Translations:Lessive au lierre/4/en

We meet saponin in other plants (soy, quinoa, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, spinach, chickpeas) or animals (plankton and other marine invertebrates).}}

Caution : avoid the using of utensils dedicated for cooking, the whole plant is toxic if eaten (ingestion of two or three berries already gives signs of poisoning: irritated throat, headache, tachycardia, cramps, vomiting/diarrhea.

This detergent can be described as unpleasant because of its quite strong plant smell (using vinegar as a softener reduces the smell) and its slightly yellowing effect on white clothes.

Saponin is also used in shampoo recipes and for DIY washing-up liquid. We meet saponin in other plants as soapwort and chestnut of horse chestnut (the fruit, not the bug).