Vélo pour enfants/en : Différence entre versions

(Page créée avec « Soldering iron »)
(Page créée avec « This tutorial aims to guide the creation of an adapted bike for autistic children, offering a safe and enjoyable experience when out and about. Each step must be carried o... »)
(44 révisions intermédiaires par le même utilisateur non affichées)
Ligne 54 : Ligne 54 :
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Démontage des Vélos Existants
|Step_Title=Dismantling existing bikes
|Step_Content=1 - Préparation des Outils
|Step_Content=1 - Preparing the tools
Assurez-vous d'avoir les outils appropriés à portée de main : des clés de différentes tailles, une pince, un tournevis, et toute autre clé spécifique à votre modèle de vélo.
Make sure you have the appropriate tools to hand: spanners of various sizes, pliers, a screwdriver and any other spanners specific to your model of bike.
2 - Identification des Composants à Démonter
2 - Identification of components to be dismantled
Examinez le vélo et identifiez les composants qui doivent être démontés. Cela peut inclure le siège, les pédales, les freins, le guidon, les roues, et la chaîne.
Examine the bike and identify the components that need to be dismantled. This may include the seat, pedals, brakes, handlebars, wheels and chain.
3 - Retrait du Siège
3 - Withdrawal of the seat
Utilisez une clé adaptée pour dévisser et retirer le siège du vélo. Assurez-vous de ne pas endommager la tige de selle pendant ce processus.
Use a suitable spanner to unscrew and remove the seat from the bike. Be careful not to damage the seatpost during this process.
4 - Déconnexion des Freins
4 - Disconnecting the brakes
Utilisez une clé pour dévisser les câbles de frein ou retirez les étriers de frein selon le type de freinage. Assurez-vous de bien identifier chaque câble pour faciliter le remontage ultérieur.
Use a spanner to unscrew the brake cables or remove the brake callipers, depending on the type of braking. Be sure to identify each cable to make reassembly easier later.
5 - Retrait du Guidon
5 - Removing the handlebars
Dévissez le boulon du pivot du guidon à l'aide d'une clé appropriée. Notez la position du guidon pour un remontage correct.
Unscrew the handlebar pivot bolt using an appropriate spanner. Note the position of the handlebars for correct reassembly.
6 - Démontage des Roues
6 - Removing the wheels
Utilisez une clé pour dévisser les écrous des essieux des roues. Retirez les roues du cadre, en veillant à bien comprendre le système de fixation utilisé.
Use a spanner to unscrew the wheel axle nuts. Remove the wheels from the frame, making sure you understand the fastening system used.
7 - Retrait de la Chaîne
7 - Removing the chain
Utilisez une pince pour démonter la chaîne du pédalier. Cela peut nécessiter l'utilisation d'un maillon rapide ou le démontage du dérailleur arrière.
Use pliers to remove the chain from the crankset. This may involve using a quick link or removing the rear derailleur.
8 - Extraction de la roue libre
8 - Removing the freewheel
Prévoyez du temps pour cette partie, car elle nécessite de démonter entièrement une roue (découpe des rayons, etc.).
Allow plenty of time for this part, as it involves completely dismantling a wheel (cutting out the spokes, etc.).
9 - Découpage d'une des pattes arrière
9 - Cutting off one of the rear legs
À l'aide de la scie adaptée, commencez à découper la patte arrière selon les marques que vous avez faites. Suivez les lignes tracées aussi précisément que possible pour obtenir une découpe nette.
Using the appropriate saw, start cutting out the hind leg according to the marks you have made. Follow the lines as precisely as possible to ensure a clean cut.
10 - Création d'une attache pour lier les deux vélos
10 - Creating an attachment to link the two bicycles
L'attache est fixée sur la tige de selle du vélo à l'avant et est fixée dans la fourche du vélo adapté.
The clamp is fixed to the seatpost of the front bike and is secured in the fork of the adapted bike.
11 - Soudure
11 - Welding
L'avant-dernière étape consiste à souder les différentes parties entre elles. Pour ce faire, il faut calculer minutieusement les dimensions pour éviter de devoir tout refaire.
The penultimate step is to weld the different parts together. To do this, you need to calculate the dimensions carefully to avoid having to redo everything.
12 - Ajout de la partie sécurité/confort
12 - Addition of the safety/comfort section
En plus de la soudure au niveau de la tige de selle pour y attacher le dossier adapté, il est possible d'ajouter des scratchs au niveau des pédales également.
In addition to the weld on the seatpost to attach the adapted backrest, Velcro fasteners can also be added to the pedals.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Identification des Composants à Démonter
|Step_Title=Identification of components to be dismantled
|Step_Content=*Procéder à des tests sur plusieurs vélos dans le garage de l'ENIB pour évaluer la géométrie du cadre en vue d'optimiser les connexions.
|Step_Content=*Carry out tests on several bicycles in the ENIB garage to assess the geometry of the frame with a view to optimising the connections.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Retrait du Siège, Déconnexion des Freins, Retrait du Guidon
