(Page créée avec « ====Balanced food==== Biodigestor can be complementary to a compost. Indeed, compost creates humus, and needs a high carbon/nitrogen ratio (20 to 30), with mostly cellulos... »)
Biodigestor can be complementary to a compost. Indeed, compost creates humus, and needs a high carbon/nitrogen ratio (20 to 30), with mostly cellulose and lignous compounds. Too much putrescible organic matter will destructurate the compost.
Biodigestor can be complementary to a compost. Indeed, compost creates humus, and needs a high carbon/nitrogen ratio (20 to 30), with mostly cellulose and lignous compounds. Too much putrescible organic matter will destructurate the compost.
Version actuelle datée du 22 mai 2020 à 10:49
Biodigestor can be complementary to a compost. Indeed, compost creates humus, and needs a high carbon/nitrogen ratio (20 to 30), with mostly cellulose and lignous compounds. Too much putrescible organic matter will destructurate the compost.
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