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Recherche par propriété

Une liste de toutes les pages qui ont la propriété « Notes » avec la valeur « <u>‘’‘Usage advice:’‘’</u> -Place the food container under the grinder - Pour the apples little by little into the shredder, turning the log with the pedal. '''Careful!! not too many apples, risk of blockage''' '''-''' Recover crushed apples from old T-shirts 4 - Create layers of apples in the presser tray with the square boards and apple-filled t-shirts. - Recover the juice in bottles '''Warning!! The juice must be sterilised before drinking.''' ». Puisqu’il n’y a que quelques résultats, les valeurs proches sont également affichées.

Affichage de 21 résultats à partir du n°1.

Voir (200 précédentes | 200 suivantes) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500).


Liste de résultats

    • Apple juice extractor  + (<u>‘’‘Usage advice:’‘’</u> -P‘’‘Usage advice:’‘’ -Place the food container under the grinder - Pour the apples little by little into the shredder, turning the log with the pedal. '''Careful!! not too many apples, risk of blockage''' '''-''' Recover crushed apples from old T-shirts 4 - Create layers of apples in the presser tray with the square boards and apple-filled t-shirts. - Recover the juice in bottles '''Warning!! The juice must be sterilised before drinking.'''ing!! The juice must be sterilised before drinking.''')
    • Elevage de grillons comestibles  + ( * Tutoriel experimental réalisé par Pierr * Tutoriel experimental réalisé par Pierre-Alain Lévêque et Arnaud Mayaux * Edible insects - future prospects for food and feed security, 2013. FAO Forestry Paper No. 171. ( rapport de la FAO) [] * Méthode fournie par un agriculteur thaïlandais lors de la mission Nomade des Mers. landais lors de la mission Nomade des Mers. )
    • Poelito - Poêle de masse semi-démontable  + (- Retrouvez tout et même plus encore sur l- Retrouvez tout et même plus encore sur le site de l'association des2mains : * * - Plein d'autres informations sur l'usage du poelito et d'autres solutions sur le site de David : * et * * - Super retour d'expérience sur la construction et l'utilisation du poêlito de Jacob Karhu:
    • Poelito - Estufa de masa semi desmontable  + (- Retrouvez tout et même plus encore sur l- Retrouvez tout et même plus encore sur le site de l'association des2mains : * * - Plein d'autres informations sur l'usage du poelito et d'autres solutions sur le site de David : * et * * - Super retour d'expérience sur la construction et l'utilisation du poêlito de Jacob Karhu:
    • Poelito - Poêle de masse semi-démontable  + (- Retrouvez tout et même plus encore sur l- Retrouvez tout et même plus encore sur le site de l'association des2mains : * * - Plein d'autres informations sur l'usage du poelito et d'autres solutions sur le site de David : * et * * - Super retour d'expérience sur la construction et l'utilisation du poêlito de Jacob Karhu:
    • Four à Biochar  + (<nowiki>Charbon actif :<br />&Charbon actif :

      Chiffres OMS :,et%20exempt%20de%20toute%20contamination

      Biochar :

      Tutos :

      Louppe Dominique

      •CIRAD UPR BSEF Campus international de Baillarguet 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 (France) (

