeer pot ». Il s’agit d’une poterie imbriqué dans une seconde poterie. Entre les 2 deux, du sable est ajouté.
For existing spaces indoors, we can draw inspiration from the desert refrigerator, or the "zeer pot."
Les aliments sont placés dans la poterie du milieu et le sable estrégulièrement humidifié. Par effet d’évapo-transpiration, la température intérieure peut descendre de 5 à 10°C par rapport à la température ambiante.
It is essentially made of one pot nested within a second. Sand is added between the two. The foods are placed in the central pot and the sand is regularly moistened. By evapo-transpiration, the interior temperature can drop between 5-10°C (41-50°F) lower than the room temperature.
'''Pour un habitat neuf:'''
'''For a new living space:'''
Dans le cas d’un habitat neuf, il est possible d’imaginer, à l’instar des anciens garde-manger parisiens, des caissons donnant sur l’extérieur, au Nord,  via une fenêtre dédiée à cette usage. (Ou dans une cloison non-isolée à cet endroit)
In the case of a new living space, we can imagine the old Parisian pantries or "garde-mangers" with boxes opening to the outside--to the north--via a window dedicated to this usage. (Or in a non-insulated partition in this place).
On va retrouver dans cette ambiance : Artichaut, concombre, haricot, panais, beurre à la mi-saison, etc
In this environment, you can store artichoke, cucumber, beans, parsnip, butter during mid-season, etc.
Pour le dimensionnement, un volume intérieur de 40L divisé en 2 est convenable. (par exemple 40cm de haut, 40 cm de large et 30 cm de profondeur)
For sizing, an interior volume of 40L divided in two is suitable (for example 40cm height, 40cm width, and 30cm depth).
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Ligne 121 : Ligne 121 :
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|Step_Title=Ambiance 4: Sombre et Froid
|Step_Title=Environment 4: Dark and Cold
|Step_Content=Cette ambiance est réalisée grâce au réfrigérateur. L’idée est de travailler à réduire la taille de celui-ci pour ne garder à l’intérieur que reste de repas, crèmerie, viande, poisson et boisson fraîche.
|Step_Content=This environment is made using a refrigerator. The idea is to work to reduce the size of it, however, by keeping only leftovers, dairy, meat, fish, and cold beverages inside.
En autre effet positif, la diminution de la taille du réfrigérateur agit directement sur la réduction de la consommation électrique.
Another positive effect of reducing the size is that it directly reduces electricity consumption.
Pour 2 personnes, nous proposons l’utilisation d’un réfrigérateur 40L (type réfrigérateur de bar). Selon le budget accordé, il est possible de trouver des réfrigérateurs tiroirs qui permettent une vue directe sur tout le contenant cependant ils coutent sensiblement plus chers.
For two people, we propose the use of a 40L refrigerator (bar style). Depending on the allotted budget, we could find a drawer refrigerator that allows a direct view of all contents; however, they are noticeably more expensive.
Attention cependant à choisir un réfrigérateur où le stockage vertical de bouteilles standard est possible pour plus de fonctionnalité.
Be careful, however, to choose a refrigerator where the vertical storage of standard-sized bottles is possible for more functionality.
On évitera de placer le réfrigérateur à coté du four (ce qui est le cas dans de nombreuses cuisines) pour plus d’efficacité.
Avoid placing the refrigerator next to the oven (which is the case in many kitchens) for more efficiency.
Le dégagement de chaleur par l’arrière du réfrigérateur dans la lame d’air du meuble favorisera la circulation de l’air et de l’humidité de l’ensemble du meuble de conservation
Heat released from the back of the refrigerator into the air gaps of the food storage rack will benefit the circulation of air and humidity of the whole the storage system.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Fruits et les légumes climactériques
|Step_Title=Climacteric Fruits and Vegetables
|Step_Content=En plus des ambiances, un second paramètre entre en jeu dans laconservation des fruits et légumes : c’est leur propriété à émettre ou non de l’éthylène, un gaz qui favorise le murissement et à y être sensible ou non selon leur type.
|Step_Content=In addition to the environments, a second factor comes into play in keeping fruits and vegetables fresh: whether or not they emit ethylene, a gas that promotes ripening, and whether or not they are sensitive to it.
Les fruits et légumes qui produisent de l’éthylène et qui continuent de murir après récolte sont dits « climactériques » tandis que d’autres peuvent y être très sensibles et pourrirent plus rapidement au contact de l’éthylène.
Fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene and that continue to ripen after harvest are called "climacteric," while others can be very sensitive and rot more quickly upon contact with ethylene.
Une règle simple est d’éviter de mélanger les aliments qui dégagent de l’éthylène de ceux qui y sont seulement sensible, c’est pourquoi il  faut au moins 2 tiroirs par ambiance et qu’ils soient assez grands et aérés pour que l’éthylène s’évacue correctement.
A simple rule is to keep foods that release ethylene separate from those that are sensitive to it. This is why it's good to have at least two drawers per environment and that they're rather large and ventilated, so the ethylene can properly escape.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Tableau récapitulatif
|Step_Title=Overview Table
|Step_Content=<br />
|Step_Content=<br />
{| class="wikitable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="935"
