The larvae are composed of ±40% protein and ±30% crude fat. This insect protein is of high nutritional quality and can be an interesting resource for animal feed (chickens, geese, ducks, fish...)
Larvae have been shown to neutralize most disease-transmitting bacteria, such as Salmonella spp or E. coli, thus limiting the risk of disease transmission to animals and humans. [1]
A reduction in the wet mass of organic waste of between 50 and 80%.
The residue, a substance similar to compost, contains nutrients and organic matter that can be used directly on crops.
Livestock farming is inexpensive and does not require sophisticated means of production. This makes it an accessible solution in all regions of the world.
The black soldier fly (BSF) can be found in nature worldwide in tropical and subtropical regions between latitudes 40°S and 45°N
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