Translations:Culture de jeunes pousses/6/en

  • Place the potting soil in the containers of your choice on a thickness of 3 to 4 centimeters. For example, you can use half-shells of coconut or food trays as semi-pot.
  • Moisten the potting soil with a sprayer.
  • Sow the seeds in a dense way. Ideally the seeds do not touch each other.
  • Sprinkle with the sprayer without flooding the trays (or pots, coconuts, etc.)
  • Put seedlings in the dark

Note: In the photo opposite we can see culture trays of different species of Asian cabbage. Each species is present in two trays and a sheet of toilet paper has been placed on a tray per species. The goal is to try to speed up germination by keeping the environment moist. The results are presented later in the tutorial.