Tutorial de Low-tech with Refugees - Low-tech & Réfugiés | Categories : Tools
Low-tech with Refugees - Low-tech & Réfugiés
Linocut (wooden stamp for t-shirt)
Linocut (wooden stamp for t-shirt)
Instructions in French:
Instructions in english:
Collect Fabric
Collect the fabric you want to customize.
Collect the fabric you want to customize.
اجمعوا القماش
Prepare the wooden plaque
1.) With a pencil, write up the letter on the plaque making sure that the letter, are back to front (therefore making a mirror copy) so that when you print it will come out the right way around.
2.)Use carving tools to carve around the letters. N.B: when you print the areas cut out will not take the paint (they will stay the same colour as the t-shirt).
1) With a pencil, write up the letter on the plaque making sure that the letter, are back to front (therefore making a mirror copy) so that when you print it will come out the right way around.
2)Use graving tools to carve around the letters. N.B: when you print the areas cut out will not take the paint (they will stay the same colour as the t-shirt).
١-بواسطة قلم اكتبوا الحرف بالجهة المعاكسة
٢-استخدموا الة النحت للنحت حول الحرف
1) Place a sheet of cardboard under or inside your fabric to separate the front and back.
2) Use a brush to put the paint on the stamp (on the embossed letter).
3) Turn the stamp over and press it onto the t-shirt. Hold the pressure for a few seconds. Turn the stamp over and press it on the t-shirt. Hold the pressure for a few seconds
1.) Place a sheet of cardboard under or inside your fabric to separate the front and back.
2.) Use a brush to put the paint on the stamp (on the embossed letter).
3) Turn the stamp over and press it onto the t-shirt. Hold the pressure for a few seconds. Turn the stamp over and press it on the t-shirt. Hold the pressure for a few seconds
١-نضع ورقة الكرتون على او داخل القماش
٢-استخدام الريشة للدهن
٣-نقلب بالجهة المعاكسة
Peel away
Peel away the plaque from the t-shirt and leave to dry for 24 hours.
Peel away the plaque from the t-shirt and leave to dry for 24 hours.
نتركه ينشف ل ٢٤ ساعة
Repeat this process with all the recovered fabrics before thoroughly washing all the equipment (pad, brush, etc.).
Repeat this process with all the recovered fabrics before thoroughly washing all the equipment (pad, brush, etc.).
اعادة العملية مع باقي قطع القماش
Link to by a roller : https://www.google.com/search?q=rouleau+lino+impression&rlz=1C5CHFA_enGB876GB876&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK5tTs0__5AhWJx4UKHalDBR0Q_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1396&bih=708&dpr=2#spd=13900926477625390458
en fr 1 Draft
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