{| class="wikitable" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="935"
| height="19" class="xl78" width="255" |Low-tech  Lab / ambiance par aliment
| height="19" class="xl78" width="255" |Environment by Food Type
| colspan="4" class="xl82" width="461" |Ambiance de conservation courte
| colspan="4" class="xl82" width="461" |Short-term Food Storage Environment
| colspan="2" class="xl85" width="219" |Aspect climactérique
| colspan="2" class="xl85" width="219" |Climacteric Factor
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Aliments
| height="19" class="xl64" |Food Types
| class="xl64" |Frais, humide et  sombre
| class="xl64" |Cool, Humid and Dark
| class="xl64" |Sec, aéré, à la  lumière
| class="xl64" |Dry, Ventilated, In Room Light
| class="xl64" |Sec, aéré, dans le  noir
| class="xl64" |Dry, Ventilated, In the Dark
| class="xl65" |Autres ?
| class="xl65" |Other?
| class="xl66" |Producteur d'éthylène
| class="xl66" |Ethylene Producer
| class="xl64" |Sensible à l'éthylène
| class="xl64" |Sensitive to Ethylene
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Abricot
| height="19" class="xl67" |Apricot
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 167 : Ligne 167 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Ail
| height="19" class="xl64" |Garlic
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 175 : Ligne 175 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Ananas
| height="19" class="xl67" |Pineapple
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 183 : Ligne 183 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Artichaut
| height="19" class="xl64" |Artichoke
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 191 : Ligne 191 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Asperge
| height="19" class="xl67" |Asparagus
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl68" |Bac réfrigérateur
| class="xl68" |Refrigerator Crisper
| class="xl69" |
| class="xl69" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Aubergine
| height="19" class="xl64" |Eggplant
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
Ligne 207 : Ligne 207 :
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Avocat
| height="19" class="xl67" |Avocado
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 215 : Ligne 215 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Banane
| height="19" class="xl64" |Banana
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
Ligne 223 : Ligne 223 :
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Bette
| height="19" class="xl67" |Chard
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 231 : Ligne 231 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Betterave  rouge
| height="19" class="xl64" |Beet
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 239 : Ligne 239 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Brocolis
| height="19" class="xl67" |Broccoli
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl68" |Bac réfrigérateur
| class="xl68" |Refrigerator Crisper
| class="xl69" |
| class="xl69" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Carotte
| height="19" class="xl64" |Carrot
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 255 : Ligne 255 :
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Céleri
| height="19" class="xl67" |Celery
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 263 : Ligne 263 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Cerise
| height="19" class="xl64" |Cherry
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
Ligne 271 : Ligne 271 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Champignon
| height="19" class="xl67" |Mushroom
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 279 : Ligne 279 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Chou-fleur
| height="19" class="xl64" |Cauliflower
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl68" |Bac réfrigérateur
| class="xl68" |Refrigerator Crisper
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Chou-pommé
| height="19" class="xl67" |Cabbage
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 295 : Ligne 295 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Citron
| height="19" class="xl64" |Lemon
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
Ligne 303 : Ligne 303 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Citrouille
| height="19" class="xl67" |Pumpkin
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 311 : Ligne 311 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Clémentine
| height="19" class="xl64" |Clementine
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
Ligne 319 : Ligne 319 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Concombre
| height="19" class="xl67" |Cucumber
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 327 : Ligne 327 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Coriandre, cumin,….
| height="19" class="xl64" |Coriander, Cumin
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 335 : Ligne 335 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Courge
| height="19" class="xl67" |Squash
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 343 : Ligne 343 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Courgette
| height="19" class="xl64" |Zucchini
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 351 : Ligne 351 :
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Echalote
| height="19" class="xl67" |Shallot
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 363 : Ligne 363 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl68" |Bac réfrigérateur
| class="xl68" |Refrigerator Crisper
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Fraise
