Translations:Conserves lactofermentées/58/en : Différence entre versions

Ligne 1 : Ligne 1 :
* Fill the jar with as many vegetables as possible
*Fill the jar with as many vegetables as possible.
* Add salty water (10g of salt for 1 kg of vegetables)
*Add salted water (3% of the weight in water, i.e. between 15g/50cl and 25g/50cl depending on the amount of water naturally present in the vegetable).
* Check all of the vegetables are fully submerged in the water, the water ensures the anaerobic conditions, namely the absence of oxygen
*Make sure that all the vegetables are covered with water right to the top of the jar. It is the water that guarantees anaerobiosis, the absence of oxygen. If necessary, you can add a weight (in glass, a plastic bag filled with water, or a cabbage leaf or carrot stick) to keep the vegetables under the liquid.
* Close the jar
*Close and place a plate in case any liquid escapes with a little gas.
* Leave to rest for 3 days to start the fermentation process of the naturally present lactic acid bacteria
*Leave for 3 days in the house to allow the naturally-occurring lactic ferments to start fermenting. Depending on the vegetables and their size (the smaller the pieces, the faster the fermentation), it is recommended that you leave to ferment for between 7 days and a month.
*We recommend that you leave the jars to ferment and then store them in a cool, dark place. They can be kept for over a year as long as the jar is not opened.

Version actuelle datée du 27 juillet 2024 à 14:57

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Définition du message (Conserves lactofermentées)
*Remplir le bocal du maximum de légumes possible
*Ajouter de l'eau salée (3% du poids en eau soit entre 15g/50cl et 25g/50cl suivant la quantité d'eau naturellement présente dans le légume)
*Bien vérifier que tous les légumes soient recouverts d'eau jusqu'en haut du bocal, c'est l'eau qui garantie l'anaérobiose, l'absence d'oxygène. Si besoin il est possible d'ajouter un poids (en verre, un sac plastique rempli d'eau, ou avec une feuille de chou, bâtonnet de carotte) afin de maintenir les légumes sous le liquide.
*Fermer et placer une assiette pour le cas où du liquide s’échapperait avec un peu de gaz
*Laisser 3 jours  à vue dans la maison afin de lancer la fermentation des ferments lactiques naturellement présents. Suivant les légumes et la taille (plus les morceaux sont petits plus la fermentation est rapide) il est recommandé de laisser fermenter entre 7j et un mois.
*Il est recommandé de laisser les bocaux fermenter puis de les stocker dans un lieu sombre et frais. La conservation peut être plus d'un an tant que le bocal n'est pas entamé
Traduction*Fill the jar with as many vegetables as possible.
*Add salted water (3% of the weight in water, i.e. between 15g/50cl and 25g/50cl depending on the amount of water naturally present in the vegetable).
*Make sure that all the vegetables are covered with water right to the top of the jar. It is the water that guarantees anaerobiosis, the absence of oxygen. If necessary, you can add a weight (in glass, a plastic bag filled with water, or a cabbage leaf or carrot stick) to keep the vegetables under the liquid.
*Close and place a plate in case any liquid escapes with a little gas.
*Leave for 3 days in the house to allow the naturally-occurring lactic ferments to start fermenting. Depending on the vegetables and their size (the smaller the pieces, the faster the fermentation), it is recommended that you leave to ferment for between 7 days and a month.
*We recommend that you leave the jars to ferment and then store them in a cool, dark place. They can be kept for over a year as long as the jar is not opened.
  • Fill the jar with as many vegetables as possible.
  • Add salted water (3% of the weight in water, i.e. between 15g/50cl and 25g/50cl depending on the amount of water naturally present in the vegetable).
  • Make sure that all the vegetables are covered with water right to the top of the jar. It is the water that guarantees anaerobiosis, the absence of oxygen. If necessary, you can add a weight (in glass, a plastic bag filled with water, or a cabbage leaf or carrot stick) to keep the vegetables under the liquid.
  • Close and place a plate in case any liquid escapes with a little gas.
  • Leave for 3 days in the house to allow the naturally-occurring lactic ferments to start fermenting. Depending on the vegetables and their size (the smaller the pieces, the faster the fermentation), it is recommended that you leave to ferment for between 7 days and a month.
  • We recommend that you leave the jars to ferment and then store them in a cool, dark place. They can be kept for over a year as long as the jar is not opened.