      Lien vers l'article original en espagnol :
      r Cedex 5 (France) (<br /><br /><br />Lien vers l'article original en espagnol : <br /><br /></nowiki>)
    • Semi-underground cellar:  + (Advantage: *Being able to avoid the sun aAdvantage: *Being able to avoid the sun and have a constant temperature all year round. *The accumulation of CO2 and the lack of O2 slow down the rottenness of fruits and vegetables. *In addition, it is quite easy to build and will be used for a long time. *It can conserve a large batch of vegetables and fruits. *The height difference between the entrance and the ground prevents the entry of water when it rains often. Disadvantage: *It will produce swamp gas, so be careful before entering the cellar to avoid explosion. *Not suitable for all foods, such as meat, fish, bananas, etc.
      , such as meat, fish, bananas, etc. <br/>)
    • Bicimaquinas - Desgranadora  + (Gracias a Rosio y Freddy para su acogida aGracias a Rosio y Freddy para su acogida a Cochapedal ! Freddy y Rosio están en carga de dos organizaciones : Cochapedal y CECAM. La organización CECAM fue fundada en 2009 a Cochabamba para llevar a cabo proyectos de ayuda al medio ambiente con comunidades rurales de Bolivia. CECAM lleva varios proyectos para mejorar las condiciones de vida de las familias de media y baja clase, las regalando tecnologías eficientes, económicas y respetuosas del medio ambiente : baños ecológicos, cocinas solares, fogón eficientes. Además de regalar machinas, la organización tiene una función de sensibilización y educación con las comunidades : implementando alianzas estratégicas con escuelas y universidades, su impacto social y environnemental es local, nacional y también internacional. Las mejoras que hace la organización cambiando el cotidiano de las comunidades es parte de un movimiento global de transición. :// Otros proyectos de bicimaquinas se desarrollan en otros lugares de América del Sur, cómo Bicitec o MayaPedal en Guatemala. Mira los tutoriales de Maya Pedal allí : Somos dos estudiantes buscando baja tecnologías en América del Sur. Sigue nuestras descubrimientos allá : Nuestro proyecto cuenta con el apoyo de la Fundación Grenoble-INP, Etudiants & Développement, la Región Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes y la Ciudad de Grenoble, y se trata de una asociación con Low-tech Lab.y se trata de una asociación con Low-tech Lab.)
    • Insulated mattress  + (It is also possible to 'stick' the foam pieces together with straps made from cutting plastic bottles (in slices) and using them as some kinds of laces mainting all the pieces together with small holes that you need to do in advance.)
    • 土陶滤水器  + (<nowiki>2020年11月,Guénolé Conrad藉由参加N2020年11月,Guénolé Conrad藉由参加Nomade des Mers活动之际,在危地马拉参观Ecofiltro工厂,随后编写本指导手册。

      本指导手册在编写过程中大量参考了由RDIC、CAWST、Potters for Peace提供的开放资源。部分照片已被使用。

      Une vidéo présentant le procédé de fabrication de l'usine JiaRun en Chine:


      1. Lantagne, D., Klarman, M., Mayer, A., Preston, K., Napotnik, J., Jellison, K. (2010). [ Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for houshold water treatment.] International Journal of environment Health Research.

      2. Latagne, D. (2001) [ Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter]

      3. Effet de l'argent colloidal comme désinfectant: Ehdaie Beeta, Su Yi-Hsuan, Swami Nathan S., Smith James A., ; (2020) [ Protozoa and Virus Disinfection by Silver- and Copper-Embedded Ceramic Tablets for Water Purification]

      [, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia 4. Morphology, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia.]

      [ effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia 5. Microbiological effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia.]

      [ of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment. 6. Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment..]

      [ silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study 7. Ceramic silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study.]

      [ón del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica 8. Evaluación del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica.]

      [ evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters 9. Long-term evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters.]

      [ of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters 10. Removal of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters.]

      [ Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier 11. Local Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness 12. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness.]

      [ removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers 13. Virus removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations 14. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations.]

      [ of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa 15. Removal of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa.]

      [ Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters 16. Appropriate Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters.]

      [ 17. Ebele A. Erhuanga, Isah Bolaji Kashim, Tolulope L. Akinbogun, Olusegun A. Fatuyi, Isiaka A. Amoo and Daniel J. Arotupin ; Manufacturing a Ceramic Water Filter Press for Use in Nigeria]

      18. [ Potters For Peace ; Clay Testing Protocol for Ceramic Water Filters]

      19. [ Potters for Peace ; Plans for a Filter Press]

      20. [ Potters for Peace; How to build a Mani Kiln]

      21. [ Potters for Peace; Air flow of a Mani Kiln]
    • Filtre à eau céramique  + (<nowiki>Ce tutoriel a été rédigé parCe tutoriel a été rédigé par Guénolé Conrad suite à la visite de l'usine Ecofiltro au Guatemala en novembre 2020 à l'occasion d'une escale de l'expédition Nomade des Mers.

      Ce tutoriel est largement inspiré de la documentation open-source proposée par [ RDIC], [ CAWST] et [ Potters for Peace]. Certaines photos de ces tutoriels ont été utilisées.

