Translations:Savon de cendre et de graisse animale/2/en

On the outskirts of Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, the Andralanitra dumpsite covers some 20 hectares of land and receives between 350 and 550 tonnes of garbage each day. More than 3000 "ragpickers" work there daily, carefully picking through, salvaging, and recycling the trash. Many years ago, two inhabitants from the neighbouring village, Chris and Aimé, began producing the soap "Gasy" (made in Madagascar) from organic waste salvaged from the landfill and from animal fat. They created a small business around the sale of their soap, and after a few years of business they were producing and selling close to 3000 each week. They even brought their business to the bush, where hygiene issues and access to this type of product are very difficult.