|Step_Title=Removing the Seat, Disconnecting the Brakes, Removing the Handlebars
|Step_Content=*Pour cette étape, il est essentiel de se munir des outils appropriés et de faire preuve de patience.
|Step_Content=*For this stage, it's essential to have the right tools and to be patient.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Extraction de la roue libre
|Step_Title=Removing the freewheel
|Step_Content=*Démontage de la roue suivi de la découpe des rayons afin d'extraire la roue libre de la roue arrière du vélo utilisé, en raison d'un problème de compatibilité.
|Step_Content=*Disassembly of the wheel followed by the cutting of the spokes in order to extract the freewheel from the rear wheel of the bike used, due to a compatibility problem.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Découpage d'une des pattes arrière
|Step_Title=Cutting off one of the rear legs
|Step_Content=*La découpe d'une des pattes arrière du vélo est effectuée afin de permettre le fonctionnement de la roue libre et la propulsion sur l'une des roues arrière, sans utiliser la deuxième roue et la laisser en roue libre.
|Step_Content=*One of the bike's rear drop-outs is cut out to allow freewheel operation and propulsion on one of the rear wheels, without using the second wheel and leaving it freewheeling.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Création d'une attache pour lier les deux vélos :
|Step_Title=Creating an attachment to link the two bicycles :
|Step_Content=*L'attache est fixée à la tige de selle du vélo à l'avant et est également fixée dans la fourche du vélo adapté.
|Step_Content=*The clamp is fixed to the seatpost of the front bike and is secured in the fork of the adapted bike.
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Ligne 131 : Ligne 131 :
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Title=Ajout de la partie Sécurité/Confort :
|Step_Title=Addition of the safety/comfort section
|Step_Content=Démontage de la Roue : La roue a été retirée d'un vélo non utilisé en veillant à conserver les rayons intacts pour une utilisation ultérieure.
|Step_Content=Removing the wheel: The wheel has been removed from an unused bike, taking care to keep the spokes intact for future use.
Nettoyage et Préparation : La roue a été nettoyée pour éliminer toute saleté ou graisse. Les rayons ont été inspectés pour s'assurer de leur solidité.
Cleaning and preparation: The wheel has been cleaned to remove any dirt or grease. The spokes have been inspected for strength.
Découpage et Ajustement : Selon la taille nécessaire, la roue a été soigneusement découpée pour créer un dos adapté au cadre du vélo principal. Des ajustements ont été réalisés pour garantir une intégration harmonieuse.
Cutting and fitting: Depending on the size required, the wheel was carefully cut to create a back to match the main bike frame. Adjustments were made to ensure smooth integration.
Fixation avec du Scotch : La partie découpée de la roue a été fixée au cadre du vélo principal à l'aide de ruban adhésif résistant. Le scotch a été appliqué soigneusement pour assurer une fixation solide.
Fixing with Scotch tape: The cut-out part of the wheel was fixed to the main bike frame using strong adhesive tape. The tape was carefully applied to ensure a secure fit.
Renforcement de la Protection : Afin de renforcer la protection du dos, plusieurs couches de scotch ont été ajoutées, créant ainsi une barrière résistante contre les impacts et les éraflures.
Reinforced protection: Several layers of scotch tape have been added to reinforce the protection of the back, creating a resistant barrier against impacts and scratches.
{{Tuto Step
{{Tuto Step
|Step_Content=Il suffit de réaliser les soudures pour finaliser le vélo, et celui-ci sera prêt à être utilisé.
|Step_Content=All you have to do is complete the welds and the bike is ready for use.
En résumé, ce projet nous a permis de faire face à différentes problématiques techniques, soulignant l'importance de mener une étude théorique approfondie du système en amont.
To sum up, this project has enabled us to tackle a number of technical issues, underlining the importance of carrying out an in-depth theoretical study of the system beforehand.
Il faut noter que tous les matériaux ont été intégralement récupérés en seconde main, et les systèmes sont facilement accessibles, donc réparables. Il répond également à une demande importante.
It should be noted that all the materials were recovered second-hand, and the systems are easily accessible and therefore repairable. It also meets a significant demand.
|Notes=Ce tutoriel vise à guider la création d'un vélo adapté pour enfants autistes, offrant une expérience sécurisée et agréable lors des balades. Chaque étape doit être effectuée avec précision et en tenant compte des besoins individuels des utilisateurs.
|Notes=This tutorial aims to guide the creation of an adapted bike for autistic children, offering a safe and enjoyable experience when out and about. Each step must be carried out with precision and taking into account the individual needs of the users.