      Une vidéo présentant le procédé de fabrication de l'usine JiaRun en Chine:


      1. Lantagne, D., Klarman, M., Mayer, A., Preston, K., Napotnik, J., Jellison, K. (2010). [ Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for houshold water treatment.] International Journal of environment Health Research.

      2. Latagne, D. (2001) [ Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter]

      3. Effet de l'argent colloidal comme désinfectant: Ehdaie Beeta, Su Yi-Hsuan, Swami Nathan S., Smith James A., ; (2020) [ Protozoa and Virus Disinfection by Silver- and Copper-Embedded Ceramic Tablets for Water Purification]

      [, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia 4. Morphology, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia.]

      [ effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia 5. Microbiological effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia.]

      [ of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment. 6. Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment..]

      [ silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study 7. Ceramic silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study.]

      [ón del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica 8. Evaluación del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica.]

      [ evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters 9. Long-term evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters.]

      [ of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters 10. Removal of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters.]

      [ Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier 11. Local Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness 12. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness.]

      [ removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers 13. Virus removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations 14. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations.]

      [ of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa 15. Removal of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa.]

      [ Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters 16. Appropriate Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters.]

      [ 17. Ebele A. Erhuanga, Isah Bolaji Kashim, Tolulope L. Akinbogun, Olusegun A. Fatuyi, Isiaka A. Amoo and Daniel J. Arotupin ; Manufacturing a Ceramic Water Filter Press for Use in Nigeria]

      18. [ Potters For Peace ; Clay Testing Protocol for Ceramic Water Filters]

      19. [ Potters for Peace ; Plans for a Filter Press]

      20. [ Potters for Peace; How to build a Mani Kiln]

      21. [ Potters for Peace; Air flow of a Mani Kiln]
    • Filtro de agua cerámico  + (<nowiki>Ce tutoriel a été rédigé parCe tutoriel a été rédigé par Guénolé Conrad suite à la visite de l'usine Ecofiltro au Guatemala en novembre 2020 à l'occasion d'une escale de l'expédition Nomade des Mers.

      Ce tutoriel est largement inspiré de la documentation open-source proposée par [ RDIC], [ CAWST] et [ Potters for Peace]. Certaines photos de ces tutoriels ont été utilisées.

      Une vidéo présentant le procédé de fabrication de l'usine JiaRun en Chine:


      1. Lantagne, D., Klarman, M., Mayer, A., Preston, K., Napotnik, J., Jellison, K. (2010). [ Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for houshold water treatment.] International Journal of environment Health Research.

      2. Latagne, D. (2001) [ Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter]

      3. Effet de l'argent colloidal comme désinfectant: Ehdaie Beeta, Su Yi-Hsuan, Swami Nathan S., Smith James A., ; (2020) [ Protozoa and Virus Disinfection by Silver- and Copper-Embedded Ceramic Tablets for Water Purification]

      [, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia 4. Morphology, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia.]

      [ effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia 5. Microbiological effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia.]

      [ of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment. 6. Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment..]

      [ silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study 7. Ceramic silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study.]

      [ón del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica 8. Evaluación del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica.]

      [ evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters 9. Long-term evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters.]

      [ of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters 10. Removal of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters.]

      [ Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier 11. Local Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness 12. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness.]

      [ removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers 13. Virus removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations 14. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations.]

      [ of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa 15. Removal of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa.]

      [ Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters 16. Appropriate Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters.]

      [ 17. Ebele A. Erhuanga, Isah Bolaji Kashim, Tolulope L. Akinbogun, Olusegun A. Fatuyi, Isiaka A. Amoo and Daniel J. Arotupin ; Manufacturing a Ceramic Water Filter Press for Use in Nigeria]

      18. [ Potters For Peace ; Clay Testing Protocol for Ceramic Water Filters]

      19. [ Potters for Peace ; Plans for a Filter Press]

      20. [ Potters for Peace; How to build a Mani Kiln]

      21. [ Potters for Peace; Air flow of a Mani Kiln]
    • Filtre à eau céramique  + (<nowiki>Ce tutoriel a été rédigé parCe tutoriel a été rédigé par Guénolé Conrad suite à la visite de l'usine Ecofiltro au Guatemala en novembre 2020 à l'occasion d'une escale de l'expédition Nomade des Mers.