| height="19" class="xl67" |Strawberry
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 375 : Ligne 375 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Graines  alimentaires (haricots, lentilles, fèves,  
| height="19" class="xl64" |Legumes (beans, lentils)
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 383 : Ligne 383 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Graines  aromatiques
| height="19" class="xl67" |Seed Spices
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 391 : Ligne 391 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Haricot vert
| height="19" class="xl64" |Green Beans
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl68" |Bac réfrigérateur
| class="xl68" |Refrigerator Crisper
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
Ligne 407 : Ligne 407 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Mangue
| height="19" class="xl64" |Mango
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
Ligne 423 : Ligne 423 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Mûre
| height="19" class="xl64" |Blackberry
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 431 : Ligne 431 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Navet
| height="19" class="xl67" |Turnip
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 439 : Ligne 439 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Oignon
| height="19" class="xl64" |Onion
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 455 : Ligne 455 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Panais
| height="19" class="xl64" |Parsnip
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 463 : Ligne 463 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Pastèque
| height="19" class="xl67" |Watermelon
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 471 : Ligne 471 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Patate douce
| height="19" class="xl64" |Sweet Potato
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 479 : Ligne 479 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Pêche
| height="19" class="xl67" |Peach
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 487 : Ligne 487 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Persilciboulette, menthe, coriandre frais, aneth,  
| height="19" class="xl64" |ParsleyChives, Mint, Fresh Coriander, Dill,  
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl65" |Dans un  verre d’eau
| class="xl65" |In a glass of water
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Poire
| height="19" class="xl67" |Pear
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 503 : Ligne 503 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Poireau
| height="19" class="xl64" |Leek
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 511 : Ligne 511 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Poivron
| height="19" class="xl67" |Pepper
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 527 : Ligne 527 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Pomme
| height="19" class="xl67" |Apple
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 535 : Ligne 535 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Pomme de terre
| height="19" class="xl64" |Potato
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 543 : Ligne 543 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Prune
| height="19" class="xl67" |Plum
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 551 : Ligne 551 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Radis
| height="19" class="xl64" |Radish
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 559 : Ligne 559 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Raisin
| height="19" class="xl67" |Grapes
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
Ligne 567 : Ligne 567 :
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Roquette
| height="19" class="xl64" |Arugula
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |x
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
Ligne 575 : Ligne 575 :
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Salade
| height="19" class="xl67" |Lettuce
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
Ligne 583 : Ligne 583 :
| class="xl67" |x
| class="xl67" |x
|- height="20"
|- height="20"
| height="20" class="xl70" |Tomate
| height="20" class="xl70" |Tomato
| class="xl71" |
| class="xl71" |
| class="xl70" |x
| class="xl70" |x
Ligne 591 : Ligne 591 :
| class="xl70" |x
| class="xl70" |x
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl74" |Reste alimentaire
| height="19" class="xl74" |Leftovers
| class="xl75" |
| class="xl75" |
| class="xl74" |
| class="xl74" |
| class="xl75" |
| class="xl75" |
| class="xl76" |Réfrigérateur
| class="xl76" |Refrigerator
| class="xl77" |
| class="xl77" |
| class="xl74" |
| class="xl74" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl64" |Cremerie
| height="19" class="xl64" |Dairy
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl65" |Réfrigérateur
| class="xl65" |Refrigerator
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl66" |
| class="xl64" |
| class="xl64" |
|- height="19"
|- height="19"
| height="19" class="xl67" |Viande et  poisson
| height="19" class="xl67" |Meat and Fish
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl67" |
| class="xl79" |
| class="xl79" |
| class="xl80" |Réfrigérateur
| class="xl80" |Refrigerator
| class="xl81" |
| class="xl81" |
| class="xl79" |
| class="xl79" |
Ligne 617 : Ligne 617 :
|Notes=Redigé par Pierre-Alain Lévêque pour le Low-tech Lab, Aout 2019
|Notes=By Pierre-Alain Lévêque for Low-tech Lab, August 2019
English translation : Katherine Krussel
Italian translation : Samou
Ligne 624 : Ligne 628 :

