Translations:Aliments fermentés - alternatives aux protéines animales/23/en

  • chocolate mousse‘’: simply aquafaba beaten until sniff incorporated into melted chocolate with a little oil (or vegetable cream).
  • Floating islands‘’: sweetened aquafaba whipped up and then steamed.
  • ‘’‘meringue’‘’: same as above but baked in the oven
  • ice cream and sorbet‘’ to replace the creaminess given by the addition of egg white (frozen fruit, same weight in sugar, 1 egg white/3 tablespoons of aquafaba). For ice cream you can use vegetable milk + aquafaba or for desserts that tend to freeze (chocolate), mix a little courgette with it to keep the creaminess.
  • ‘’‘Seitan marshmallows “”’ is my Motor
  • in ‘’‘mayonaise’‘’ with or without tofu