      Ce tutoriel est largement inspiré de la documentation open-source proposée par [ RDIC], [ CAWST] et [ Potters for Peace]. Certaines photos de ces tutoriels ont été utilisées.

      Une vidéo présentant le procédé de fabrication de l'usine JiaRun en Chine:


      1. Lantagne, D., Klarman, M., Mayer, A., Preston, K., Napotnik, J., Jellison, K. (2010). [ Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for houshold water treatment.] International Journal of environment Health Research.

      2. Latagne, D. (2001) [ Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter]

      3. Effet de l'argent colloidal comme désinfectant: Ehdaie Beeta, Su Yi-Hsuan, Swami Nathan S., Smith James A., ; (2020) [ Protozoa and Virus Disinfection by Silver- and Copper-Embedded Ceramic Tablets for Water Purification]

      [, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia 4. Morphology, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia.]

      [ effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia 5. Microbiological effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia.]

      [ of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment. 6. Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment..]

      [ silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study 7. Ceramic silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study.]

      [ón del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica 8. Evaluación del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica.]

      [ evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters 9. Long-term evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters.]

      [ of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters 10. Removal of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters.]

      [ Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier 11. Local Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness 12. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness.]

      [ removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers 13. Virus removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations 14. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations.]

      [ of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa 15. Removal of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa.]

      [ Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters 16. Appropriate Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters.]

      [ 17. Ebele A. Erhuanga, Isah Bolaji Kashim, Tolulope L. Akinbogun, Olusegun A. Fatuyi, Isiaka A. Amoo and Daniel J. Arotupin ; Manufacturing a Ceramic Water Filter Press for Use in Nigeria]

      18. [ Potters For Peace ; Clay Testing Protocol for Ceramic Water Filters]

      19. [ Potters for Peace ; Plans for a Filter Press]

      20. [ Potters for Peace; How to build a Mani Kiln]

      21. [ Potters for Peace; Air flow of a Mani Kiln]
    • فلتر مياه سيراميك  + (<nowiki>كتب هذا البرنامج التعليمي غيكتب هذا البرنامج التعليمي غينوليه كونراد بعد زيارة لمصنع إيكوفيلترو في غواتيمالا في نوفمبر 2020 كجزء من بعثة Nomade des Mers.

      هذا البرنامج التعليمي مستوحى إلى حد كبير من الوثائق مفتوحة المصدر المقدمة من [ RDIC] و [ CAWST] و [ الخزافون من أجل السلام]. تم استخدام بعض الصور من هذه الدروس التعليمية.

      فيديو يوضح عملية التصنيع في مصنع جيا رن في الصين:


      1. Lantagne, D., Klarman, M., Mayer, A., Preston, K., Napotnik, J., Jellison, K. (2010). [ Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for houshold water treatment.] International Journal of environment Health Research.

      2. Latagne, D. (2001) [ Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter]

      3. تأثير الفضة الغروية كمطهر: Ehdaie Beeta, Su Yi-Hsuan, Swami Nathan S., Smith James A., ; (2020) [ Protozoa and Virus Disinfection by Silver- and Copper-Embedded Ceramic Tablets for Water Purification]

      [, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia 4. Morphology, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia.]

      [ effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia 5. Microbiological effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia.]

      [ of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment. 6. Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment..]

      [ silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study 7. Ceramic silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study.

      [ón del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica 8. Evaluación del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica.]

      [ evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters 9. Long-term evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters.]

      [ of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters 10. Removal of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters.]

      [ Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier 11. Local Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness 12. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness.]

      [ removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers 13. Virus removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations 14. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations.]

      [ of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa 15. Removal of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa.]

      [ Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters 16. Appropriate Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters.]

