Translations:Savon de cendre et de graisse animale/13/en

It ensures washing thanks to 4 qualities : The wetting power: soapy water can penetrate the small interstices of the surface in contact (cloth, skin, table, plate...) more effectively than water ; Emulsifying power: the carboxylate ions agglutinate around the dirt and penetrate between it and the surface in contact until they isolate the dirt from this surface. They form micelles containing small particles of dirt. Carboxylate ions have a lipophilic end and are therefore particularly effective against fatty substances; The dispersing power: due to the properties of the carboxylate ions and the structure of the micelles, they repel each other and are therefore dispersed in soapy water; Foaming power: a film of carboxylate ions is formed on the surface of water with low surface tension. By agitating the soapy water, air bubbles can then be trapped. The foam does not intervene as such in the washing but is an indicator of the surface tension of the liquid and thus of its detergent power.