Tutorial de Nomade des Mers | Categories : Food
In a few days it is possible to grow micro greens, alternative to sprouted seeds, for cooking in dishes or salad.
In a few days it is possible to grow micro greens, alternative to sprouted seeds, for cooking in dishes or salad.
jeunes pousses, culture, agriculture, microgreens, terre, terreau, plantes, plante, farming en fr 1
Note: In the photo opposite we can see culture trays of different species of Asian cabbage. Each species is present in two trays and a sheet of toilet paper has been placed on a tray per species. The goal is to try to speed up germination by keeping the environment moist. The results are presented later in the tutorial.
Species germinate at different rate. It is therefore necessary to monitor and water the seedlings regularly (without having a soaked soil).
When the majority of the seeds of the same container have germinated, place the crop in the light and continue to water to keep the soil moist.
Some photos of coconut pak choi (a variety of Chinese cabbage) without using toilet paper.
One half of the coconut shell was used as a seedling pot, the other half was used to cover the seedlings to put them in darkness and limit the loss of water by evaporation.
La culture des jeunes pousses s'arrête lorsque la majorité des plants ont deux vraies feuilles (et non les deux cotylédons, les deux feuilles primordiales qui sortent de la graine au début de la germination et contiennent une partie des réserves).
La récolte se fait au ciseaux, en coupant la base des plants. Les racines ne sont pas consommées, à la différences des graines germées.
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