      [ 17. Ebele A. Erhuanga, Isah Bolaji Kashim, Tolulope L. Akinbogun, Olusegun A. Fatuyi, Isiaka A. Amoo and Daniel J. Arotupin ; Manufacturing a Ceramic Water Filter Press for Use in Nigeria]

      18. [ Potters For Peace ; Clay Testing Protocol for Ceramic Water Filters]

      19. [ Potters for Peace ; Plans for a Filter Press]

      20. [ Potters for Peace; How to build a Mani Kiln]

      21. [ Potters for Peace; Air flow of a Mani Kiln]
    • Ceramic water filter  + (<nowiki>Notes and references<br /Notes and references
      This tutorial was written by Guénolé Conrad following the visit of the Ecofiltro factory in Guatemala in November 2020, which was a stopover on the Nomade des Mers expedition.

      This tutorial is largely based on the open-source documentation provided by RDIC, CAWST and Potters for Peace. Some photos from these tutorials have been used.

      Une vidéo présentant le procédé de fabrication de l'usine JiaRun en Chine:


      1. Lantagne, D., Klarman, M., Mayer, A., Preston, K., Napotnik, J., Jellison, K. (2010). [ Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for houshold water treatment.] International Journal of environment Health Research.

      2. Latagne, D. (2001) [ Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter]

      Translations:Filtre à eau céramique/80/en
      3. Effet de l'argent colloidal comme désinfectant: Ehdaie Beeta, Su Yi-Hsuan, Swami Nathan S., Smith James A., ; (2020) [ Protozoa and Virus Disinfection by Silver- and Copper-Embedded Ceramic Tablets for Water Purification]

      [, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia 4. Morphology, composition and performance of a ceramic filter for household water treatment in Indonesia.]

      [ effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia 5. Microbiological effectiveness of locally produced ceramic filters for drinking water treatment in Cambodia.]

      [ of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment. 6. Effect of production variables on microbiological removal in locally-produced ceramic filters for household water treatment..]

      [ silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study 7. Ceramic silver-impregnated pot filters for household drinking water treatment in developing countries: material characterization and performance study.]

      [ón del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica 8. Evaluación del tratamiento de agua para consumo humano mediante filtros Lifestraw® y Olla Cerámica.]

      [ evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters 9. Long-term evaluation of the performance of four point-of-use water filters.]

      [ of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters 10. Removal of virus to protozoan sized particles in point-of-use ceramic water filters.]

      [ Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier 11. Local Drinking Water Filters Reduce Diarrheal Disease in Cambodia: A Randomized, Controlled Trial of the Ceramic Water Purifier.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness 12. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 1: Intrinsic Effectiveness.]

      [ removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers 13. Virus removal efficiency of Cambodian ceramic pot water purifiers.]

      [ of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations 14. Investigation of the Potters for Peace Colloidal Silver Impregnated Ceramic Filter Report 2: Field Investigations.]

      [ of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa 15. Removal of waterborne bacteria from surface water and groundwater by cost-effective household water treatment systems (HWTS): A sustainable solution for improving water quality in rural communities of Africa.]

      [ Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters 16. Appropriate Microbial Indicator Tests for Drinking Water in Developing Countries and Assessment of Ceramic Water Filters.]

      [ 17. Ebele A. Erhuanga, Isah Bolaji Kashim, Tolulope L. Akinbogun, Olusegun A. Fatuyi, Isiaka A. Amoo and Daniel J. Arotupin ; Manufacturing a Ceramic Water Filter Press for Use in Nigeria]

      18. [ Potters For Peace ; Clay Testing Protocol for Ceramic Water Filters]

      19. [ Potters for Peace ; Plans for a Filter Press]

      20. [ Potters for Peace; How to build a Mani Kiln]

