Passive speaker

Research de avatarLow-tech with Refugees - Low-tech & Réfugiés | Catégories : Matériaux, Outils

Build passive loudspeakers using tile chip boxes and compare their sound quality to determine the best way to build this type of loudspeaker.

Licence : Attribution (CC BY)


You've probably already seen small speakers made from boxes of crisps. The aim of our project is to test different models by playing around with the number of boxes, the layout and size of the sound outlets, and so on. At the end, we'll come up with the best models, and it will be up to you to choose the one that suits you best, based on sound quality and simplicity of design.


One or two boxes of tile crisps.


A knife or a cutter.

A phone.

A microphone.

Software for obtaining the spectrum of a sound signal (example: audaciti)

A sound file containing white noise (white noise source:

Étape 1 - Setting up tests

In order to carry out these tests in the best possible conditions, you need to go to a place that is as quiet as possible (this helps to avoid unwanted noise). The microphone and loudspeaker to be tested should then be placed on a stable surface with a constant distance between them.

We then play white noise from the loudspeaker, which will be recorded on audacity. The analysis -> plot spectrum option will show the distortions in the sound and allow you to compare the different speakers.

Étape 2 - Telephone only

In order to have a point of comparison between the different speakers, it is important to have the spectrum of the phone without a speaker.

Even with the phone alone, you can see that the white noise is distorted. In particular, very low and very high frequencies are virtually inaudible.

Étape 3 - Simple box

For the simplest version of the enclosure, make a cut in the side of the crisp box. Make the cut just big enough to let your phone through, which you will then slide into the box.

This variant showed a 2dB increase in overall sound volume (i.e. a maximum sound approximately 1.6 times louder). In addition, it has a peak between 200Hz and 300Hz, showing that it gives more low-pitched sound than the telephone alone. On the other hand, the sound is less regular (the spectrum is less smooth).

This variant is therefore suitable for obtaining a louder sound or for bringing out the low frequencies more effectively, but at the cost of a loss of overall sound quality.

We also tried reducing the size of the aperture to see if this had any impact. The result is a more irregular, softer sound. It is therefore more interesting to simply remove the cover.

Étape 4 - Double boxes

Certains téléphones (dont celui que nous avons utilisé pour les tests) ont deux haut-parleurs, un de chaque coté du téléphone. Il est donc possible de répéter une seconde fois l'étape précédente afin d'avoir une enceinte double.

Cette variante permet d'augmenter encore plus le volume sonore (+2dB dans notre cas) mais le son devient un peu plus irrégulier encore.

Tout comme pour la version boite simple, retirer simplement le couvercle donne de meilleurs résultats que de percer des trou de petite taille.

Étape 5 - Prototypes ratés (à éviter)

Nous avons également testés deux prototypes qui déformaient trop le son  :

-Le tri-boite : composé de deux boites insérées perpendiculairement dans une autre dans laquelle le téléphone est inséré

-Une variante mono boite avec le couvercle fermé mais des trous ajouté sur le coté.

Étape 6 - Customisation

Vous pouvez aussi customiser votre enceinte à votre convenance en la peignant par exemple et l'emmener partout avec vous !