Version actuelle datée du 25 mai 2023 à 04:48

Tutorial de avatarLow-tech Lab | Catégories : Habitat, Alimentation

Garde-Manger DSC 0265.JPG


A Quick Survey of the Food Waste Situation

Worldwide, 1/3 of total food production is thrown away.

In France, this constitutes 10 billion kilograms (22 billion pounds) of food waste each year. The carbon impact of this is equivalent to 5 times the country's domestic air traffic per year.

The analysis of food waste shows that 33% happens on the last link of the chain: the consumer.

The losses amount to a global cost of 160€ ($189 USD)/year per person.

Quantitatively, fruits and vegetables constitute the most substantial losses (50%).

However, animal products (meat, fish, dairy), while representing just 6% of all food waste, represent the most significant financial loss.

Causes of Food Waste

Analyzing the causes of waste is relevant if we are to design the appropriate solutions to put in place to reduce it:

•Sociological causes: Our pace of living; family structures; the ways of organizing our days and our meals shifting over time. We are more hurried and less attentive, which brings about food waste.

•Cultural causes: Our perceptions of food, our aesthetic criteria, how we supply our food leads to a dismissal of products that are nonetheless consumable.

•Poor knowledge of conserving foods: conserving is not synonymous with making cold--a refrigerator is not made to accommodate all types of food. In addition, confusions arise between terms such as "Use by," "Best-Before," and "Expired by."

•Organizational problems: We lack organization before doing our grocery shopping, to question our needs and to buy the appropriate quantities. Refrigerators and cabinets are equally sources of numerous losses due to storage space that encourages stacking new food in front of older food.

It's important to note that a good number of these causes can be remedied by better practices that anyone can put into place. Technical solutions can support us, mainly by:

•Creating the right environmental conditions for conserving food according to food type

•Promoting better visibility of produce

•Making products more easily accessible.

See this report for an analysis of the use of this food storage system, as well as 11 other low-tech experiments throughout the project "En Quête d'un Habitat Durable"

Étape 1 - The "Zero Waste" Approach

The first step in using a food-storage system, such as the one proposed here, is for the user to question the ways in which they buy and consume.

Given that food storage modules that we're going to propose below are mainly designed for raw and fresh foods, it would be complicated for the user feeding themselves with ready-made meals to benefit from the technical suggestions provided, for example.

The "Zero Waste" approach, originating from Franco-American Béa Johnson, is an excellent method to put into practice. It enables, at the same time, a significant reduction of waste produced globally (packaging, plastic, etc).

Zero Waste France is a very good resource for complementary information on helping consumers take action.

Étape 2 - General Information on the Food Storage System

Since we mainly need to work on waste consisting of fruit, vegetables, and animal products, the focus is on short-term conservation.

Food conservation does not mean keeping cold but rather conserving the nutritional quality and taste of the foods.

For this reason, several storage environments are worth adopting for a built food storage solution.

Generally, for all short-term storage environments, the most interesting and basic technical offering, in our experience, is the grated drawer.

It's a technical solution that can be easily integrated into a kitchen, permits direct visibility of all contents, and facilitates easy access to all the food, as opposed to a cupboard or a refrigerator.

The main use of the drawers is to allow for good air circulation, a very important factor for keeping fruits and vegetables fresh. It can be made using wooden battens (between 2 and 3 cm wide each) or using wire netting or screen.

For the assembly of the food storage furniture, an air gap of 3-4cm is to be integrated into back side in order for "exhaust" air and humidity to flow and not stagnate, risking quicker spoilage.

Étape 3 - Environment 1: Dry, Ventilated, In Room Light

We'll find our way around here by use of example: Apricot, eggplant, avocado, banana, citrus, tomatoes, as well as eggs or butter in a butter dish if it's not too hot.

In a kitchen for 2 people, we propose 2-3 grated drawers, measuring 15cm height by 40-50cm depth by 50cm width.

It is designed so that the front and back of the drawer allow for air circulation.

Étape 4 - Environment 2: Dry, Ventilated, Dark

This food-keeping environment is useful notably for potatoes, onions, garlic, squashes, etc. The dark atmosphere prevents the germination of tubers and roots and limits the ripening of certain fruits.

