Translations:Shampoing sec/21/en

For the curious and the adventurous, you can try no-poo, the practice of spacing out or even doing away with shampoos altogether. This doesn't necessarily mean not washing at all (some people wash with water, with clay such as Rhassoul, with bicarbonated or vinegar water or, indeed, only with sesc shampoos). One of the secrets to spacing out your shampoos can be a "sebum cure", i.e. leaving your hair greasy for about a month so that your body can regulate its own production. In fact, the more you wash your hair, the more it will tend to produce a lot of sebum to protect itself and therefore to re-grease quickly - a vicious circle. It takes a bit of courage, but with a bit of confinement/teleworking or the creativity of hats/turbans/scarves, you can do it without looking like a pestilence.