Prototype de Nomade des Mers | Categories : Food, Energy
A traditional zeerpot (or desert fridge) made with terra cotta pots quickly becomes heavy and difficult to carry around. The version presented here is a lighter and less expensive variant, feasible with materials that can be more easily found. The envelope is made out of fabric. The container can be in plastic, metal or any other sand-proof material. This container can be closed with a plug/cover or a fabric.
A traditional zeerpot (or desert fridge) made with terra cotta pots quickly becomes heavy and difficult to carry around. The version presented here is a lighter and less expensive variant, feasible with materials that can be more easily found. The envelope is made out of fabric. The container can be in plastic, metal or any other sand-proof material. This container can be closed with a plug/cover or a fabric.
Froid, évaporation, conservation, NomadeDesMers en fr 1
Making (or finding) a cylindrical bag allowing the introduction of the container surrounded by 5 centimetres of sand under it and around it. Providing a slide and enough fabric height to be able to close the bag around the container.
Reinforcing the bottom of the bag with a board previously cutted in circle. Laying 5 centimetres of sand. Laying the container. Filling the sand on the side by pressing it. Filling the sand as high as possible. Once the sand has been filled and pressed, a string or a wire can surround the bag from the outside in order to strengthen the setting.
Percer le tuyau de quelques trous d'aiguille à coudre et prévoir un robinet de sortie pour pouvoir siphonner l'arrivée d'eau. Faire faire un cercle au tuyau percé autour du bidon, pour que l'eau se répartisse uniformément dans le sable lors de l'utilisation. Prévoir un robinet pour régler le débit.
Suspendre une réserve d'eau en hauteur et siphonner. Régler le débit comme bon vous semble, en fonction du vent et la température. Le contenu du bidon sera maintenu au frais ! Le zeerpot doit être placé à l'abri du soleil dans un endroit venté.
This zeerpot model is being tested on the boat of Nomade des Mers. It is tested :
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