Version actuelle datée du 13 août 2024 à 10:25

Prototype de avatarLow-tech with Refugees - Low-tech & Réfugiés | Catégories : Outils

The aim of the project is to design and develop an adapted bicycle designed to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for autistic children when out and about. The adapted bike will be attached to the back of a standard bicycle. The bike is specially designed to accommodate a child with severe autism.

Licence : Attribution (CC BY)


The project to create an adapted bike for autistic children embodies the combination of innovation and inclusivity, aimed at providing a safe and rewarding riding experience. Combining creative re-use of existing materials with mechanical and design solutions, this tutorial provides a detailed guide to making this unique bike. The aim is to provide an adapted means of transport that encourages autistic children to participate and flourish when out and about in the great outdoors. Follow each step carefully to create a bike that transcends boundaries, bringing comfort, safety and happiness to the children who will benefit from it.

The bike used by the association cost more than 2,000 euros, so the challenge was to produce a low-tech bike that would be accessible to all. It's also worth noting that the front attachment can be reused for future tandems, underlining the durability and versatility of this approach.


1. The bicycle frame (for the child)

2. Metal bar with hook between the two bikes

3. Two wheels and an axle between them for stability and propulsion

4. Cast-iron bar with tape (backrest)


Drill + metal drill bits + wood drill bits



Wire cutters

Bicycle "crankset disassembler"

Release agent

Wood and metal grinder or saw


Soldering iron

Étape 1 - Dismantling existing bikes

1 - Preparing the tools

Make sure you have the appropriate tools to hand: spanners of various sizes, pliers, a screwdriver and any other spanners specific to your model of bike.

2 - Identification of components to be dismantled

Examine the bike and identify the components that need to be dismantled. This may include the seat, pedals, brakes, handlebars, wheels and chain.

3 - Withdrawal of the seat

Use a suitable spanner to unscrew and remove the seat from the bike. Be careful not to damage the seatpost during this process.

4 - Disconnecting the brakes

Use a spanner to unscrew the brake cables or remove the brake callipers, depending on the type of braking. Be sure to identify each cable to make reassembly easier later.

5 - Removing the handlebars

Unscrew the handlebar pivot bolt using an appropriate spanner. Note the position of the handlebars for correct reassembly.

6 - Removing the wheels

Use a spanner to unscrew the wheel axle nuts. Remove the wheels from the frame, making sure you understand the fastening system used.

7 - Removing the chain

Use pliers to remove the chain from the crankset. This may involve using a quick link or removing the rear derailleur.

8 - Removing the freewheel

Allow plenty of time for this part, as it involves completely dismantling a wheel (cutting out the spokes, etc.).

9 - Cutting off one of the rear legs

Using the appropriate saw, start cutting out the hind leg according to the marks you have made. Follow the lines as precisely as possible to ensure a clean cut.

10 - Creating an attachment to link the two bicycles

The clamp is fixed to the seatpost of the front bike and is secured in the fork of the adapted bike.

11 - Welding

The penultimate step is to weld the different parts together. To do this, you need to calculate the dimensions carefully to avoid having to redo everything.

12 - Addition of the safety/comfort section

In addition to the weld on the seatpost to attach the adapted backrest, Velcro fasteners can also be added to the pedals.

Étape 2 - Identification of components to be dismantled

  • Carry out tests on several bicycles in the ENIB garage to assess the geometry of the frame with a view to optimising the connections.

Étape 3 - Removing the Seat, Disconnecting the Brakes, Removing the Handlebars

  • For this stage, it's essential to have the right tools and to be patient.

Étape 4 - Removing the freewheel

  • Disassembly of the wheel followed by the cutting of the spokes in order to extract the freewheel from the rear wheel of the bike used, due to a compatibility problem.

Étape 5 - Cutting off one of the rear legs

  • One of the bike's rear drop-outs is cut out to allow freewheel operation and propulsion on one of the rear wheels, without using the second wheel and leaving it freewheeling.

Étape 6 - Creating an attachment to link the two bicycles :

  • The clamp is fixed to the seatpost of the front bike and is secured in the fork of the adapted bike.

Étape 7 - Addition of the safety/comfort section

Removing the wheel: The wheel has been removed from an unused bike, taking care to keep the spokes intact for future use.

Cleaning and preparation: The wheel has been cleaned to remove any dirt or grease. The spokes have been inspected for strength.

Cutting and fitting: Depending on the size required, the wheel was carefully cut to create a back to match the main bike frame. Adjustments were made to ensure smooth integration.

Fixing with Scotch tape: The cut-out part of the wheel was fixed to the main bike frame using strong adhesive tape. The tape was carefully applied to ensure a secure fit.

Reinforced protection: Several layers of scotch tape have been added to reinforce the protection of the back, creating a resistant barrier against impacts and scratches.

Étape 8 - Conclusion

All you have to do is complete the welds and the bike is ready for use.

To sum up, this project has enabled us to tackle a number of technical issues, underlining the importance of carrying out an in-depth theoretical study of the system beforehand.

It should be noted that all the materials were recovered second-hand, and the systems are easily accessible and therefore repairable. It also meets a significant demand.

Notes et références

This tutorial aims to guide the creation of an adapted bike for autistic children, offering a safe and enjoyable experience when out and about. Each step must be carried out with precision and taking into account the individual needs of the users.

