(Page créée avec « ====Heat==== This kind of biodigestor is mesophile, which means that bacterias develop between 25°C ans 45°C, ideally at 38°C. Unlike compost, biodigestion create only... »)
This kind of biodigestor is mesophile, which means that bacterias develop between 25°C ans 45°C, ideally at 38°C. Unlike compost, biodigestion create only few heat. To reach these temperatures, heat will have to be provided to the system. It is possible to heat by different means :
This kind of biodigestor is mesophile, which means that bacterias develop between 25°C ans 45°C, ideally at 38°C. Unlike compost, biodigestion create only few heat. To reach these temperatures, heat will have to be provided to the system. It is possible to heat by different means :
* compost around the digestor,
* compost around the digestor,
Version actuelle datée du 22 mai 2020 à 10:48
This kind of biodigestor is mesophile, which means that bacterias develop between 25°C ans 45°C, ideally at 38°C. Unlike compost, biodigestion create only few heat. To reach these temperatures, heat will have to be provided to the system. It is possible to heat by different means :
compost around the digestor,
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