Spirulina is a micro-algae, more precisely a spiral cyanobacterium of about ¼ millimetres. It has thrived in hot, desert regions for more than three billion years. At the origin of plant and animal life, Spirulina has largely contributed to the creation of the earth's atmosphere by producing oxygen from carbon dioxide. If it is of particular interest to us today it is because it is also a super-food. Spirulina's rich constitution is due to the fact that its cell wall is made of protein. On the other hand, in the plant world, the cells have a cellulose wall, which is difficult to digest. Spirulina also has a high concentration of vitamins and iron. This ideal composition and its ease of assimilation make spirulina a food supplement coveted by great athletes. But Spirulina is sold expensive while it is simple and quick to grow. Its yield is very good: on the same space Spirulina produces five hundred times more protein than a cattle breeding. In the same way it takes about 13,500 litres of water to produce one kg of bovine proteins whereas only 2,500 litres are needed for micro-algae. Numerous associations and NGOs (Univers la Vie, Antenna, etc) cultivate it to fight against famine and malnutrition in the world. It exists in its natural state around the tropical belt (Peru, Mexico, Chad, Ethiopia, Madagascar, India...) and even in France, in the Camargue. The family culture makes it possible to integrate spirulina into its daily diet. The French Spirulina Federation recommends a consumption of fifty grams of fresh spirulina per day, or about 10 grams of dry spirulina. In this objective of local production, it is necessary to have 1m² of cultivation basin per person.
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