In a kitchen for 2 people, we propose 2 grated drawers lined with a fabric such as linen or jute, to create darkness while ensuring ventilation.

About 25cm height, 40-50cm depth, and 50cm width. They must be made a bit taller than the previous environment to be able to store carrots. They will be kept vertically in a box of slightly moistened sand in one of the drawers.

Étape 5 - Environment 3: Dark, Cold, Humid

For an existing living space:

This environment is the most difficult to create in an existing space; however, it is very useful as it can allow you to keep the refrigerator off for a part of the year.

For existing spaces indoors, we can draw inspiration from the desert refrigerator, or the "zeer pot."

It is essentially made of one pot nested within a second. Sand is added between the two. The foods are placed in the central pot and the sand is regularly moistened. By evapo-transpiration, the interior temperature can drop between 5-10°C (41-50°F) lower than the room temperature.

For a new living space:

In the case of a new living space, we can imagine the old Parisian pantries or "garde-mangers" with boxes opening to the outside--to the north--via a window dedicated to this usage. (Or in a non-insulated partition in this place).

In this environment, you can store artichoke, cucumber, beans, parsnip, butter during mid-season, etc.

For sizing, an interior volume of 40L divided in two is suitable (for example 40cm height, 40cm width, and 30cm depth).

Étape 6 - Environment 4: Dark and Cold

This environment is made using a refrigerator. The idea is to work to reduce the size of it, however, by keeping only leftovers, dairy, meat, fish, and cold beverages inside.

Another positive effect of reducing the size is that it directly reduces electricity consumption.

For two people, we propose the use of a 40L refrigerator (bar style). Depending on the allotted budget, we could find a drawer refrigerator that allows a direct view of all contents; however, they are noticeably more expensive.

Be careful, however, to choose a refrigerator where the vertical storage of standard-sized bottles is possible for more functionality.

Avoid placing the refrigerator next to the oven (which is the case in many kitchens) for more efficiency.

Heat released from the back of the refrigerator into the air gaps of the food storage rack will benefit the circulation of air and humidity of the whole the storage system.

Étape 7 - Climacteric Fruits and Vegetables

In addition to the environments, a second factor comes into play in keeping fruits and vegetables fresh: whether or not they emit ethylene, a gas that promotes ripening, and whether or not they are sensitive to it.

Fruits and vegetables that produce ethylene and that continue to ripen after harvest are called "climacteric," while others can be very sensitive and rot more quickly upon contact with ethylene.

A simple rule is to keep foods that release ethylene separate from those that are sensitive to it. This is why it's good to have at least two drawers per environment and that they're rather large and ventilated, so the ethylene can properly escape.

Étape 8 - Overview Table

Environment by Food Type Short-term Food Storage Environment Climacteric Factor
Food Types Cool, Humid and Dark Dry, Ventilated, In Room Light Dry, Ventilated, In the Dark Other? Ethylene Producer Sensitive to Ethylene
Apricot x x x
Garlic x
Pineapple x
Artichoke x
Asparagus x Refrigerator Crisper
Eggplant x x
Avocado x x x
Banana x x x
Chard x
Beet x
Broccoli x Refrigerator Crisper x
Carrot x x
Celery x
Cherry x x
Mushroom x
Cauliflower x Refrigerator Crisper x
Cabbage x
Lemon x
Pumpkin x
Clementine x
Cucumber x x x
Coriander, Cumin x
Squash x
Zucchini x x
Shallot x
Endive x Refrigerator Crisper x
Strawberry x
Legumes (beans, lentils) x
Seed Spices x
Green Beans x Refrigerator Crisper x
Kiwi x x
Mango x
Melon x x x
Blackberry x
Turnip x
Onion x
Orange x
Parsnip x
Watermelon x
Sweet Potato x
Peach x x x x
Parsley, Chives, Mint, Fresh Coriander, Dill, In a glass of water
Pear x x x x
Leek x
Pepper x x x
Pomelo x
Apple x x x
Potato x
Plum x x x x
Radish x
Grapes x
Arugula x
Lettuce x x
Tomato x x x
Leftovers Refrigerator
Dairy Refrigerator
Meat and Fish Refrigerator

Notes et références

By Pierre-Alain Lévêque for Low-tech Lab, August 2019

English translation : Katherine Krussel

Italian translation : Samou


Zero gachis