      21. [ Potters for Peace; Air flow of a Mani Kiln]
    • Elevage de grillons comestibles  + ( * Tutoriel experimental réalisé par Pierr * Tutoriel experimental réalisé par Pierre-Alain Lévêque et Arnaud Mayaux * Edible insects - future prospects for food and feed security, 2013. FAO Forestry Paper No. 171. ( rapport de la FAO) [] * Méthode fournie par un agriculteur thaïlandais lors de la mission Nomade des Mers. landais lors de la mission Nomade des Mers. )
    • Fermented drinks - Homemade sodas  + ( *- Reference book to go further : ''The W *- Reference book to go further : ''The Wildcrafting Brewer'', Pascal Baudar * * For further recipe inspiration and fermenting courses, don't hesitate to follow [ ShiraBio], [ Ferment'Nation] and to explore the incredible website (and books) of Marie-Claire Frédéric, anthropologist and chef fascinated by fermentations from around the world: [ Ni cru ni cuit] There are also several facebook groups for fermenting enthusiasts, which I recommend to you ** [ Homemade Fermentation] founded by Ferment'Nation ** [ Natural lacto-fermentation and preserves], specifically focused on lacto-fermentation If you're looking for reference books to learn the art of fermentation, Sébastien aka Ferment'Nation offers [ in this post from the Home Fermentation group] an explained compilation of the best books he's tested. There are some specific ones (on lacto-fermentation, cheeses) and some general ones. Enough to inspire you! To find lots of recipes, ferments and tools for fermenting at home, visit the website of Fairment, organisers of the Fermentation Summit: [] Other essential references can be found in the first few pages of the file attached to this tutorial.
      *'''If you would like to see more tutorials on fermentations, please have a look at :''' **[ Lacto-fermented preserves] **[ Fermented foods - fruit fermentations] **[ Fermented drinks - homemade sodas] **[ Fermented drinks - flower-based sodas] **[,_kombucha_et_vinaigres Fermented drinks - Kefir, kombucha and vinegars] **[ Fermented drinks - Meads] **[ Fermented foods - homemade animal dairy products] **[ Fermented foods - vegetable milk kefir and vegan cheeses] **[ Fermented foods - sourdoughs and breads] **[,_l%C3%A9gumineuses_et_variations Fermented foods - Asian fermentations of cereals, pulses and variations] **[ Fermented foods - festival of sauces] **[ Fermented foods - alternatives to animal proteins]
      d foods - alternatives to animal proteins] <br/> )
    • Farming of edible crickets  + ( *Experimental tutorial directed by Pierre *Experimental tutorial directed by Pierre-Alain Lévêque and Arnaud Mayaux *Edible insects - future prospects for food and feed security, 2013. FAO Forestry Paper No. 171. ( FAO report)[] *Method provided by a Thai farmer during the Nomade des mers mission. farmer during the Nomade des mers mission. )
    • Poelito - Полумобильная тяжелая печь  + (- Все и даже больше найдете на сайте ассоц- Все и даже больше найдете на сайте ассоциации des2mains: * * - Множество другой информации об использовании poelito и других решений на сайте Дэвида (David): * и * * - Отличные отзывы о конструкции и использовании печи Джейкоба Карху (Jacob Karhu):
    • Multifunctional Crankset  + (<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy"> *Tu
      *Tutorial written by Corentin and Caroline aboard the Nomade des Mers in July 2020. *Many other examples of pedal machines:[ The Neglected Future of the Stationary Bicycle], Low-tech Magazine. *[ Video presentation] of the NGO [ Maya Pedal], specialized in the construction of pedal-powered agricultural machines. *Lots of examples of pedal machines made by the community: * English translation : Bailey Bishop * Spanish translation: José Sánchez Pedreño

      [CHALLENGE] The Low-Tech Lab asks you to help improve this multifunctional crankset tutorial by sharing photos of your best productions (in the comments below, on our Facebook group, or by email at Send them until September 1st, 2020, and we'll share the best ones so they can inspire others!

      eptember 1st, 2020, and we'll share the best ones so they can inspire others!</div> </div><br/> </div>)
    • Pedalier multifunción  + ( *Tutorial redactado por Corentin y Caroli *Tutorial redactado por Corentin y Caroline a bordo del Nomade des Mers en julio del 2020. *Otros muchos ejemplos de máquinas a pedales: [ L'avenir négligé de la Bicyclette Stationnaire], Low-tech Magazine. *[ Video de presentación] de la ONG [ Maya Pedal], especializada en la construcción de máquinas agrícolas a pedales. *Varios ejemplos de máquinas a pedales realizadas por la comunidad: *Planos para la bicimáquina blender: *Traducción al ingles : Bailey Bishop *Traducción al español: José Sánchez Pedreño
      ión al español: José Sánchez Pedreño <br/> )